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4 Months, 2 Cups and Still Growing...

Well ive kind of been doing for a few months but very on and off. In January I started getting more serious and took fenugreek saw palmetto and red clover. After a month I didnt see any results so I took two weeks off and did a cleanse. Now for 5 or 6 weeks I have been following a program that first two weeks after my period I take pm. then the next two weeks I take red clover saw palmetto fenugreek and alfalfa ( during this whole time I take collagen and ginkgo bolibi).Also i rub pm cream on my breasts two times a day. and when I can flax seed oil because I hear Emily got wonderful results with that. How long did it take you to see reusltS?

Well, I saw results within the first month, but they went away after my period, and didn't become permanent until my third month. After that, the progress has been very slow. Although, keep in mind, everyone is different. I think my results came quickly because I was underdeveloped due to the PCOS, and supplementing my body with hormones it wasn't making itself helped put my breasts at the size they likely would have been if I'd never developed the problem. Also, you're using a LOT of PM. It is very estrogenic, so just be careful and watch for symptoms of estrogen dominance (my first symptom is always AWFUL cellulite!) If that becomes the case, you'll want to look into cutting back on PM or adding progesterone in some form. Good luck, and keep with your program if you want to see results! Most people don't see results at all for the first three to six months, and even after that the growth is usually slower (my breast growth seems to be at that speed now).

FINALLY got my period (I'm so done with PM), so I've started on Natural Curves. I'm going to wait until I take starting pics tonight before creating a new program thread. Keep an eye out for it, though, it should be up by Sunday!

I've noticed my breasts are hanging more like regular breasts now, rather than their regular overly perky shape that I've come to loathe (just barely, but it's noticeable, and makes them bounce a LOT more when I walk). I'm excited, but at the same time a little worried that it happened so quickly even though my breasts have been shrinking slightly since stopping PM. :/ I'm going braless whenever possible to see if that makes a difference. I'm just kind of hoping I've finally got enough progesterone in my body for my breasts to start actually developing rather than just growing.

(03-05-2013, 02:03)Doll Wrote:  I'm just kind of hoping I've finally got enough progesterone in my body for my breasts to start actually developing rather than just growing.

That is a key point to be made that I wish more girls would recognize...

While it takes estrogen to make breasts grow larger, it takes progesterone to develop most of the actual glandular tissue.

It takes BOTH, in appropriate balances at different times of the month to develop fully developed, large, gorgeous breasts. Or at least as large as your genetic disposition and eating habits allow, which are whole different topics entirely, though the eating habits do play into NBE as well, it's still a different topic from the hormonal aspect of NBE.

Of course, we're still missing one more key hormone: prolactin. It's not JUST for lactation, but also for developing the milk ducts in the first place. That's why there's a slight surge of this in early puberty that's almost as wicked as a pregnancy surge, and why the pregnancy surge also exists. The former so that a girl can start lactating at all, and the latter to give her milk a nice little kick before that baby starts sucking her dry.

Women in general have higher prolactin than men. And early puberty and late pregnancy see some mega surges of the hormone. Genetic girls may or may not need help with prolactin... I definitely do though.

How much is too much pm? Because I only take two pills for two weeks and I use the cream because I'm not sure which other cream works best. Also I know I have to be patient but I'm just worried I'm spending time on a method that doesn't work for me and wondering if I should try something else

(04-05-2013, 03:26)Bs to D's Wrote:  How much is too much pm? Because I only take two pills for two weeks and I use the cream because I'm not sure which other cream works best. Also I know I have to be patient but I'm just worried I'm spending time on a method that doesn't work for me and wondering if I should try something else

I'm going to field this one if you don't mind Doll?

It depends on the person. Some people take upwards of 5 grams. But those a generally biologically males.

Girls seem to often find that the standard pill size of 500mg is either just right, or possibly even too much already! The most I've EVER seen a biological woman need was 1 gram.

So you might want to try just one, or even smaller doses before giving up entirely... But then, if you're taking very much and getting absolutely nothing at all...

What PM are you taking?

I am taking ainterol and two capsules per day the first two weeks after i start my period. I mean my breasts swell when I am hot, but when I am cold they shrink back to normal size so i am not really sure if that counts as anything or not

(04-05-2013, 17:50)Bs to D's Wrote:  I am taking ainterol and two capsules per day the first two weeks after i start my period. I mean my breasts swell when I am hot, but when I am cold they shrink back to normal size so i am not really sure if that counts as anything or not

Only two weeks? Keep at it for now, but maybe try actually going with only 1 pill in the early morning.

You really need to give these things at least a coupla months to judge.

I will try but I am confused, If i dont respond to more pm how will i respond to less? And yes only two weeks because the pm messed up my cycle and I am a week late for my period so I am still taking the ohter herbs (this is my third week taking them).

(05-05-2013, 21:50)Bs to D's Wrote:  I will try but I am confused, If i dont respond to more pm how will i respond to less? And yes only two weeks because the pm messed up my cycle and I am a week late for my period so I am still taking the ohter herbs (this is my third week taking them).

It's not that you're not responding, especially if you messed up your cycle. It's that you're not getting the response you want. Which indicates either you should be using a lower dose, or a different dosing schedule, and maybe even a different type.

If you're getting ANY swelling, AND if you managed to get your cycle messed with, you DO respond to PM... You're most likely just taking too much.

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