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Suggest additions to my "Hall of fame" thread


I was originally asking for people to PM me suggestions, but that clearly isn't working, so I thought I should start a new thread to ask for ideas. I don't want to open my "Hall of Fame" thread to everyone, since I'm worried it'll get too disorganized and confusing. Not to mention, the fights that might ensue Tongue

Here's the thread: If you scroll down to the last post, you'll see that I'm having major issues with finding good candidates.

All I need is some names and the board where I can find them (including Noogleberry, BEboard, NBE blogs, etc) You don't have to do the research. I'll figure out for myself if they fit the rules. Please, please help me out! This is hard Blush

Ohhh, my. I've never seen people wanting to get DOWN to AA cups before :o.

How about Kultzu on the noogleberry forum? It's not in one tidy little post, but she might have most of your requirements sprinkled throughout her thread.

Philli's had a lot of growth too, but I don't think she fits your requirements:

Thanks Big Grin I didn't know about Kultzu.

Anybody else?

There's a gal by the name of Jezebel on the Noogleberry forums who has impressive growth, and who I think meets most of your criteria. The forums seem to be down at the moment (at least for me), so I can't get a link, but her thread is on the Galleries forum...



Forums are working again. Here is the link...

BTW, I misspelled her name -- it's Jezabelle Smile


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