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4 Months, 2 Cups and Still Growing...


On the boob front:
I've lost about an inch in two days. Don't know how they shrunk so much, but maybe now that I'm back on my herbs it'll remind my breasts to keep their size! Lol Last time, I saw the best growth for about two weeks after my cleanse, so hopefully in two weeks I'll be much further along than I even was before. I'm still way too busty for my 34C bra, but now I've got gapping in my 34D. Sad They even look smaller without a bra. I really didn't think there was so much of a difference between the C and D cups. Guess the huge difference between the D and DD is going to take a LONG time to fill in. ^^;

Still, I'm confident I can be a very busty 34D by September. Smile Maybe if I get my friend who works at Victoria's Secret to take me shopping, I can finally get the 32DD bra I actually fit (because the gapping in the 34 band might be deceiving me, too). She says she can get me a bra for $15, so i won't mind buying something that I'll outgrow somewhat soon if it's that cheap and that good quality!

Thanks for the links. Frustrated by my lack of butt sensations from squats I also did some lunges and kept doing sumo squats repeatedly. Plus this morning I practiced reverse lunges and my squatting. Today at work as I was walking about I could feel my butt muscles were sore but only under my butt and a little burn in the sides. So I guess something I did worked on my butt. So I need to rest it. I'll use the links nxt work out.

I wish I had some heavy dumbells unfortunately all I have 4lb weights that I stole from my sister (lol). And my butt growth/exercising is something I don"t rly tell my family. They're so closed minded about it. Even when I'm just jogging they've got a problem cause "I'm too small to need exercise"):
I'm also using flaxseed oil. Did you use that?

Lol My mom has been skeptical this entire time (I didn't even tell her at first what I was trying to achieve with exercise), but now that I'm getting results, she hasn't been saying anything. Tell them you're just trying to build muscle tone or something. ^^; You can also lift other things if you don't have weights (some people use water jugs).

I just started on flaxseed oil. I've been talking about it for months but didn't have the money to buy it til just recently. =_= Because of me, plenty of other people have jumped on the flax oil train, meanwhile I hadn't even tried it! I'm going to post if I get results, trust me! I'm also using it on my hips to try to round them out more.

Sounds like you're doing it right! Although even without weights, some of these exercises can help you just using your own body weight, although most of them won't give you drastic results unless you use something as weight resistance!


I've been usingg FO for almost 3 weeks and exercising (not as much as I would like)m but so far my butt has gone down 1" but it is morre plump and round. I'm hoping more fat or muscle will accumulate. My goal is 40"...cuz that's everyone's initial gooal XD. I have no idea what would look right for me.

I also massage it on my boobs which feel rounder.

Sometimes the butt will do that before it grows; but the fact that it's rounding out more means that you're on the right track! Yeah, that was my initial goal, too, and then when I got to it I realized how small it was on me! If I were a few inches shorter, 40" would look huge! (Apparently Kim Kardashian's butt is only 39", but she's 5'2", so it looks a lot bigger! >:/ ) It's hard to tell if the FO is helping me yet or not, because I'm doing so many things at once. I think I'll really notice once my hips round out more where the hip bones are.

My boobs are busting out of my 34D bra again. And they're having CRAZY growing pains, so I'm pretty sure I'll be buying a new bra soon. Just a little more growth and my nipples will be popping out. D: But the next bra size will be my last, so I'm pretty excited! Finally I'll be able to stop buying bras all the time!!!

When I grow out of this bra, I'll still have some room in the next one for growth, so it'll feel awkward at first. But I'm ok with that, because that's just one more step towards my goal!

What height are you? I'm 5'5.
Conngratz on your boob growth. I hope I can say the same soon. All I'm doing is masssaging with flaxseed oil 3x a day and listening to rockmelon ringtone.

Thanks. I'm 5'4". But my shoulders are REALLY wide, so that's probably a good bit of it, too...Maybe if I had small, feminine shoulders, 40" would look kinda big on me. But my butt just barely comes out to the width of my shoulders. =_=

After reading your first post I think I might have much in common with you. I also due to extremely hard teenage years became very thin (92 pounds) and had nothing, was flat as a board both sides. I gained weight hitting 22 yrs old and my booty got all the fat but my breasts grew to a 32AA and my areolas are puffy and I have a wide ribcage too Dodgy After having my son I grew to a 32B which is like a 34A and Im still that size a tiny bit bigger with puffy areolas and all lol. You've inspired me to go back to using herbs where I had the most results. Thanks a bunch and congrats on your growth.

(12-08-2012, 17:08)highhopes Wrote:  After reading your first post I think I might have much in common with you. I also due to extremely hard teenage years became very thin (92 pounds) and had nothing, was flat as a board both sides. I gained weight hitting 22 yrs old and my booty got all the fat but my breasts grew to a 32AA and my areolas are puffy and I have a wide ribcage too Dodgy After having my son I grew to a 32B which is like a 34A and Im still that size a tiny bit bigger with puffy areolas and all lol. You've inspired me to go back to using herbs where I had the most results. Thanks a bunch and congrats on your growth.

Thank you again! At least you've got butt now? Lol I'm glad I could inspire you. Don't give up! One day you'll have ass AND boobs! Smile

I'm measuring at 36.5" now WITHOUT a bra on (even my unpadded bras make my measurements slightly higher, even though you're supposed to measure in a bra). So this is probably the biggest they've been so far. I may not want to go to a full 32DDD, but I do want a little more growth than this.

I may stop NBE after this round of herbs (I've got about two months left) just because it's getting to be expensive. I'll do maintenance, but I can't keep taking herbs like this much longer. Hopefully by the time I'm done these herbs I'll be a small 32DDD (I think since Victoria's Secret sizes their bras a little smaller, I'll be able to fit theirs pretty well). That's really all I need. I'm starting to like their size now, and once I fix my digestion problems and my stomach can be thin again, they'll look a lot bigger. Hopefully I'll have some more growth to report in a few days. Might go bra shopping at VS next week to see where I'm at.

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