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(18-10-2012, 02:25)jiberish Wrote:  I think my only recent posts were asking about flaxseed oil to emily. Conveying that the claims of rapibusts lasting for 2 years with no evidence to most likely be lies and this.

But hey I will do you a favour. If I see a lazy person wanting to be spoon fed, I will just ignore them.

I thought it was you... but maybe I'm conflating you with another of the guys around here. If so, sorry... Anyhoo...

Yeah. If you can't be nice, the best thing to do is just ignore. Big Grin


Anyone else who might be reading this and might be guilty as well.... please just ignore instead?


It's not so much necessarily WHAT you are saying that is wrong, but the WAY you are saying it... instead of "RTFM, NOOB!", you should try to point them, gently, towards what to search for. I know it gets bothersome after a while, but when you start to get annoyed, just take a breather, and ignore them for a while.

I totally see both sides here. Jibs can be rude sometimes as I have personally experienced this with her, lol.
While its true there is no need to be rude here, its also so true about any new people coming into the forums.

Its bothersome because many of us have been here looking for new info and its just seems lately, the forums are saturated with "noob questions" when all they have to do is read. I know we are all so anxious to grow a pair and find out what works, but its part of paying our dues.

Yes, its takes eons to barely get to understand the nbe basics, but us vets have done it and this is the only way we can truly help each other; research, share the info (which can be found by using the search) and share our experiences.

If you have a question, just ask in the appropriate thread. You can't just demand an answer and I can see how you didn't get one as it wasn't exactly the right thread for it. If a specific brand for PM is in question and its not found on the forums, post a new thread in the PM section, (this will get to the right eyes those who are PM'ers much quicker) hopefully someone will have some kind of info on it.

Just curious, what does RTFM? Read the Forum Moron? LOL!

btw, the random spamming is pissing me off!

Well, I'm sorry if my question annoyed everyone, but I am trying to help myself. I have been researching for a long time now. I may be new to the forum but I'm not new to the issue that everyone here is trying to do. It's just been harder for me because like everyone else here that is trying to grow a pair like me I was also born with a chest deformity called pectus excavatum that I have lived with my whole life so it hasn't been easy. So Im not only small, but deformed. So pardon me for all the questions but I doubt that there is anyone else with my condition and has a small chest. So far everything I have tried has not worked, so I may just give up and accept what I have to live with. I would opt for the surgery but its too risky. It will not only leave me scarred but recovery time can take up to a year. I don't like the idea of having my sternal cartilage taken off, having my sternal ribs microfractured and having a bar slid underneath my ribs to push my sternum up and left in my body very comforting, but if anyone else has any suggestions then by all means do tell.

First off, I am sorry to hear that. Secondly, welcome to this forum. Your story sounds interesting. Do you have a program page? If not, perhaps its time to get one. You'll be surprised how many will stumble upon/find your thread, looking for the same answers.

It sounds like you will have to go entirely a different approach. I am curious to know how your chest looks under an x-ray. I am wondering if some type of stem cell therapy would work.

This would also help tuberous shaped women as far as research as they have the underdeveloped/damaged tissue.



Thanks, I just put up my own thread in the underdeveloped breast forums. Maybe, someone else out there has what I have and can help out. There are plenty of pictures online of what pectus excavatum looks like with a few x-rays. It moves your heart more to the left side of your body so I have asymmetry as well. I would do surgery but its very painful, there are 2 procedures one call the Nuss procedure and the other called Ravitch procedure. I would rather do the brace that Brazilian Dr. Haje has developed but the only place to get the brace as far as I know is Brazil.

(18-10-2012, 19:23)tibetan113 Wrote:  Just curious, what does RTFM? Read the Forum Moron? LOL!

That works! Originally it meant "read the f'ing manual" and comes from the 'nix community. You see, all unices come with a very expansive built in help system called "manual pages", also referred to by "man pages" for short and in reference to the command that brings them up - "man -topic-".

Many, MANY hard-line 'nix'ers are quite rude to newer 'nix users and will often quite forcefully and rudely tell them to just "rtfm". Even though some of those man pages can be a chapter books worth of information all by itself and all they want could be more succinctly explained in just a few sentences. Often times they don't even bother telling them WHAT man page to read, let alone directing them WHERE in the mammoth ones to look.

(18-10-2012, 19:23)tibetan113 Wrote:  btw, the random spamming is pissing me off!


(18-10-2012, 23:18)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(18-10-2012, 19:23)tibetan113 Wrote:  Just curious, what does RTFM? Read the Forum Moron? LOL!

That works! Originally it meant "read the f'ing manual" and comes from the 'nix community. You see, all unices come with a very expansive built in help system called "manual pages", also referred to by "man pages" for short and in reference to the command that brings them up - "man -topic-".

Many, MANY hard-line 'nix'ers are quite rude to newer 'nix users and will often quite forcefully and rudely tell them to just "rtfm". Even though some of those man pages can be a chapter books worth of information all by itself and all they want could be more succinctly explained in just a few sentences. Often times they don't even bother telling them WHAT man page to read, let alone directing them WHERE in the mammoth ones to look.

(18-10-2012, 19:23)tibetan113 Wrote:  btw, the random spamming is pissing me off!


You explained like a piece of wikipedia info haha Big Grin !

(18-10-2012, 23:46)tibetan113 Wrote:  You explained like a piece of wikipedia info haha Big Grin !

Is this a good or bad thing? Big Grin

(18-10-2012, 23:56)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(18-10-2012, 23:46)tibetan113 Wrote:  You explained like a piece of wikipedia info haha Big Grin !

Is this a good or bad thing? Big Grin

Funny in a good way!

(19-10-2012, 00:06)tibetan113 Wrote:  Funny in a good way!

Oh. OK!

I suppose you'd get why some people I know (I think it actually began with my mom...) call me a walking encyclopedia.

Somehow or other I have a lot of really random knowledge locked in my noggin and whenever it comes out, it usually comes out sounding like I'm regurgitating and quoting verbatim an encyclopedia article... Even though I'm usually just winging it. Blush

Then again I was reading and comprehending Anatomy before age 8... So maybe all that dry language just rubbed off?

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