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PM and hyper-pigmentation


So I've encountered many sources that state that increased level of estrogen also leads to higher level of melanin, which causes pigmentation in the skin.

For example, from this website

"During periods of elevated hormonal activity, such as pregnancy or with some oral contraceptives, skin pigmentation is exacerbated in certain sun-exposed areas such as the forehead, nose and cheeks. This phenomenon, known as melasma, is strictly hormone-related and is a clear example of hormonal effects on the skin pigmentation."

'So if you've recently noticed patchy brown, tan, or blue-gray facial skin discoloration, you may be experiencing what is known as β€œthe mask of pregnancy,” or melasma. This skin condition is one of the harder types of hyperpigmentation to correct because it is tied to estrogen and progesterone (found in birth control pills) and can affect the deep dermal layers of the skin. "

As someone who get sun spots easily, I'm concerned that taking PM would result in more unwanted dark spots. Anyone has any thoughts about this??

I've noticed these sun spots since doing it. What a bummer! One on my cheek and one on my nose. I blame it on the estrogen. I've never had this problem before taking the herbs.

I was going to post something to ask about this actually. I have noticed a change in my skin, but not on my face, and with phytoestrogens.

I took fenugreek for about 3 months, at the end of which I was taking a ridiculously high dose, and started getting really itchy armpits and one of them started getting darker. I stopped taking fenugreek because I started to smell different and decided to try PM. Same thing. My one armpit has gotten really, really dark, something which had not happened until I started taking these herbs.

I'm not sure if my experience will be of any use to you because the change is not on my face, but yes, I have noticed skin discolouration, and it is intense. It started with fenugreek and got worse with PM. I'm not taking any of these things anymore.

Same here, I've never taken PM but have tried fenugreek before. During that time, whatever brown spots present on my face got darker. Usually, I would just put foundation on and they would not be visible. But during this period, the brown spots could still be seen with foundation. This makes me wary of trying any other types of phytoestrogens topically. :/

Haven't noticed anything with sun spots, because I've always had a ton anyways as a pale girl. But I did get darker areolas as a result of using Biovea PM cream. This didn't happen with the pills. I'm not sure if it was the brand or because it was a topical that caused the increased pigmentation. So yea, I can basically I can confirm this connection, but its worth noting that when I stopped using the cream the color lightened again.

After stopping I assume your pigment returns to normal?? Eventually? So does this happen if you are on birth control as well??

This is common in cases of hormonal fluctuations. As a skin care specialist I treat hyperpigmentation all the time. The way to prevent it is to use a topical tyrosinase inhibitor like aloe, stone crop, bearberry(uva ursi), and even topical fenugreek can help.

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