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Hypo-Hashimoto's awareness


I really thought this was a well explained post I found on the forum below.

Its a good idea to have our panels monitored if doing long term NBE.

Here's an excerpt:

It's not a debate. Scientific facts GALORE..just do a google search for scientific studies on soy phytoestrogens lowering conversion of T4 to T3. So simple.

Soy (and birth control, and BHRT, and HRT...estrogens..high estrogens) inhibits conversion of T4 to T3. In order to be healthy, especially in the later years, women in menopause, etc. we need to have a working thyroid. The thyroid 'works' (and this includes emotionally, physically, mentally) by making T4 hormone, which is (in a perfect world) converted to the energy part of the thyroid metabolic hormone by converting to T3.

Phytoestrogens and estrogens, and hormones can bind the conversion in the bloodstream. Soy (unfermented) actually binds about 2/3 of the conversion in the bloodstream. IF you have any TPO antibodies soy (and birth control, and HRT) can 'trigger' Hashimoto's (two out of every TEN women have Hashimoto's disease antibodies, and the disease it's the most common form of hypothyroidism in the USA) disease, which is autoimmune hypothyroidism.

Once you have hypothyroidism, people like ME (thyroid patient advocates) are out here in the fight for their lives....cuz most doctors don't want to treat the patient with non synthetic hormones, further complicating their lives (TWO out of every TEN women...have it...yet ONE out of every THOUSAND endocrinologists treat the disease correctly, giving the patient back their emotional and physical lives).

If there are ANY women in your family that have Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, Graves disease, etc. I would not suggest eating unfermented soy. Oh, and MOST women don't develop full blown Hashimoto's until menopause...I have a list of over 400 women who pooh pooh'd there 'full of soy vegan diets' in their late 20's to their early 40's..only to develop the disease full on at 45 yrs. old plus. Some won't ever develop the disease...and can eat soy till the cows come home.

But with two out of ten, myself and the other 50some patient advocates are receiving up to 150 emails a week from all over the world ...from women who need care and hormone replacement for their dead thyroids...most good thyroid docs don't take insurance and cost upwards of around 200 dollars a visit (with initial testing fees and replacment hormones over 2,000 dollars).

But there's a TON of research proving/showing soy's phytoestrogens (unless you're growing your own soy...that might be a good idea...cuz the soy that is engineered to grow faster, stronger, etc. and doused with chemicals to prevent weeds, bugs is what is the worst for you). I live in an area where I'm SURROUNDED by soybean fields..some are touting themselves as 'organic' which is sure funny cuz we can see the Roundup used before seeding and we can see the spray..overspraying the organic fields too...there's no difference.

BTW;...are you Hashimoto's hypothyroidism? And are you taking all the thyroid hormones you need? T1, T2, T3, T4? Are you taking Armour thyroid or are you being given a synthetic? (yep, I'm nosy!).

Last edited by nonstickpam107; 09-20-2008 at 06:32 AM..

Im happy you brought up this thyroid thing... You say you been to the dr for it well so have i the doctors thought i had Hyperthyroidism cause still to this day i loose weight, my hair is thinning, my heart beats 120 bpm (not normal) im always hot, my blood pressure is high so they put me on pb pills that happen to be beta blockers to slow down my heart ... Well I did my test ultra sound and came to have the right side of my thyroid to be slightly larger than the left they diagnosed me with multi nodule goiter so i then took a radio iodine uptake to see if my thyroids were letting out to much thyroid hormone but it came back normal... But im having all the symptoms of hyperthyroidism crazy huh...? Im to the point were i want to go see another doctor to get a second opinion because he swears up and down that the goiters have nothing to do with the symptoms im having and thats not right to me....

You should look up Dr. Boydston(specializes in Thyroid disease), he can do all your labs and over the phone appointments. He is really good and approaches things a bit different than Main stream docs(that generally don't know how to catch things before they get worse).

I wonder if you have Grave'sDisease. You first burn out by going hyper than you go into hypo mode which is all the opposite. You will gain weight and have less T3. My mom had it and now has no thyroid output.SHe used to be super skinny and is now overwheight with many other issues. They had to remove it is what they said(what main stream docs love to do). I don't want you to do that, Ever!

Please, look him up. If one side continues to stay inflamed, your stupid doctors will want to remove it. You will have half of your thyroid.

If you can fix it now


I have just been diagnosed as hyperthyroid but my T3 and T4 are only slightly abnormal. I am already on beta blockers because of my heart condition and I think my hyperthyroidism was caused by amiodarone poisoning. I am getting a thyroid scan done in a couple of weeks to see if it is amiodarone induced hyperthyroidism, grave's disease or something else. One thing I noticed was I have been super busy lately and kind of addicted to these protein bars. They have iodine in them (I didn't know I had a thyroid issue when I started eating them) so I will be cutting those out of my diet. They also stopped my warfarin so I can eat spinach and other green veges to limit thyroid activity a bit. I also probably need to go back to my naturopath *sigh* I was so excited to be off the warfarin and now my thyroid looks like the "big bad" this year. At least it isn't a-fib again though. I am hoping if I get this under control maybe my NBE will work better. BTW I am not taking supplements for NBE but am eating a little bit of soy and dairy.

Well... Nothing soy here. Haven't been since I worked out that it does nothing for me.

I do think I have a good risk for thyroid problems. My mom is classic Graves.

In fact I *THINK* I might already have a problem, which I'm treating naturopathically using thyroid glandular supplementation.

I'm not sure what age my mom was when her thyroid went. She blames it on a bad pregnancy.

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