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^ I actually hate tribal tattoos, because not only do they not have meaning, but they almost always look bad, too. =__= They're also not really a mix and match thing. If you get tribal tattoos, then you really can't get anything other than more tribal tattoos to go with them.

My tattoo on my thigh was done pretty ok...but...he didn't even fully connect all the lines, and the black faded immediately. So the black of my tattoo is even lighter than the purple next to it...which is pretty pathetic. :/ Especially 'cuz it's a the black being ruined kind of just ruins the entire tattoo.

I personally like tribal tattoos. And have seen the with other things like these.. I really like the tribal tattoo with the flower.

Those look cool, actually. I like them because they aren't tribal enough to look it. But I think someone with like a heavy tribal tattoo is going to have a really hard time matching it with anything else.

My friend has a terrible tribal sun tattooed around his one nipple. I make fun of him for it all the time. Lol

Lol that sucks. Nipple tattoos have to be very painful, I would be LIVID if I got a nipple tattoo that came out badly.

I agree with Doll that those are nice tribals and I have some buddies who have stuff similar to such that BriLaw posted. They're not extreme tribal like some guys or even chicks get to look "hard"... My dislike of tribals fall into the same sorts of tattoos as the barbwire ones do... They're just sorta... Generic and a bit trashy. Yet incorporated into an awesome design like a flower or an animal they can be nice and easy to add more art around them.

I also think tribals for heritage, so long as the heritage has historically done tribals can be understood as to why one may get one. I personally would never get one simply because one, I'm so small and dainty; two, I wouldn't ever want one on my body just due to the difficulty to cover or remove such tattoo; and three, my heritage is all European for generations even though I am very much American even though I'm only third generation.

So here's a question to y'all, what tattoos do you consider somewhat over done or taboo?

I personally think crosses and religious ones are getting wayyy over done despite their often purposeful meaning to those who get them. I also see some as taboo such as getting a S/O's name tattooed just because things change. Oh tramp stamps too, just not a fan haha but that's just me (then again dad said I'd be disowned should I ever get a tramp stamp).

I got my first tattoo at 18, which I really regret. Its on my wrist. So if I can give any advice -- get one in a place that can be covered EASILY!

People have their own opinions about tattoos, but if you are positive you want that inked on your body the rest of your life then go for it! Good luck!Smile

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