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From a 32B to a 32D

I wrote something in response to Emily here, but then deleted it, because now I see that she responded to me. Sorry. But I do want to point out that I still have very large doubts about the kind of comments that Emily actually received from Doll. It's true that I've had my own experiences with Doll, and they were all good, but if she really has directly insulted Emily, and it wasn't in a PM or email, than it should be publicly available for me or any else to see. Emily, if I ever come across something that confirms what you're saying, I'll gladly eat my words.

(30-09-2012, 04:39)mochaccino Wrote:  I won't be posting to this thread any more, because it seems pointless, but I feel compelled to point out that have yet to see ANY of the negative comments Emily is accusing Doll of making, let alone months worth. All Doll has done is ask a few questions about measurements, and make a few suggestions about how to go about it differently, well being careful not to put her on the spot, or making any demands. I feel like Emily's response implies that Doll has made direct insults to her, but as far as I know, Emily has been the first to toss out any actual insult. Maybe this seems like it's none of my business, but I just don't like the idea that people will read Emily's post and take her word for it that Doll has been throwing lots of nasty comments in her direction, when I have yet to see any evidence of that. In the past, we really have had people on this board who are extremely insecure, or desperate for attention, who have been extremely argumentative and nasty because of it. Doll is NOT one of those people in my opinion.

That's your decision. Happy NBE growing.

Mocha, I can't be sure if Doll actually wrote bad stuff to Emily, I don't want to believe it anyway, which is why I'm not letting it affect my views about both Emily and Doll! I believe they are both good people Smile

Emily, I'm not so sure, cus they had itches even if they left it there for 8 hours right? Anyway do you still have the link? I can translate it for you, I read Chinese. The link in the other thread is broken.

I've been a member of this board for a really long time, and I'm also a member of BHM. On top of that, I go out of my way to read the majority of Doll's posts, so I'm not completely in the dark about what goes on.

Oh, I didn't see that part...maybe I will put that on that on the back burner then. I'll probably just try out my herbs til I can find out more. Hoping to get growth from those. Big Grin

@Mocha, and everyone, I'm done with it. Please let it go and let this thread get back to NBE for the sake of community. Thank you!

YEAH. I'm pretty sure herbs will work though! Worked for many! Smile

Hi Emily

I note you are not using FSO for days 1-7. Is there a reason for this, or have you just decided to have a break from everything for these 7 days? I just wondered if I should not use it during my 1-7 days?

Thank you again Smile

HAPPY SUNDAY!!!! My boobies are coming back!!! YAY ME!! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin I'm up to 38.6" so I'll probably be back to my 39" base by later today if not tomorrow morning! On Wednesday [Day 8] I'll start my herbs! I actually still need to figure out the dosage I want to take though because I don't want to be late on my period like I was this cycle. But since I'm only taking [major] herbs 2 weeks out of the month I don't think it will interfere to badly.


I decided to take a break so I don't over work my system. Instead of going three whole months and then taking a break I'll be taking breaks periodically every month, I'll probably do a water/juice cleanse so I don't lose any progress but still keep my system prime for growth. This is a personal choose so you don't have to do it, I just decided to give it a try.

My breasts feel alot fuller, I haven't measure them or anything but I can tell they are fuller then before! I'll be rubbing on more Flaxseed Oil tonight.

(30-09-2012, 02:38)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  But for some reason some of you are just so... sooo... CATTY towards each other. And the sparks are always over such stupidly minor details.

I am certain I'm measuring myself incorrectly... So? I don't doubt for a minute that any of us are likely not completely correct or honest with our measurements, and it's not like we're purposely lying, it's just that we're looking at things through tinted lenses. We each have our own personal pet theories and we each want so desperately to be better (in our opinions) that we'll skew our own results without even realizing we're doing it. Sometimes in favor, sometimes negatively.

Really though, when it all comes down to it in the end, we're all in this together and there's no reason to be at each others throats over our small discrepancies. REALLY!

100% agree.

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