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"Hypnoticbody" hypnosis


I'm using hypnoticbody (Anthony Santen) hypnosis, and he asks you to feel the bubbles in the bath on your breasts and feel the sun and light warming your breasts. I do not feel any bubbles, nor do I feel any heat. Will this mean that hypnosis is not going to work for me and my breasts will not grow?
Thanks for any help & advice.

Don't worry if you don't feel what you're being told to, just imagine that you do, and the program will work fine, your breasts will grow.

You'll probably find that after a few weeks of imagining those feelings, you actually start feeling them. You see, you're training your mind to create certain changes in your body, and that can take a little time.

I know you started this thread over a month ago, so I hope you haven't given up in despair. If you have, you can feel confident about starting it again.

Good luck.

Thanks for your reply. No, I haven't given up. I'm now into my 7th week of the hypnosis and haven't got any noticable results.

I still do not feel any bubbles or heat. For the first 3 weeks I did get a 'feeling' in my breasts while he talked about them, like a deep aching, fullness, a feeling inside them, but since then I haven't even had that.

This hypnosis programme is for 12 weeks, and as I only have 5 weeks left to go I really can't see that anything is going to happen. Although it does say you can carry on for a further 12 weeks if you want 'more' results.

I'm having mixed feelings at the moment, I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard when you can't see or feel anything happening.

I know what you feel like, working at something everyday and having to trust you're going to see results later. It's easy for doubts to creep in for a little while, especially if you're getting stressed out. I know you obviously really desire to have larger breasts, since you're sticking with the program, but maybe it'll help your mindset if you do the session each day and then just forget about it, and distract yourself with other things - you might be thinking about it too much and just getting frustrated.

I know there's a set of before and after pictures in the right side column of, and even though the blog where the woman reviewed the program has been removed from from blogspot - probably because of all the racy content - I did see the review while it was up, and it looked genuine. So, the program does work.

I don't know if you looked at other programs before you chose hypnotic body, but if you take a quick look at the FAQ on dream breast system, they say, in their experience, it's not uncommon for users breasts have no noticeable size difference until week 8 or 9.

Like you said, you have felt something happening, even if you haven't noticed it for the last few weeks, so you can take heart from that.

I hope to see you update this thread in the future, when you're jumping for joy.

Good luck,


Thank you for kind and helpful reply.
I do remember seeing that lady's blog on hypnoticbody before it was removed and I remember her saying she didn't start seeing results until 9 weeks into the programme (so hopefully I'm just late at seeing results too) - I really hope so.
But I've had a massive blow to my believe and hope that this could be the case for me, but my boobs have returned to their original pre-hypnosis size (I got a bit of fullness during week 1 which has stayed with me all through up until now, which you could feel when I placed my hands over my breasts, and then at about week 3/4 you could 'see' the difference). I really don't know why this has happened. I feel that it's not going to work now because what I gained I've lost and it's not going to come back.
I'm not sure if you've heard of this happening before, or know why it happens, but if you can give any feedback I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you

You're welcome.

You know, my friend Ian works at one of the largest law firms in the UK. Now, those guys work crazy hours, and they love it. But Ian's totally dedicated, he'll often get up at 6am, and not leave the office till gone midnight. Heck, if you hang out with him on a Sunday, it's not uncommon to hear him say something like "I can't wait to get into the office tomorrow."

But, here's the thing. Ian knows that when his alarm goes off in the morning and he just wants to crawl back under the covers, it's time to take a rest and recharge his batteries. If he didn't, he knows he'd end up getting burned out; his attitude would suffer, his health would suffer, and ultimately his work would suffer.

It sounds like you're getting a little burned out on breast enlargement, so maybe taking a couple of days off would give your mind a chance to rest. You'll probably feel much better about the whole thing if you can come back at it fresh.

And, I don't know if you've ever had the experience of being really excited about something that's happening in the future, feeling the anticipation build and build...until finally you just feel bored by it, you couldn't get excited if you tried. You see, you can only keep up your excitement and anticipation for so long.

So, it might help if you can forget about when you're going to see results, and just focus on enjoying the experience. I know that's easier said than done, and it'll be a little difficult at first, but it must be quite nice to relax and visualize yourself with the breasts you dream of having, if you allow yourself to just savor the experience.

