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Breasts look larger but lower in measurements?


Hello! The bottoms of my breasts are beginning to slightly fill out so I know something is going on with the girls...but in the past week, my measurements have gone down from ranging between 33 and 34 to 32 and 33. I'm not changing anything that I do when measuring. I usually measure myself about 3 times from a few angles to kind of make up for any measuring errors I make.

So my question is to those who have seen growth did you ever have a moment where you went down in your measurements because of growth? I know it sounds like a crazy question but I'm a little confused. I can see the shadow under my breasts getting deeper. I can see the difference when I go braless in tight shirts around the house so I'm wondering what's going on. I know the breasts will fill out in different areas, some registering on the tape measure and some not, but has anybody had any similiar experiences?

Thanks! :-)

Yes, I'm 38" across bust but sometimes I'll measure at 37.5, 37 and sometimes at 36.7. This is normal to me, my breast go through different changes during the day, bras, hormones et cetera. But usually in the evening [after I take off my bra to relax] give my breasts some time to bounce back they measure at 38" again. Also make sure your back is straight, when I don't straighten my back I measure at 36" or 35", so make sure your back is straight when you measure to get your correct measurements, might be a few inches more then you think. Big GrinBig Grin

Sometimes it's the way you measure, sometimes it's your breasts "filling out" more allover. When my breasts first became fuller, I saw more above my breasts and all around them, but they were definitely smaller in the bust measurement. Then, that fullness turned into some real good growth, and they begun filling out all throughout.

Make sure you measure while looking in a mirror. Make sure the tape measure is straight across the entire way around and your arms are down (although it sounds like you're measuring pretty thoroughly). It might just be that now that they're fuller, they don't fill out as much at the widest point, but it doesn't mean that they're shrinking. It means you're getting more bloodflow and activity in your breasts, so take it as a good sign. As long as you can tell they're growing in areas, you're going in the right direction!

You ladies are awesome, thank you!

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