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(04-10-2012, 05:30)Brilaw Wrote:  While I am sure some people enjoy the drama, I prefer that breastnexus be used for its original intentions. This is Emily's thread, why come here to call her a small person and praise Doll - Suspiria could've just as easily have left your comment on Doll's thread.

Well I didn't "come here to" say that. I just said it after reading the comments. And I said it because sometimes people like that need to read/hear what they are. Sometimes it helps them grow. Even if it doesn't, I'll still say it because I'm always honest.


After first using the Stacked booby cream, did you experience spotting or anything like that? I ask because I'm still 2½ weeks from my period and it seems as soon as I started the cream I began to spot a bit. Extrememely light and pink so nothing too inconvenient but I'm just wondering if you experienced that too.


(04-10-2012, 23:45)Suspiria Wrote:  
(04-10-2012, 05:30)Brilaw Wrote:  While I am sure some people enjoy the drama, I prefer that breastnexus be used for its original intentions. This is Emily's thread, why come here to call her a small person and praise Doll - Suspiria could've just as easily have left your comment on Doll's thread.

Well I didn't "come here to" say that. I just said it after reading the comments. And I said it because sometimes people like that need to read/hear what they are. Sometimes it helps them grow. Even if it doesn't, I'll still say it because I'm always honest.

While I understand your reasoning, I have to disagree. At first glance it might seem as if Doll's attempt to "smooth" things over with Emily is genuine. But I must question why if Doll is such a kind person, why did she write her extended "clarification" on Emily's page instead of sending the same message privately? If she really wanted to apologize, why make do it for everyone to see? Honestly that was messy. And it's just as likely that Doll did it to appear as if she were the bigger person. For all we know Emily apologized long ago privately. Once again I am not saying anything about Emily or Doll being wrong or right. I just hate the drama.

@Honey B

I usually don't have alot of time to do a full massage how'd I like but I try to go around at least 20 times, if I have time to do more I aim for 50.


No, I never spotted actually. Do you think its the PM in the cream? Or something else?

(05-10-2012, 12:03)Emily Loretta Wrote:  


No, I never spotted actually. Do you think its the PM in the cream? Or something else?

I don't think it's the PM because I also use a pm cream from time to time. (Not currently bc I'm using Stacked, but usually I do)I have used almost every ingredient that's in the cream at some point on my breasts so it's odd indeed. I also ordered the Booty stacked and have been using it. Perhaps that is doing it.

For something that is applied topically to be having this effect on me must mean it is penetrating rather well. Or atleast that's the assumption I would like to go with. :-) I'm going to keep at both creams and see where this goes.

(05-10-2012, 22:55)definitelymaybe Wrote:  
(05-10-2012, 12:03)Emily Loretta Wrote:  


No, I never spotted actually. Do you think its the PM in the cream? Or something else?

I don't think it's the PM because I also use a pm cream from time to time. (Not currently bc I'm using Stacked, but usually I do)I have used almost every ingredient that's in the cream at some point on my breasts so it's odd indeed. I also ordered the Booty stacked and have been using it. Perhaps that is doing it.

For something that is applied topically to be having this effect on me must mean it is penetrating rather well. Or atleast that's the assumption I would like to go with. :-) I'm going to keep at both creams and see where this goes.

Well definitely keep us updated! lol and yea that's true, something is happening because of it so hopefully you'll start seeing results with it soon enough.

(05-10-2012, 05:30)Brilaw Wrote:  While I understand your reasoning, I have to disagree. At first glance it might seem as if Doll's attempt to "smooth" things over with Emily is genuine. But I must question why if Doll is such a kind person, why did she write her extended "clarification" on Emily's page instead of sending the same message privately? If she really wanted to apologize, why make do it for everyone to see? Honestly that was messy. And it's just as likely that Doll did it to appear as if she were the bigger person. For all we know Emily apologized long ago privately. Once again I am not saying anything about Emily or Doll being wrong or right. I just hate the drama.

I have never received a personal message from her, nor have I ever sent one. She would be the first to mention it if she had, trust me. And I don't see what's so "messy" about my trying to clarify things after being demonized without my knowledge, and without a prior opportunity to do so. Just saying. After being attacked in such a way, I honestly don't think Emily deserves any civility at all, but that's just in my nature, so it shouldn't matter where or how I post such a message. If you still wish to retain the same opinion here, that's up to you. Everybody's welcome to an opinion.

I don't like all the drama here, either, and that has never been my purpose. Honesty is all I'm after here, and I really have gone about it in the nicest way possible. If I were after drama, I would have ENJOYED partaking in the name-calling the way she had, but I love this site, and I'm not trying to muddy it up with something so unnecessary. I don't want things to escalate to the point where people need to start being reported.

So I think the herbs are starting to work yall! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin lol my breasts and but seem fuller and meatier lol oh and MY ABS ARE COMING BACK!!! wooooot woot!! I'm doing touchdowns, which build the butt while working the ab muscles and oh my are my abs shining through again Big Grin I'm really loving my body more and more! Can't wait to achieve my goal body!

Do you have recent update pictures? I want to see your progress! I mean in that same polka dot top from the original pics


I actually no longer have the Polka Bikini at all, I grew out of it a long while ago so I didn't keep it when I moved. I will update with pictures sometime when I see a significant difference.


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