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What has helped you get bigger breasts?


I am 16 years old and have been the same size since 7th/8th grade(32b). I heard of pills, droplets, creams, and I would love to know what has helped everybody else. Please help!

Oh poor you!

Ya know, I don't mean to be cruel but, you are a bit too young in the body and the mind to be here asking about this. You are a b cup! Sounds like you are truly blessed and have a normal, healthy body. This is the last thing you should be having on your mind.

If you were absolutely undeveloped, I could see your concern and would advise you to have your mom take you to see your doc or pediatrician to find out the issue with your hormones.

But since this is not the case, you need to be weary and at least educate yourself by reading the threads and anything that can make your body much healthier so that you mature all the way correctly.

Your body is NOT done growing until you are in your early to mid twenties. If you screw with your hormones now, you WILL be sorry in the future as you will shut your natural ability to make hormones. You may not get your second growth. It sounds like you only had your first.

Our hormones are much more stronger than those that are from plants. So please read about healthy foods that can help you promote growth rather than asking blindly what you should take.

more monounsaturated fats will cause you to gain weight in the breasts. just read the nutrition facts. try eating more peanut butter, nuts, and olive oil

I would suggest researching Breast Massage and Fat Transfer massage, there are many youtube video's and other sites dedicated to Japanese - Thai breast massage for growth.

Considering you still right in the middle of puberty and your naturally high levels of Growth Hormone and a bunch of factors, you might find if you are diligent about it and do it every morning and evening non-stop for 15-30mins per day.. you might find you able to grow another cup or 2.

Ensure you are getting enough mono-saturated fats, considering eating green papaya - not ripe ones (digestive enzymes in green papaya may help) and ensure you getting enough collagen in your diet (chicken feet soup, beef knuckles stew, fish bone soup etc.) to aid in building of different mammary glands etc.

At your age you are primed for growth, you don't need herbs and phytoestrogens unless you have been diagnosed clinically with being low in estrogen, high in testostorone or low in progestrone. However, if you're a b-cup already.. you probably dont have a hormone issue and just need to motivate them physically to grow a bit more. If you are really concerned and can afford to do so, you might want to get tested for a female panel via saliva testing. Would cost about $200.

Are you on birth control - if so, which one as each type affects hormones differently.

What shape do you have? Have you looked into tuberous breasts and also the Tanner staging system - both breasts and pubic hair? That should help you see if you are delayed at all but by the sounds of it, you have no reason for concern.

Here is a link in the Merck manual that shows the tanner stages.

Tanner Stages of Puberty Development for Females

When you have had a look, let us know more about where you are at, your height, weight and what you typically eat and we'll see if we can guide you in a direction to help you grow a bit faster... if you really feel you need to.

Green papaya will help you.
Exercise you can do to grow your breasts.
plenty of sleep and eating the right foods
protein will help you get the results.
Wear a snug bra.
It will help.

Why don't you go for breast massage. It would be the best option for you. I would suggest you to go for it and i am sure you will see the difference.

Yea pretty much what everyone else said,

1) eat very healthy- lots of protein, fruits, veggies, water (8 cups a day). Unhealthy fats will put weight in all the wrong areas. You probably want some essential fatty acids too (omega 3)
2) stay active - not excessively but you need to work out a bit as this releases human growth hormone
3) get a good night's sleep regularly - also releases growth hormone
4) massage, massage, massage! Look into techniques, because you don't want to do it too hard but do this 2-3 times a day for 3-9 minutes per breast and no doubt you will have firm, big boobies for your 18th birthday Wink I do my massages as I read/study (hint hint, studying is important lol)
5) Avoid cafeine - mainly coffee and energy drinks, green tea would be very good though if you are one who needs a bit of cafeine.
6)Pamper your breasts with love. Be kind to them and no doubt they will be kind to you.

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