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AshleyHumphries Program


(14-10-2012, 21:02)Doll Wrote:  Usually PC is suggested for two weeks out of the month for premenopausal women. I haven't heard of anyone doing it three weeks out of the month before. I'd be afraid of that raising progesterone too much, even if you are progesterone deficient. :/ Maybe, since it stays in your system so long, you could jump-start by taking it three weeks the first month, then lower back down to two weeks after that.

Oh. I think I was accidentally mis-applying the non-cycle dosing. It is only suggested that way for post-menopausal women or genetically male individuals. Thanks for catching it Doll!

Thank you both for the advice, after getting the hormone test I feel like I understand so much more about myself and what program will work.

That is definitely my new advice to everyone and seems to be what you two already tell people to do... take a hormone test so you can know what program to do and what you need. Takes away so many questions.

I feel like I am getting good swelling right now, I tend to obsess with the tape measure though and it still is stuck at the same number as last month. I need to not worry about that so much.

I have decided that I am not going to look at my breasts in the mirror until my 1 month on PM is up which is November 5th.

(19-10-2012, 19:04)Ashleyhumphries Wrote:  I have decided that I am not going to look at my breasts in the mirror until my 1 month on PM is up which is November 5th.

Haha. You're so gunna fail at that. Big Grin

... I don't mean that in a mean way... But... yeah... good luck anyways? Blush

haha yea I know it's hard! Last month I did it for the last 7 days of the month cycle but I have never tried for 17 days.

i'll let you know how it goes..

I read on someone's post that if you put Progesterone cream anywhere besides your boobs that it won't help to grow them. Is that true?

Also, I am using the Ainterol spray and cream twice a day, is it too much product in one spot if I put on the spray, PM cream and PC cream all on my breasts twice a day? I want to get the full benefits from every product but not sure what to do if PC HAS to be on my breasts to benefit them...

For the last three days my breasts have been itchy and having aches. I really hope that means growth!

OH BTW I haven't looked at them in a mirror now for 5 days now... It has been extremely difficult! hahaha especially when I am getting aches for the first time in two or three months.

I decided to add DMSO to my massages so that the product would absorb better. I started it a little over a week ago and ever since have been getting a lot of aches. I think that the DMSO is really helping.

Now on day 7 of not looking at my breasts in the mirror. Still very difficult to do..

I haven't had any growth since end of August so I am really hoping that PM gives me something! I believe it will though with all the aches and itches I have been getting.

AbiDrew you were right, I couldn't resist looking in the mirror at my boobs. I seem to have gotten some good rounding out (i suspect that the progesterone cream is what did that) I have pointy boobs from the side angle so the rounding out is nice. I will post update pictures on the 5th at the end of my first months PM cycle.

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