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hi emily
master cleanse water and juice cleans??plz explain how can I do it??

what is the squeem ? that you said it will make you so hourglassy ? plz I really to be hourglass figure BlushBlush

(31-07-2012, 15:07)CurtisPrime Wrote:  Congrats Emily that takes persistants and dedicatcation, thumbs up.

Thank you!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


The Master cleanse is lemons, maple syrup, an cayenne pepper mixed into pure water. And a juice cleanse is where you drink fresh juice [like fresh from the juicer]. You suppose to do both for a week.


Thanks hun!! I'm excited for this!! I really want it! lol This coming semester I need to focus though and get all my grades up.

lol yea that would be awkward to explain lol and my butt growth is kinda sidelines now as well I just check every now and then to make sure I haven't lost any growth and I do mini exercises to keep the muscle growth I got but like you said I'm really focused on NBE. I can't focus on both at the same time because I can't do both equally at the same time.

And yea it'll help picnh it in some but not like a corset of anything I do it to make sure my waist doesn't get any bigger while help give me a more curvy figure. and YES my bad I shoulda warned you but I thought it was just me lol it does kind hurt. I'm going to add lotion when I do it today. But I'm going to try trying to see where I get. I know it's probably not long term or anythng but i do love the instant way it pinches in your waist and give your an exaggerated hourglass figure.

okay so how many juice glasses I should drink per day?

(01-08-2012, 15:25)sara_aaa19 Wrote:  okay so how many juice glasses I should drink per day?

Two, one in the morning and one at night, but make sure there spread out by at least 8 hours.


Also ladies, check out my newest post on my blog I thought of a new breast enhancement method that has been working pretty great for me but I want to know how it works for other women so if you try it lemme know please!

okkkkkkk,,,that's something new, I'll start this night Big Grin
butt how my breasts will hang if my upper body rested on pillow? plz explain more

hi my name is maliha . well i increased my size too but not too much
eating foods containing iron helps grow breasts . i ate some multi vitamin .
funegreek and spinach help imcreases breat as they contain iron . but now adays i am doing a course have started a week ago . plz contact me if u need any help . i am please to share it but dont know r there any restriction to share a link .

hi i dunno if its allow to share utube videos as i have gone through the terms and condition page and thoroughly read it but find nothing related to it but i m just sharing . massage can be said be as just rubbing hand but i think the right technique

hi Emily. I'm an on and off member here. Sometimes I just lurk for months and then disappear for months. Anywho your progress interested me very much because I am not a very patient person and I'm only 16 turning 17 this year, meaning I can't take herbs and I'm not in complete control of my diet. Therefore I had to rely on massage, hypnosis and exercise only for breast growth. It seemed to take foever but I managed to go up only by 1" which I have now lost sadly D=

But I read that you used fish oil and now flaxseed oil to massage your breasts and butt and help them grow. Flaxseed oil is not a herb that affects hormones so I figured I could massage with it so I've been massaging my breasts and butt 3x a day with flaxseed oil for three days now and for four days before that I was using fish oil.
I wanted to know if this would work for me perhaps? But I measured my butt and instead of gaining it seemed to have shrink...or maybe I am measuring wrongHuh

So can I continue with this? And also I've started to exercise 3x a week for my butt
oh can you post a link to your blog I can't seem to findd it.

Thanks in advance

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