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curious, please help


hello every1,

this may sound like a ridiculous question, but here goes,....

ive got lupus (autoimmune), and have been on progesterone only contraception for many years, and because of all of this i believe im suffering from low testosterone,

my docs test came back as testosterone 0.1, which is under the low end of nornal.
but she didnt know how significant that was so i have and endocrine app next week to get every thing checked properly.

my main concern was a non existant libido that is ruining my marrage, which is why i am sure everything is not how it SHOULD be.

i use a noogleberry, and kinda interested in BO,
BUT...... so will getting my free/total test levels back to NORMAL mean i cant grow any boobs any more.

lol there no point in me having bigger boobs if im a miserable moody no sex wanting nutter, which is how i feel alot of the time, who doesnt want to get intimate

so any advice would be lovely, after my endoc appointment i plan on starting on a high DHA fish oil, a b vit complex & arginine.

could i use still BO ??? is it possible to raise test levels and still have normal estrogen levels, i suppose u could , ugghh i dont know
im so confused.

id love any advice or to hear of experiences like mine

off topic a bit....
1 thing that always puzzelled me was a few years ago for arond 4 years i used to use pm pills, BUT they would only work when i was on the depo ???? (water boobie weight not growth- but still nice)
my boobs would get huge like i was pregnant when i was using depo and taking the pm.
every time i came off depo (for various reason) or missed injections etc, the pm pills wouldnt swell my breasts, weird.
now that ive had a BABY the depo/ pm combination doesnt work any more, lol pm doesnt swell them at all
hormones are so strange arnt they?

thank you for giving my thread a read xxxxxHeart

ok.... its official.. TeeTee is aa fool...

i just read some threads on the BO section and saw the BO isnt going to be the best bet for me lol to say the least...

oh dear... im doomed im doomed... no boobies for me.. im doomed xxx

is there some thing that can just increase estrogen but leave the test alone ???

ive always been interested in the opposite but since all of these problems im getting ive suddenly been obbsessed with testosterone tests, and if its low or high and what can raise it etc, etc..


to be honest, i have no spots, good skin, no exces hair, i cry at the drop of a hat, get vey emotional, but still have the same small boobs
estrogen levels were apparently normal, and test is low, so i dont know which way to go.

i know im having a conversation with my self at the moment but , hey,,, never mind Big GrinBig Grin[/i][/align]

Ok, maybe you should just try the noogleberry, no interference from hormones there.

I can really relate to the lack of libido you mention, I had the same problem when I was breastfeeding my kids some years ago. It was very notorious, must indeed be a hormonal thing. My boobs were huge at the time and now that I look at myself in pictures I can´t believe I wasn´t more vain about them! Anyway, I just wish they get to grow like that again with NBE.
For now, I can tell you that my libido got very strong when I was taking saw palmetto (I stopped some weeks ago). So maybe that´s a thing to try sometime.

good luck!

Hi Tee Tee, i dont know what you could take really hun im no expert but i agree that the noogleberry alone could help with your boobs and its fairly cheap so if you did not get on with it you would not have waisted a fortune lol. As you may know i am male and i have a condition called hypergonadism ( yes i know it sounds funny lol) but that means i have hardly any testosterone and i have no sex drive atall at the moment which i hate aswell hun, so i do sympathize with you and wish i could offer a solution but i just dont know, but try the noogleberry hun and see how you get on. Good luck Tee Tee xxxx.

I also have an auto immune disease and test positive for the hla -b27 gene. I was really worried about combining BO with my immune suppressant drugs and for that matter my grape seed that reduces inflamation. I was tickled that it not only worked but worked well. I also was thrilled to see such a great difference in my hormones for the better, but that was just me.

My psoriatic arthritis is a buggar to stay on top of, but so far I'm managed to balance my nbe and it. I also think noogleberry is a great idea for anyone afraid to mess with their hormones.

Hi Tee Tee

most bcp negatively affect testo levels. This is especially true for those pills containing certain progestins. Cyproteroneacetat for example is probably the progestin with the strongest anti-androgen properties.

BCP has ruined my libido before, so I can relate. My libido always used to be quite high. Until my gyno prescribed me a certain bcp. At first I didn't even notice my declining libido until it had disappeared completely. And then I didn't attribute it to my bcp. When I realized what had caused it I stopped taking it. I was so afraid that it wouldn't come back - but eventually it did.

There are two possibilities for a lower libido. One is the type (or amount) of progestin that is used. The second is a rise in SHBG which testosterone binds to. This is more common for bcp containing estrogen though.

I don't know if you are still on your bcp. If you are I would recommend stopping it. And if you're already off it just give your body some time to readjust. It takes some time to break down those synthetic hormones and downregulate SHBG levels.

BTW here is a link I found concerning combined bcp and lupus. I don't know if it is of any help but thought it might be worth a read. It suggests that estrogen is not necessarily off-bounds for lupus patients.

Apart from that I agree with some of the other posters that noogleberry might be worth a try.

Good luck, hope you can get it sorted out!

Sorry forgot the link Blush

thankyou so much for your kind replys, i will definatly continue with the noogleberry,

i was sure that saw palmetto lowered libido untill i read your post bibi, then i went to the greenbush site and it says that saw palmetto can increase desire, so ill look into this a bit more, i was worried about sp lowering all testosterone but it seems it only reduces dht thats it, yeyyyy mabe im on to someting now,

hi suri, yep i will be getting the non hormonal copper coil very soon, mabe this comming week, i think the main reason for not being on estrogen bc is because of how it effects blood pressure, since mine is high but i have recently gone back on a pill i used to take b4 trying to concieve called ramiprill which has reduced my blood pressure really really well, its nearly the same as my 10 year old sister lol, its great.

itsjust4fun, i thought BO might have a negative effect on my lupus, but now it looks like i have to try these things to really know what and how they will effect me, wow i saw your pics and it has worked really well hasnt it lol, has yr libido reduced with it or stayed the same ?, im glad bo is making u feel better x

cheryl, hello, he he yes it does sound funny doesnt it, lupus doesnt sound to good either it reminds me of mucus uuughh lol, lupus means wolf by the way, because back in the times we didnt have all these meds any1 with lupus wouldnt have a very long life span and they would get a rash that deformed the face mking the look like a wolf...
is it possible for you to raise yr testosterone at all or do u preffer to leave things alone? x

It varies from staying the same to major increases about mid cycle. I also believe in the old saying use it or loose it. The less you do it, the less your boy creates those hormones. proven fact. Sometimes when hormones get a little off, it's easy to slide into a rut and not realize your just contributing to making it worse. I say fight it every step of the way!

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