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Stretch marks?


Has anyone had a problem with stretch marks during their growth? Nothing major but I seem to be getting some minor lines on the inner sides on my breasts. Anyone experienced this? If so, what did you use? Maybe cocoa butter?

(29-07-2013, 17:46)tarrawr Wrote:  Has anyone had a problem with stretch marks during their growth? Nothing major but I seem to be getting some minor lines on the inner sides on my breasts. Anyone experienced this? If so, what did you use? Maybe cocoa butter?

breasts can swell very fast, especially during pregnancy, not growth but swelling.
but sometimes the skin can not expand fast enough-- causing stretch marks.
Use a breast pump used for expansion about $25 to stretch your skin.
7 minutes on and 2 minutes rest.

any chemical you add to your skin is a waste of time and money.


Bio oil is a great choice for strech marks. I'm currently using it on the 7 years old strech marks I got on my butt from puberty. It's been 2 weeks and it's already working.

(29-07-2013, 19:54)onesexybitch Wrote:  
(29-07-2013, 17:46)tarrawr Wrote:  Has anyone had a problem with stretch marks during their growth? Nothing major but I seem to be getting some minor lines on the inner sides on my breasts. Anyone experienced this? If so, what did you use? Maybe cocoa butter?

breasts can swell very fast, especially during pregnancy, not growth but swelling.
but sometimes the skin can not expand fast enough-- causing stretch marks.
Use a breast pump used for expansion about $25 to stretch your skin.
7 minutes on and 2 minutes rest.

any chemical you add to your skin is a waste of time and money.

LOL... You really don't realize how silly you just made yourself look do you? Ask any girl. There are most DEFINITELY chemicals we put on our skins that absorb through the skin barrier. Regularly. Sometimes even unintentionally.

You do seem to particularly enjoy your little "opinion" about NOTHING ever absorbing though.

Though yes, pumping can help PREVENT them, but if they're already there then something needs to be done to help fade or even eliminate them.

Mono's suggestion is a good one. Works well in most cases.

I actually got stretch marks from using a breast suction device. The problem I later learned was probably because when I first started I didn't know to use an oil or lubricant. Now that I do use an oil (flax or Vit. E), the stretch marks are not getting any worse.

I, too, have stretch marks. I have silvery ones on some areas of my breasts and since they're already matured, there ain't much I can do. But I have tried dermarolling on the stretch marks on my hips which are still fresh, raised, and purple. It hurts and sometimes I ask myself why I make tiny holes in my skin for the sake of achieving beauty.

I roll the needle head on my stretchmark horizontally, vertically, diagonally, in all directions. I used to apply cocoa butter afterwards, but I lost my cocoa butter stick and never got around to getting a new one. It really helped speed up the progress. I had a stretchmark on my boob that I caught nice and early and was able to get rid of it with the cocoa butter and dermaroller in about two weeks.

"Since scars are merely a cosmetic issue, our body does not bother to replace scar tissue with normal skin. Skin microinjuries (which is what needling or dermarolling does) are a clever trick to force the skin into remodeling and regeneration. The microinjuries are not big enough to cause more scar tissue but they are big enough to trigger healing processes and regeneration. Unfortunately, the induced regeneration doesn’t completely replace scar tissue by normal skin; it normalizes the skin only partially."

As you can see, it will help reduce it but you can't get rid of the scar tissue(stretch marks). But:

"Stretch marks are deep scars in the dermis and there is currently no method that can remove them. Dermarolling or needling can very significantly improve the appearance of stretch marks but it cannot make them disappear."

"Significantly improve" is good enough for me! Big Grin

When you use the dermaroller, be sure to thoroughly spray it with rubbing alcohol. Also clean the skin with alcohol and use an astringent when you're done with treatment.

Thanks ladies! I'll try some oil/cocoa butter. I massage with flax oil already, didn't seem to help the marks. I took a couple days off from NBE and they seem to have mostly disappeared now, but after starting back up ive been using more oil and haven't noticed any problems. If it gets bad, I'll definitely try the roller Smile

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