Besides, let's look at the worst case scenario for a second. Let's say that it doesn't work, and you're wasting your time, but you've decided to stick it out for at least 5 more weeks anyway. Wouldn't you rather have some nice relaxing time each day, with some pleasant fantasies, than to keep asking "are we there yet?" You're going to discover your destination when you finish the journey anyway, aren't you?

You might find that if you stop stressing about where you're going, you could get there a lot easier. Anthony from Hypnotic Body has mapped out the route for you, so I'd say just enjoy the ride.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks again for your reply. I don't think I'm stressing out, I just don't feel 100% in thinking 'oh my gosh this is really working' anymore. I feel a little down, but I do try and stay positive and believe I will get there.
Re: my breasts going to their pre-hypnotic size. They haven't gone down fully, there is a tiny bit of fullness left, but the majority of it has gone, so I'm hoping this tiny bit of fullness is my hypnosis increase, and the bit I've lost I'm hoping it is because I haven't been massaging everyday, I've missed a few days out, so I'm hoping it is just that. I'm going to massage everyday now and see if they will come back. Will keep you posted on that.
This is my third hypnotic programme, and this is the one I like the best, this is the only one where I've got that tiny bit of fullness, and this is the one I have only believed will be the one that will work for me.
Do you think I could be slow to get a real result because I am not feeling anything during the program, I am only seeing my new breasts during the session (although there are not very clear and do differ is size & shape each time)?
Thank you

(30-09-2012, 09:05)djt-d Wrote:  Hi
Thanks again for your reply. I don't think I'm stressing out, I just don't feel 100% in thinking 'oh my gosh this is really working' anymore. I feel a little down, but I do try and stay positive and believe I will get there.

That's good to hear. I got the impression you were more downhearted about it, so that's why I replied like I did.

(30-09-2012, 09:05)djt-d Wrote:  Re: my breasts going to their pre-hypnotic size. They haven't gone down fully, there is a tiny bit of fullness left, but the majority of it has gone, so I'm hoping this tiny bit of fullness is my hypnosis increase, and the bit I've lost I'm hoping it is because I haven't been massaging everyday, I've missed a few days out, so I'm hoping it is just that. I'm going to massage everyday now and see if they will come back. Will keep you posted on that.

Good plan, it certainly can't hurt to add in another method.

(30-09-2012, 09:05)djt-d Wrote:  Do you think I could be slow to get a real result because I am not feeling anything during the program, I am only seeing my new breasts during the session (although there are not very clear and do differ is size & shape each time)?

You could be right about getting slower results because of the lack of feelings, since the growth seems to be caused by either increased blood flow to breasts, hormonal changes as a result of the visualizations, or both. Unfortunately, I've only just created my own BE program, so I don't have the benefit of feedback from hundreds of users to know what's normal. For all I know you could be right on track.

I wouldn't worry about how clear the visualizations are, or that you see them as different sizes and shapes each time. It shouldn't effect the result. Are you measuring your breasts to track your progress though, or just judging by sight/feel? In one of the studies done on BE hypnosis, they noted that the 2 participants who had trouble with visualizing didn't believe there had been any growth, even when there was measurable growth. So, if you're not measuring, it might be time to start.

I wish I could give you a more helpful reply.

(30-09-2012, 20:20)Steve DeVere Wrote:  since the growth seems to be caused by either increased blood flow to breasts, hormonal changes as a result of the visualizations, or both.
they noted that the 2 participants who had trouble with visualizing didn't believe there had been any growth, even when there was measurable growth. So, if you're not measuring, it might be time to start.
I wish I could give you a more helpful reply.

> How do the hormones change as a result of visualizations?
> I find it hard to measure, you can never get it exactly right. I took before photos and I've taken some recently and there is no visable change.
> You have given me a helpful reply, thank you so much.

Just wanted to say thanks to Steve for sticking around the forum! You're very very helpful and kind to be answering all our questions. I hope you get great feedback on your NBE hypno-program.

djt-d, I hope your hypnosis picks up again! And thanks for updating us on your progress.

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