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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally

(02-11-2012, 23:10)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(02-11-2012, 22:52)504BrownEyedGirl Wrote:  OMG I see progress!!!

Ok...the top pic was taken on 10/28 in my car at the same time of day, my car is also in the same parking spot. The bottom pic I JUST took in my car. Today is 11/2 Smile

[Image: 568BD266-93DD-4AC2-86D1-36277805F180-226...d32dda.jpg]

Now I know it's not really drastic but that was fast! I've been using 30% MSM drops and Honey & Water drops. I'd say the honey is about 40/45% (?)

Here's another pic outside but not in direct sunlight
[Image: IMG_2416_zps074452dc.jpg]

I took this one just a little while ago as well.

You're eyes are beautiful! However, when taking pictures, lighting is always hard to get it so perfect to compare to the originals before. If you look at the last photo, everything's lighter, look at your skin. The more light you are exposed to, the more light your irises let in. Are you sure you see a change?

So for anyone who is doing comparison photos, please make sure the lighting is the same as the comparison pics as much as possible(probably impossible).

I see what you're saying about the comparison pic which is why I took and posted the other one that was darker...yet my eyes are still lighter


I'm not sure how many are members on eyecolorboard and can view this, but in this thread, they are discussing cycling of your lighteners when your eyes get used to one. As opposed to upping the dosage, or taking a break.

BTW, Can newbies post link? ('bout to find out) Here it is:

(02-11-2012, 23:09)Amber1017 Wrote:  
(02-11-2012, 22:52)504BrownEyedGirl Wrote:  OMG I see progress!!!

Ok...the top pic was taken on 10/28 in my car at the same time of day, my car is also in the same parking spot. The bottom pic I JUST took in my car. Today is 11/2 Smile

Now I know it's not really drastic but that was fast! I've been using 30% MSM drops and Honey & Water drops. I'd say the honey is about 40/45% (?)

Here's another pic outside but not in direct sunlight

I took this one just a little while ago as well.

Congrats!!! Smile It's subtle, but I see it too!

Thanks a lot! I know it's a tiny tiny bit but I'll take it! Lol

@Tibetan113 after I reread my reply I didn't want it to seem harsh if it did...I really do see a change. It surprised me as well. I'm not expecting it to be a continuous thing that they lighten so fast but it definitely worked so far. As with everything else, some things work better/faster for some ppl. I'll continue to switch up my drops and try to take biweekly pics to track my progress.

So how does that work? When one gets used to something usually a change is all that is needed, until the body gets used to that. Like dosages of medicine and stuff.

I haven't read too much on eyecolorboard that says a break is needed. Unless I missed those threads. People just switched formulas. Do you have any links?

I know a short break is needed from inhibitors during the day to allow melanin to be released so it can be destroyed/changed by your formula, though. It is a slow release though. Is this the break you are talking about? I would think different lightening agent would work when one stopped.


When the body gets use to something its because its tolerance has been raised. My mom who is diabetic and doesn't consume alot of sugar can taste the smallest amounts of sugar in things that to me taste bitter because I'm a sugar fiend and consume large amounts of sugar a day. It doesn't matter which sugar it is, because it all has the same effect on the bodies sensors, the only time I can even remotely get on my mom's level of tasting sugars is when I cleanse and take a break from my sugary snacks or when I fast.

The same law applies to people who have a high tolerence of pain, it doesn't matter what kind of pain it is if they have a high tolerence for it. This again applies to our eyes, its not the ingredients in your mix, its the tolerance that our eyes are building up to the effect that the ingredients cause. So if you don't take breaks, you can change the ingredients but so long as your eyes have a tolerence against the effect the ingredients have on the eye its not going to work as well.

With drugs, people aren't addicted to the drugs, they're addicted to the hormone that is released during drug use. This is why after a while, they need more of the drug to feel the same euphoric feeling that a lower dose use to give them. The body remembers the effects of ANY change in its systems and begins building a tolerance for the next time it encounters this change.

So breaks are very important in this process so your eyes can't build up a tolerance and because the eyes are extremely sensitive its tolerance levels can be built more quickly then other parts of the body. So taking breaks regularly is actually one of the best ways to quicken the process of the eye lightening.


