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Herbs and Breast cancer


Ok, I feel... enough is enough, it has been...two and half month that I have absolutely no growth at all. 4-8hours pumping, day after day, no social life, most importantly, no growth, no light at the end of the tunnel...

I am thinking of taking some herbs, but worrying about the side effect, for example, breast cancer. As I believe that all the herbs grow boobs by increasing the estrogen level in your body, and too much of estrogen might increase the chance of getting breast cancer. Of cause, people may not notice a breast cancer straight away, but how about in the long run?

I'd like to hear everyone's opinion.

According to the theory you outline breast cancer should be higher in countries that consume more phytoestrogenic herbs, but the evidence shows that it is actually lower. The country with the highest amount of phytoestrogens in their daily diets is Japan and Japan has the lowest rate of breast cancer anywhere in the world. Western countries on the other hand which generally consume the least phytoestrogens have the highest rates of breast cancer.

What matters is not what you take, it is how much you take.

Japanese girls' have much smaller boobs then western girls, this means the phytoestrogens in their diets is not high enough to grow their boobs bigger, so it is definitely not enough to increase their chance to get breast cancer.

Yes, Sara, I've heard that any time you increase the level of estrogen in your body, your chances for breast cancer go up. This would be a major concern for you if breast cancer runs in your family, you work late at night, or live in a dark and dreary area. All of those things dramatically raise your risks anyway, so you probably wouldn't want to add phytoestrogens.

From what I've read on this forum, not all women need estrogen because some are estrogen dominant. I'm a little fuzzy on that, so maybe someone else could clarify. But the way I look at it is, some women have probably less estrogen than others, so raising it to normal levels or slightly above wouldn't be a major risk factor, although the risk certainly could still go up.

Just be careful and listen to your body. Try to avoid other risk factors and be healthy. Good luck!

(15-02-2010, 19:02)sara30500 Wrote:  Japanese girls' have much smaller boobs then western girls, this means the phytoestrogens in their diets is not high enough to grow their boobs bigger, so it is definitely not enough to increase their chance to get breast cancer.

No, indeed not. In fact the higher the amount of phytoestrogens in the diet of any country the less the rate of breast cancer.

Also, studies of Japanese women who live in the USA show that once Japanese women consume a typical Western diet the rate of breast cancer rises to the usual Western level.

i think i read that since plant estrogens are gentler that you want those estrogens in your body.

if you're concerned about breast cancer, i hope you're not on the pill which can increase your chances of getting breast cancer dramatically... especially when taken before 35 and/or before your 1st child.

(15-02-2010, 19:02)sara30500 Wrote:  it is definitely not enough to increase their chance to get breast cancer.

But it is enough to lessen their chance to get breast cancer.

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