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PM with/without PC


Hello, I've got a question for those who are using PM. Since it's the strongest phyto oestrogen do you necessarily have to balance it with PC to avoid oestrogen dominance?
I know that PC should be used during the luteal phase but what amount is considered safe?
I've also read that it can boost the growth compared to taking PM alone.

I'm not taking PM but I'd like to collect the most informations I can for future experiences.

I'm 22, I think my homonal balance is pretty normal. I'm not on BC and have never been. Please help!

PC is probably helpful during a PM program, both for ED symptoms and for growth too, but it's not necessary for everyone. PC has suddenly become popular on the board again after it was somewhat unpopular for a long while, but it was unpopular for good reason. I know that lots of people have very recently started using it at the full recommended dose for their entire luteal phase, but in my opinion that's far too much PC for most people. PC can very easily cause stalling because it's so strong, and it takes a very long time to leave your system after stopping use because it gets stored up in fat tissue. Not to mention that, compared to any other NBE supplement I can think of, it is by far the most likely to cause actual shrinkage. Only women with severe diagnosed progesterone deficiency should be using PC for 2 or more weeks out of every month, and even those women should eventually take a break as the progesterone builds up in their body fat. It's probably a safe bet to use PC for around 3 days out of every luteal phase. As far as timing is concerned, some people have recommended taking it during the days where progesterone would naturally be highest, and others recommend taking it before in the days leading up to menstruation, stopping 1 or 2 days before menstruation would start.

It would be even safer to just take herbs during the luteal phase, and only use PC if the herbs have no effect on their own over several cycles. FG, SP, and WY are a typical choice for herbs. Greenush sells blended capsules that are easy and cheap. They also sell fennel extract that you can take in addition to the pills, since some people need an even higher dose of FG, but very high doses of FG cause hypoglycemia even in people who normally never get hypoglycemic in everyday life. Fennel is similar but obviously not identical to FG, and doesn't cause hypoglycemia as far as I know.

Wooow thanks for the answer!! I've been taking natureday pills and liquid since 1 week and would feel weird sometimes like I'm overly tired so I thought that it could be caused by hormonal inbalance but now that you mention it I think it was hypoglycemia since there's FG in their products plus I had hypoglycemia crisis since chilhood!

So you mean FG SP WY and fennel can raise the progesterone level too? On natureday website it's only mentioned that those herbs are high sources of phyto oestrogen and that's what cause growth. So these herbs can provide phyto oestrogen and progesterone?

Most people seem to believe that FG is moderately progesteronic and weakly estrogenic. There are studies that back that up, but not nearly enough to make the effects of FG perfectly clear. WY is also weakly estrogenic, but it's not progesteronic at all, even though companies continue to imply that it is. SP is an antiandrogen. It block testosterone from turning into another androgen called DHT, which leaves the testosterone free to potentially be converted to estrogen by aromatization. Not all estrogens are produced from testosterone, but estradiol is always produced that way, and as far as I know, it's considered to be the most important for breast growth.

My wife uses PC cream once every second day in luteal phase. (recommended dosage is twice a day)

Well this is the first month trial of using though.

In my opinion you should experiment and get away with taking the minimum possible for everything.

More, costs extra money and desensitizes.


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