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Reasons NOT to get breast implants...


Caseyerinn, I'm not sure where you got the idea that women here are content with their breasts? It's a natural breast enhancement forum so the members are here because they aren't happy, right? Have you seen the personal programs/pictures sections? There are plenty of completely flat-chested, sunken-chested, asymmetrical women here that are unhappy with their breasts and feel that larger breasts would enhance their quality of life.

Anyway, did anyone see the article on that Awful Plastic Surgery site about the 7-year-old who received a boob job for her birthday? What has this world come to?

Nyx, that lady doesn't deserve to raise children, that's just awful! It's one thing to want a certain lifestyle for yourself when you are already grown and can make those decisions, it's another thing to raise a child that is innocent to want the same lifestyle without first growing up and making that decision on her own. And wow, the age to have breast implants in the UK is 16!? WTF!? You are still developing and growing at that age! I thought it was 18 everywhere, which in my opinion is still too young cause many still grow until early 20's.

Hii Friends,
Risks of Breast Implants
Some of the complications and adverse outcomes of breast implants include:
Additional surgeries, with or without removal of the device
Capsular contracture, scar tissue that forms around the implant and squeezes the implant
Breast pain
Changes in nipple and breast sensation
Rupture with deflation of saline-filled implants
Rupture with or without symptoms (silent rupture) of silicone gel-filled implants.
A rash on or around the breast.
Pain in the nipple or breast area
Callpills Pharma Inc

What about the scarring? As in, just the fact they're obviously fake. I kinda wouldn't want my partner to know...

Well, they feel fake so I think your partner would notice even if you didn't have scars.

Some of these stories I'm reading are just awful. I honestly hate doctors, most of them aren't actually intelligent at all despite what people seem to think. I've never had a doctor warn me of ANY risks of taking a birth control pill, end ended up with sexual problems because of it that have lasted years. The most recent doctor i went to didn't even know it was possible for something like that to happen, and I actually had to look up my symptoms online, figure out the problem and bring it to her attention. If I can't trust a doctor to warn me of my risks with simple birth control that they're not making money off of, I wouldn't dare ever think of letting a doctor slice me open and put foreign objects in me at pure profit. Just to warn some of you ladies who think your doctor's being entirely forthright about this sort of procedure.

My boyfriend's friend was actually dating a girl who got implants for her birthday to surprise him, and he dumped her on the spot when she went to show him, because he felt like she didn't appreciate herself the same way that he appreciated her.

Not to mention, I personally think implants look hideous. Yes, some of them do look natural, and I like that they can do that, I just still don't see them on the same level of natural breasts. :/ Maybe that's just me, but if I were a dude, I would never date a chick with fake breasts.

Implants just don't look right. Sure, they look perkier and larger than many breasts of the same size, but that doesn't mean they look good. I'd prefer naturally sagging breasts than ones that point to the sky and are too perfectly round.

Also, I know this is an extreme case (wish I had the full video, it's really ridiculous), but a lot of women DO find that they aren't happy with their results, and go back for more and more surgeries once they realize how easy it is to change their breast size:
Woman Addicted to Her Breasts
She's become so addicted she can't even tie her shoes, hug her kid, or even run. I tell ya, once the zombie apocalypse does hit, she'll be the first one to go.

^^^I find your quote "Maybe that's just me, but if I were a dude, I would never date a chick with fake breasts" to be shallow and arrogant. An attitude that dismisses a woman or deems her unworthy of dating because she has implants is just as bad as the one that refuses to date a woman because she has small breasts.

I see women write comments like this about implants all the time and I often wonder if it comes from a place of jealousy and/or insecurity. *I do not have implants but have seen some that look very nice and natural.

^ I say it because I truly appreciate NATURAL breasts, and that is my personal preference. I like breasts in all natural shapes and sizes, I just do not like the way that implants look. It's not a jealousy thing, nor is it an insecurity thing; as a bisexual woman, I simply do not like the way they look.

If I had the choice between the small breasts I had before NBE and implants, I would take my small breasts any day. Like I said, it's personal preference. I just do not see fake breasts in the same light as I do real ones, and never have.

I realize this is in the Breast Implant section, but just consider my opinion to be another reason to NOT get breast implants. There are plenty of people out there who share my views, and you will be judged for your implants whether you think it's fair or not.

I couldn't help trying to imagine getting cardioverted (that't the thing on TV shows where they shock people back to life) with implants... CLEAR... ZAP... KABOOM!!!!

Seriously, you probably couldn't have implants with some medical conditions because it would make management of those conditions next to impossible.

total agreeing Blush

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