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Can I Make My Own PM Cream?


Due to decreased income, I need to make my routine a little more simple. I am taking PM internally,and I buy that in bulk. I was massaging with Femagis PM cream,and I really love it. I was just wondering if I could mix the powder from my PM caps into my Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion. What do ya think? Could it work? Do you think it would absorb? Xoxo

As far as I am aware you have to steep the herbs in oil for 1-2 weeks and then that should absorb it. Just like a sunflower oil or something and I think adding borage oil (starflower oil) also is helpful! x

Thanks so much for your input. I don't want to do the borage oil,but I did see some starflower oil @ my local health food store. I can save money that way. While I am waiting on the PM powder to steep,I will continue taking PM internally and continue massage with my Palmers followed with heat. I just used up all my PM cream,and I would have to wait 2 weeks on my order anyway,so no problem with that. Congrats to you on your growth! Feels good,huh? You can look @ my pics and progress on the archives from the old forum. Thanks again for your wise input and good luck with your continued journey. Well done and great attitude. Xoxo

[font=Courier]. Okay-so I have researched some massage oils,body oils,and natural oil supplements. The borage oil smells a little funky to me. I am a fan of my Palmers as it makes my skin very soft and supple. So,I did find a brand of Palmers cocoa butter moisturizing oil and it costs less than $6. It has vitamin e,cocoa butter oil,soybean oil,safflower oil-lots of good stuff. No mineral oil,so that is good. How many caps of my PM powder should I use in it? The size of bottle of the oil is 8.5 oz. My PM caps are 500 mg each. Sorry to ask so many questions about it,but I am new to making my own boobie batter. I have learned to make my own teas,etc. I just need someone that has researched it with more knowledge about to help me along. Thanks so much. X0x0

Take a look at the information on this page. I found it to be of great interest and alot of help.

Also I have some info I pulled from the old site. I can't find it again to list just the link. It is rather long. I will send it to you via private message when I get a chance.

Best wishes

"I never look back, darling. it distracts from the now." Edna Mode

Thanks a big bunch,Andy. I did get your private message. Awesome info. So excited! X0x0

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