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Getting tanner stage 4 from pumping!:@


My breasts were rounder before I started pumping, now they look like tanner stage 4-oh,no! I hate that. They are pointier now!

Do you think they would grow like that even without pumping or is it because of the pumping? I was taping them down, but since they started sweating more the tapes fall off. They should be really strongly taped down in order not to get that pointy shape that they do, because they get really very hard after the night with brava, areolas get hard too and the hard "point" (areolas and the nipples) just shifts/pushes the tape away. At the moment I have not found the tape that stays on.

Is the pointy form because of the pumping or would they grow like that any way? (somehow I do not really believe they would grow like that only from the pills)And will they change again?

Did someone have the same experience?

yep i get way pointy breasts from brava- but it fades with the swelling then im left with a rounder shape at the end of the day. Yeah and my nipples are super hard and pointy in the morning when i remove the domes. it is quite amazing!! tanner stage 4?? never in my lfe heard that term!! I have cone shaped breasts already, so with the added pointy factor of the initial super pointy swelling in the mornings, i look nothing short of a 1950s pin up girl. personally i think it looks awesome!! makes my breasts have a tonne of character- but no i dont think it will make the breasts permanently grown into that shape- although i wouldnt mind it!! wouldnt we all like to have breasts just exactly how they are in the morning just after removing the brava domes!!

i have this opinion, as like i said before- cause when the majority of the swelling is down, my shape is actually rounder then when i started.


(23-07-2013, 16:42)universallove Wrote:  i have this opinion, as like i said before- cause when the majority of the swelling is down, my shape is actually rounder then when i started.

for me the form was rounder before pumping, pumping makes them cone shaped, they weren't cone shaped..and I don't like itDodgy even when the swelling is down they are still pointier than before, not as round as before.

Now I am trying to tape across the whole breast, but the thing is, till a week ago I was using normal small strips and they were sufficient. My swelling did not get larger, just this sweating. Uh, brava is not only very time consuming, painfull and tiring it is also DIRTY! all this sweat and smell, every day..gross!

these are tanner stages:

so B4 is the tanner stage 4 where areolas are pointy-standing out, whereas B5 is nicely round and areolas are simply part of the breasts, areolas are not protruding, just the nipples

hmmm thats interesting your pointier even after the swelling is down... from what i hear about brava is that it improves you breast shape but doesnt change it- i think they mean, that the shape is restored to what it was before aging/sagging/weightloss- the brava website says this- ive never heard any complaints before about people disliking the change in shape from brava... are you quite firm/perky busted already? maybe the shape improvement isnt as good for people starting off firm already?? although i have read posts from small perky breasted women saying they liked their improved shape.. but i think the shape change is just created by added fullness.

Like i said, i like the cone shape of breast- only problem with it is- that when you lose volume from weight loss, sagging etc, the cone shape of breast loses its aesthetic appeal much faster than the round shape. Thats my problem, cause im of that shape, and small in size too!! my weight has fluctuated too much and left my breasts not as pretty as id like them. they used to be fairly nice before they emptied out...Im hoping brava gives them back their volume. Im more interested in that then gaining breast size.

tricky one for you- cause yeah we are going for enhancement and want to actually prefer the end result of our hard work!! How long you been on brava? i remember you said you mixed it with other suction devices? still doing brava just 8 hours a night? wish there were more brava graduates on this forum to get advice from huh? there are so few brava users on here!! i guess the price tag scares people away, and the time commitement. i know its scared me away for long time. when i bought my noogleberry over a year ago, i actually wanted to buy brava, but couldnt bring myself to spend the money and i heard so many horror stories on here about how difficult it was- wish i had done it sooner though now, cause actually i found noogleberry more time consuming. the skin irritation wasnt as bad though i guess... with brava i just wack the domes on in the evening and can do anything i want for those hours before bed, and obviously wen im asleep i dont notice the domes at all, so really it seems just as time consuming as noogleberry was to me, no more and no less. with brava i can move around in almost any way and do almost anything id generally do around the house without worrying about the domes getting in the way or losing suction. i can even go walk my dog in the evenings in quiet residential streets wearing it under a big coat. which is something completely impossible to do in noogleberry! they totally stay put and fit well under clothes.. noogleberry wasnt like that at all!! and anyways the only proper swelling i got from noogleberry was when i did long sessions- 2 hours plus. and i did snoogle sometimes but that was waaaaaay more uncomfortable then brava snoogling, and of course the suction doesnt usually hold through the night. being able to wear the device properly under clothes is a big plus to me. In wintertime in australia, our homes are generally not that warm, our homes are not generally well insulated and electricity costs have skyrocketed, we all try and just layer up in clothes while at home instead of using much heating

how we will end up lol

funny to think how even breast shapes go in and out of fashion- looking at the 50s everyone wanted to have pointy, non round breasts!! they even had bras to form them to that shape.. now we all want round and all our bras try and make them look round

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(23-07-2013, 18:32)universallove Wrote:  but i think the shape change is just created by added fullness.

i remember you said you mixed it with other suction devices? still doing brava just 8 hours a night?

I do get fullness, but more protruding areolas too. I am trying to tape everything down, hopefully I will manage to do that, then I don't have to wonder if they will grow the way I don't want them to. I will try to make a 12h break between the sessions tomorrow to see how much swelling remains then, at the moment I never have more than 10h break and I got the impression I already had gains, but actually after 10h it is too early to say, the swelling does not go down completely during that short period of 10hours. Me in particular, I do not find brava that pleasant at all, I also cannot do everything with it, the itchiness is driving me nuts, the skin is still red..etc..only because I somehow think it will work or works already I can force myself to do it.

Yes I still mix brava and bosom beauty. I do around 10h pumping with both during the week and 15h on weekends.

I think there are some other brava users, maybe they are just not that active on the forum


I got this too until i started using a nipple stopper. That should help make them rounder.

(27-07-2013, 11:25)Fizi_wizi Wrote:  I got this too until i started using a nipple stopper. That should help make them rounder.

great.thank you my nipple/areola savior! a very usefull advice!

while i was growing with pueraria and noogleberry mine went through phases of changing shape now they are round but Im just saying it could be a sign of growth and not a bad thing that was allways how id know if they were growing some more id get a puffy nipple and more conical shape its like swelling i think however when this stopped my nipples were back to harder and my breasts kept the size but got more rounder this happened everytime i had big grow i just thought it was the shape of swelling before growth and not a problem.

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