Quote:I know! No matter what deal you get though, you're paying either more for shipping or the same amount for shipping, as you are for the stuff itself. It is crazy!
DARNIT! I am so entirely sold on the stuff that I wanted to force my whole family into trying it! I am still going to buy it, I think I will wait until the fall though.
Quote:I hear that's such a good cleanser! I kinda always wanted to use it to flush my systems completely clean. But I ended up getting a Bentonite Clay Colon Cleanser instead. lol omg I'm procrastinating now, I got math and a research paper due...hehe
Yes I bought a whole body cleanse, I think it will be great because it contains so many NBE herbs in it too! It is for parasites... GROSS. But some people believe that 90% of the population has them.. I believe it too.
I definitely need the cleanse though. I have been eating like a health nut and drinking 8 cups of water daily for at least half a year now and my forehead is still getting fairly bad acne breakouts and past scars aren't healing, so something is keeping my body from properly clearing out toxins and/ or adding more toxins to my body than it can handle.
So anyways bought this parasite cleanse because I think I have them. That's what I get for a) drinking stream water as a small child (it was a mountain stream, and it was delicious water. Worth it.) and also b) wandering the cities of dirty mexico without shoes (you can get them through your feet).
I wanted to do a liver cleanse (Dr. Hulda Clark's), but it was suggested that anyone doing a liver cleanse first do a parasite cleanse, because if you flush any out of your liver that are alive, you may feel quite sick from the toxins released in that.
I have high hopes for these cleanses! I am trying to overcome anxiety that I have had since I was a child, and I am a very jumpy person. There is something in my body that is keeping my sympathetic nervous system highly sensitive and I need to flush it out! Enough is enough.
Fingers crossed!