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"Why should I care about the rubbish I talked yesterday?" (Konrad Adenauer)

I could so not resist to buy fennugreek. Even though I said I wouldn´t do that.
After reading about the ingredients - protein, vitamin c, Niacin, Kalium, DIOSGENIN, lysin and L-Tryptophan - I decided that this would be a nice luteal phase herb.

Somewhere along the line I forgot to mention that I had ordered PM for the second cycle after I had found out that I am low of everything Dodgy Anyhow, this cycle´s great insight: I only had growing pains with PM. From day 5 to 14 I was taking PM and at the end (day 11-14) I experienced action! During luteal I was drinking my lady´s mantle tincture and taking some Saw Palmetto and Agnus castus and there was nothing.Angry Can´t wait for the follicular phase to start again and see if it happens again. I wouldn´t mind growing slow just as long as there is some groth at all

I don´t know how many different deodorants I have bought during the last two years only to find something to stop my sweating. It´s okay on weekends but under the week -at work- I usually end up with wet shirts around noon....until thursday and friday... Dry armpits! I´ve added Lysine and Saw Palmetto recently. Is this the answer? I feel great relief.

I don´t feel nothing at a dosage of 1000mg/day. Todays temperature was at a low 36,0°C. The 3 days before that it was at 36,3°C (day 6 of the cycle) So it´s either the low estrogen level or the PM doesn´t keep its promises
I dunno

I'm a little confused by your last post. Estrogen is generally considered to be "cooling", so it's probably not a bad thing if your temperature is unusually low. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying.

It's amazing what you said about the SP and sweating. There are other people who said that it dramatically cut down their body hair, and other people feel like it helps with acne. I've never had much results with it, but I've only used Greenbush's SP. Are you using a standardized extract? I've been thinking of using one, or maybe even pure beta-sitosterol (the important chemical in SP)

Actually beta-sitosterol is NOT the key component of SP. This is a VERY common myth that I just have to debunk.

Beta-sitosterol is a very very weak constituent in SP, so it obviously CAN NOT be the driving factor in its primary activity of decreasing 5-alpha-reductase activity.

Also, all research on beta-sitosterol places it much much higher in the hormone flow. It blocks the reduction from the progesterone branch to the androsteniodone branch. MUCH EARLIER IN THE HORMONAL SYNTHESIS PATHWAY THAN DHT!

It's actually presently not completely clear exactly if any single chemical constituent is what causes it's activity on 5-alpha-reductase, and it's theorized by some in more academic circles that it's actually a complex reaction from a specific combination of chemical constituents in a particular balance as found seemingly ONLY IN saw palmetto berries.

The balance remains unchanged in extracts, and is simply less dilute, allowing the reaction to occur more strongly.

Thanks. That's extremely helpful!

Does anyone remember EHEC? Anyways, I´ve bought my fennugreek from this shop They have their products tested which gives me a good feeling.
I´m on day nine of my cycle and there is some sort of blood rush and flush in my breasts. Something is happening in there!!! I am taking 1x PM in the morning and 1x PM in the evening (each 500 mg) and on top I am having a 1/4 of a teaspoon of ground fennugreek (it tastes soooo bitter) with it. I will keep this routine until day 14.
Dear husband - quit reading this stuff. It´s for them girls only. I don´t spy out your stuff either!

(19-09-2012, 21:41)mochaccino Wrote:  It's amazing what you said about the SP and sweating. Are you using a standardized extract?

I´ve bought SERENOA-ratiopharm 320mg at the pharmacy. I wanted quality, cause I am always worried about the stuff you can buy from anywhere else.

Regarding the estrogen...well I was having a lament about the Quality of the PM and wondering about my anyways low estrogen level and the -perhaps- need of even more PM but my worries have been wiped away yesterday and today. There is so much activity in my breasts now.

It´s gotta be the fennugreek whom is responsible for the breast activities! I have entered the luteal phase and stoped taking PM 3 days ago but went on taking the fennugreek.One or two hours after taking fennugreek I get these activities in my breasts each time with clockwork precision.
I don´t measure but I have bought serveral C-cup bra´s these days. They feel more comfy than B-Cups now. I can´t believe it... I am growing slow but steady.

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