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Do bigger boobs make us less active?


Hi everyone, as many of you know i am male and i have been doing NBE for over a year now, and i have had exellent results which i am so gratefull for. But my question is do you think bigger breasts could make us less active. I know i have become less active since my breasts have reached the size they are now which is a 38DD, now i know for alot of you a D or DD would be your ultimate size as it was mine and like i said i feel so lucky to have achieved it, but it has its down side. I find many activities now quite difficult, running is a knightmare lol lifting certain things is hard even throwing a ball is completely different and i find myself feeling like abit of an idiot when i throw the ball for my dog lol god knows what i look like lol, swimming is ok but i have only been once since i have developed breasts but i did find i had to adjust my strokes slightly because of my boobs. And its not just how it feels but i get conscious of people stairing at my boobs, especialy when i have a jiggle on lol or have a lower cut top and i think this effects how active i am. Now i know this is abit of a strange question but has anyone thought about this and if so whats your opinion, is bigger better?
Thanks Everyone
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

There must be some really good sports bras out there that could help. There's no reason why someone with DD's can't play sports or run when they want to.

For the sake of ease, I personally wouldn't want to be much bigger than a C cup since I am so active and I'm sure that really good sport's bras are expensive.

Hi Cheryl, you make me remember puberty! I never had much boobs but I do remember that when mine started growing I was often uncomfortable, there were all sorts of new sensations in my body I was not used to. Some things could even be painful, like running and having them bounce or sleeping on my tummy. I was also very selfconscious, I think all my girlfriends were at the time. My best friend´s older sister, who started growing first, was very unhappy with her boobs. This was something I didn´t understand at the moment because I just wanted to have some myself, but when I finally had them I could relate to those feelings.
It was also very uncomfortable to have boys stare at your boobs, you know? It made me feel exposed and vulnerable. I even remember some boys trying to grab us in the swimmingpool, things like that.
So I think your situation is very natural, you´ve been going very fast through changes most women take years to get used to!
And don´t worry, there are very good sports bras out there...
All the best to you!

I remember watching newlyweds with nick and jessica and jessica simpson had a hard time golfing bc of her boobs. i can see what you're saying... i think it just takes some getting used to. but as for exercise, i know some girls with bigger chests use 2 sports bras... dont know if that's good or not, but it might help with the bouncing. :-/

Hi all, thanks for your replys. I dont want my thread to sound like i dont like my boobs lol i love them and i would never go back to having nothing, i think boobs in all shapes and sizes are amazing and beautifull and i feel incredaibley lucky to have them, but its just so suprising to how they can effect certain things in your life, even a simple thing like brushing my teeth in the morning is a new experience with the movement you get. What i mean by less active is for example, im late for the bus, its at the stop and i need to run to catch it.Before i had boobs i would just sprint and not think twice about it but now ill kind of jog and even doing that would make me feel very conscious and id be thinking about it. I have 2 sports bras and they are good when i go gym or something but i wouldent wear one for work or just going out day to day, they are not very attractive lol and in away i want people to see i have boobs lol as i am very proud of them and thats why i wear low cut tops sometimes, i just think its attractive. I just find it so interesting in how having breasts has changed me so much and made me a better person, there is so many things i always did not understand about women and why they did certain things the way they do but i now think im starting to understand and i feel so priviliged to be in this situation. Thanks everyone
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

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