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Natural remedies for acne


I'm back to Bio Oil, it seems to work a little bit better, and helps get rid of acne marks a lot sooner than left on their own. I've also tried jojoba oil as mentioned, but it NEVER dried. =__=

Also, they say coconut oil (also takes forever to dry) is like perfect for getting rid of acne, but for me it actually broke me out. Worst breakout I've had in years. I tried it on three separate occasions and still got the same result, so I know it wasn't just coincidence. I've never heard of this happening before to someone, so I'm not sure what caused my rare reaction. For most people, it should be good if you apply it before bed and let it soak in overnight.

silver, sulfur, are good for acne and so is ozone. Its those little face eaters that love oil but the best thing you can do is clean your gut and liver, that way they don't have a place to live!

Be careful with castor oil, you can open up dormant follicles on your skin and grow hair! Speaking from experience.

Recently I've been using nixoderm which is supposed to be a natural remedy, though it's comprised of several ingredients. It cost be about 7 bucks for a 17g container. Small, but the reviews I read about it made me think I should give it a try. It works quite well. It's taking time to completely get rid of my acne but it's going down faster than when I was using Proactiv and SkinID - and I'm near my period too. I'm only using it every other day to give my face a rest in between. I exfoliate my face the same day I use it so that it penetrates deeper. I'll mix some oil with some sugar and just scrub it on. I'll usually use Neem oil since it's supposed to fight acne (it has antibacterial properties) though using it by itself takes a while.

If any ever uses Neem, keep it mind it has a kind of nutty, earthy scent. So you might want to split it with another oil and use it at night. Maybe take a shower in the morning afterwards since in the sun it can bring out a garlicy scent.

I also occasionally use baking soda to scrub my face. It's supposed to be a form of microdermabrasion, though I couldn't tell you if it's like the expensive procedure. But it does help to remove dead skin cells.

(25-12-2012, 20:03)SerraSun Wrote:  I also occasionally use baking soda to scrub my face. It's supposed to be a form of microdermabrasion, though I couldn't tell you if it's like the expensive procedure. But it does help to remove dead skin cells.

I personally use uncoated aspirin soaked in a few drops of lemon juice until it dissolves. Aspirin is said to help, as is lemon, and the dissolved aspirin helps to exfoliate as well. Just be sure to rinse all the lemon juice out of your nails and face VERY well, and use a face sunscreen every day that won't clog your pores. Otherwise you might grow fungus under your nails and your face will get burnt! This method did help me a little (nothing helps a lot, as my acne is caused by hormones and vitamin deficiencies), but many people claim this is their miracle cure.

I feel I have to comment here since I managed to cure my acne. It was never really bad, I would guess I had mild acne but my skin was almost never perfectly clear. After I found out I had candida I started eating raw garlic and taking probiotics and as long as I don't skip many days in a row my skin stays 100% clear. It was such a simple solution and I wish I had known about this many years ago. I guess the cause of acne can be different between individuals so it is important to find your cause and tackle that. It is like NBE, there is no miracle cure that works for everyone.

In my late 30s, I began to get hormonal breakouts. I switched my body wash and facial cleanser for castile soap and black soap. My daughter uses a tea tree castile soap (for bacne) that I found. I use the black soap every day. It doesn't strip the skin for that squeaky clean feeling, but leaves your skin hydrated. It gently exfoliates as it cleans, and I haven't had a problem with breakouts since.

I also use the castor oil deep cleanse once a week, usually with olive oil. It's an extremely strong cleanser. A good friend makes natural cleansers and body care products, and she told me she uses castor oil as one of the bases for her castile soap (which uses vegetable-based oils instead of animal-based ones.

If you want to moisturize acne-prone skin, I prefer oils that have essential fatty acids that nourish the skin, but aren't comedogenic. Apricot kernel oil and almond oil are good choices, as is grapeseed oil. Almond oil has a bleaching effect, so if you have dark spots you'd like to fade, you could try it. Grapeseed oil is astringent, while apricot kernel is suitable for skin with fine lines.

I know you are asking for natural remedies, my suggestion though not natural worked for me. My skin has cleared really good. I had acne from puberty till last year.

Its the products. I started with the drug store alternatives and after seeing results I purchased the ones. The good thing about the products is that there are drug store alternatives so you can try them for say 1-2 weeks and see how it goes

If in a couple of days you notice no changes remember the drug stores can issue a refund so keep your receiptsSmile

My first word of advice is the classic "don't touch your face". Trust me, it makes a huge difference; I suppose it has something to do with bacteria your hands come across. My second word of advice is to mix a wee bit of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and drink it. And lastly, wisdom from my grandmother regarding acne: Take plenty of water and vegetables and fruit. Washing your face often helps too. Allah vous bénisses. ^_^ (may Allah bless you)

found this online while reading up on breakouts...seems i was dealing with this Problem the wrong way.

interesting read

I'll give it a try Doll. I was reading a while ago that when it comes to acne, it's usually the opposite for men and women. Men will get acne earlier on, and women will get it later on. It was said it's because after puberty, women are still producing hormones which escape through the pores. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel it's true for me. Didn't have much acne in high school, but once I hit 19 it started showing up everywhere x__x.

But I've noticed I usually get a bad breakout around my period. As if having your period is enough .___.

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