Thanks for the reply. Interesting.

So my next question would be... how do those who are cycling their lighteners (like on eyecolorforum) instead of taking a break from lightening compare to those who actually took breaks. Since people seem to be of one or the other notions, that would be great way to tell which is more effective.

I am of the cycling notion, though... as some say, we're trying to them wear out the DNA in your eye's cells so they can't counter the lightening as effectively, and lightening will hopefully become more permanent, etc. Although, I know total overload is counter productive. Maybe you and I could make an experiment of it.

What says you? Smile

In the meantime, I'll go back and see if anyone else has done a comparison of the two ways and share what I find, if anything.

(02-11-2012, 23:57)Amber1017 Wrote:  Thanks for the reply. Interesting.

So my next question would be... how do those who are cycling their lighteners (like on eyecolorforum) instead of taking a break from lightening compare to those who actually took breaks. Since people seem to be of one or the other notions, that would be great way to tell which is more effective.

I am of the cycling notion, though... as some say, we're trying to them wear out the DNA in your eye's cells so they can't counter the lightening as effectively, and lightening will hopefully become more permanent, etc. Maybe you and I could make an experiment of it.

What says you? Smile

In the meantime, I'll go back and see if anyone else has done a comparison of the two ways and share what I find, if anything.

Alot of this information you want can be found online in medical scholarly pieces, not necessarily about eye lightening but in general. You can look up drug use cross tolerance as a reference point for a more clear understanding. And thank you but I'll have to decline. Since I'll be changing my mix soon I won't be able to give proper results. If cycling works for you then don't change it, that's great that it does!!!

(03-11-2012, 00:18)Emily Loretta Wrote:  
(02-11-2012, 23:57)Amber1017 Wrote:  Thanks for the reply. Interesting.

So my next question would be... how do those who are cycling their lighteners (like on eyecolorforum) instead of taking a break from lightening compare to those who actually took breaks. Since people seem to be of one or the other notions, that would be great way to tell which is more effective.

I am of the cycling notion, though... as some say, we're trying to them wear out the DNA in your eye's cells so they can't counter the lightening as effectively, and lightening will hopefully become more permanent, etc. Maybe you and I could make an experiment of it.

What says you? Smile

In the meantime, I'll go back and see if anyone else has done a comparison of the two ways and share what I find, if anything.

Alot of this information you want can be found online in medical scholarly pieces, not necessarily about eye lightening but in general. You can look up drug use cross tolerance as a reference point for a more clear understanding. And thank you but I'll have to decline. Since I'll be changing my mix soon I won't be able to give proper results. If cycling works for you then don't change it, that's great that it does!!!

Awwww. Sad

No I don't know of it works best for me or not, I just wanted to try. I'm just going off of what other people have experienced, and are doing.

Also just trying to make this loooong journey more interesting. Like when people get buddies for challenges, 'n stuff like that.

After my change I might join if only to keep myself motivated. But keep in mind this won't be a comparison of the two different ways, we have to may factors playing apart such as genetics of the amount of melanin being produced in our respective eyes and time as I've been doing this for close to a year now (on and off and with breaks) so for anyone reading, this is absolutely not a comparison and that you individually should put the effort into looking thing up and making a decision based off FACTS not personal experiences here on the board.

Remember, there's the exception and then there's the rule. 99.9% chance that your the rule and not the exception.

Yeah, guess it wouldn't be too scientifical. lol Just a bit of fun.

We're even using different stuff, now that I think about it. And most likely using it at different times, and different parts.

I will be updating every month or so... if my job permits. I was sick, stayed home today, and had too much time on my hands. I've got no voice at all. I kinda blame the drops a little bit too. I did MSM drops, then did my Honey and Chamomille drops, then went out in the cold, and had to call/yell out students' car rider numbers at my school's dimissal. (I could taste and feel the drops in my mouth and throat too. That is why I think they are a bitof the cause.)

Next day, no voice at all. Live and learn I guess.

I talk too much. Let me get off of here! lol!!


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