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Experiencing growth w/ Vitex and Wild Yam :D


So, I've been taking Vitex and Wildyam for about 9 weeks now and both my fiance and I have noticed quite a bit of growth Big Grin This does not go away when I get my period btw. This is real growth, not swelling. I haven't been measuring because I was not taking these herbs for breast growth.

Some background information on why it works for me: I use to own an account on here and search these forums because I wanted my breasts to grow but I never actually tried anything. In the past few months though my estrogen dominance has been really getting to me. I miscarried about 2 months ago because of low progesterone and a short luteal phase. It was a chemical pregnancy, which some people don't like to think of it as a real miscarriage but it still hurts. Basically I have a short luteal phase of about 10 days where I ovulate on day 16 and I only have a 26 day cycle. I have severe endometriosis which gives me very painful periods that are 7 days long and very heavy and miserable. I bleed so much that it makes me very anemic and I pass out during my period. I have severe pmdd that makes me suicidal and crazy the week before my period, and once I get my period I'm fine. It's quite dangerous how unlike myself I get because of the severe pmdd. Lately, I have been contemplating a hysterectomy. It really pains me to say that. I feel like I've tried so many things trying to fix my problems and nothing has been working. The only reason I haven't gotten a hysterectomy is because my fiance and I want kids sooooo bad. I keep ovulating on day 16 though and having a 10 day luteal phase, so I know that if I did get pregnant it would be the same story. I would just miscarry. I've been feeling very hopeless about this lately and like I am going to have to get a hysterectomy, but now...
Now: I've gone through 2 periods with the Vitex and Wildyam combination and unfortunately, it has yet to help either my endometriosis or pmdd. Although I am holding out hope and maybe even my next period will be different. I use to get really bad headaches every day that sent me reaching for the ibuprofen all the time, now I notice that I'm reaching for the ibprofen a lot less and it's significantly improved my migraines. My skin also looks a bit clearer. I don't really have a problem with unclear skin. I mainly just get the occasional zit or two around my period or when I'm really stressed out. I do have red marks though from where old zits use to be years ago during puberty. They are flat and on the sides of my eyebrows, just below my forehead. I notice that that area is starting to clear up which is crazy to me because I never though I could get rid of that. Now, I notice that it's starting to clear up, I would say that it's about half of what it use to be. This was never a very noticeable thing because my hair normally hides it, but I notice it. The first two months I was taking it I was still ovulating on day 16 and having a 26 day cycle. This month I ovulated on day 14 Big Grin I'm currently on day 17 of my cycle, so it's too early to say if my cycle will be 26 days or 28. I am really excited that I ovulated on day 14 though. I was literally about to give up on the vitex and wildyam combo. We ordered progesterone cream and it arrived and I said that if by the end of this cycle it didn't start to work then next cycle I would start taking progesterone cream instead. Literally the next day was day 14 and I ovulated, meaning that it's starting to work. Then today I started to think about it and I noticed that my skin was clearer and I was getting a lot less headaches which means that it was helping for other stuff too.

The Boobs:Ah now on to the boobs, the thing everyone is dying to know about. I don't remember exactly when I noticed my boobs getting bigger but probably around the one month mark. I ignored it though and figured it was all in my head. My fiance keeps talking about how my boobs are getting bigger though. He says that now when I'm walking around the house braless it's more noticeable that I'm not wearing a bra. He said that my boobs are starting to fill out my bras better, which they are. It's really hard for me to buy bras because my left boob is about half a cup size bigger then my right boob, so I can never get a bra that fits. BOTH boobs are starting to grow though. This is strange because I've gained and lost 40lbs over and over with very little change in my boobs, especially my right boob. My right boob has never gotten bigger or smaller no matter how much weight I gained or lost. The left boob was only slightly effected by weight gain and loss. Whenever I'd lose the 40lbs they were ALMOST even, meaning I lost only somewhere between 1/4-1/2 of a cupsize. Closer to the 1/4 mark though because they weren't even, it was just only noticeable if I wasn't wearing any clothes. I've always found this to be odd. Most people would probably go up or down 2 cupsizes if they gained or lost that much weight, but my right didn't change at all and my left barely budged. Now they are BOTH growing. Unfortunately, they aren't evening out like I hoped, but the imbalance isn't getting worse. They are growing at the same rate. I'm really sorry that I don't have any measurements or anything, but take our words for it that they are growing. It's only been about 9 weeks since I started taking it and I don't think anyone besides me or him would notice it. It's only noticeable when I'm wearing a bra, or when I'm completely shirtless. Although I'm starting to fill my bra's out better. I'm just starting to get cleavage.They are more perky, fuller, and bouncy. They also just look bigger. If I had to guess how much bigger they got in 9 weeks I would say about 1/3 of a cup. I'm not very good at estimating this stuff though. Not only that it's all legit growth. I didn't take it during my first period and they didn't go down at all, and during my second period I stopped taking it for 3 days and did a milk thistle cleanse, although then I decided I was gonna keep taking it during my periods so started back up, but they still didn't go down at all.


The only side effect I have noticed is that I'm more emotional. I am more weepy lately. Nothing crazy. It hasn't made me suicidal or crazy or anything. I have noticed that I am a bit more weepy and sensitive though. This might start to balance out as time goes on though. It's nothing too noticeable. Just a bit more sensitive although I figured it was worth mentioning. I am under a lot of stress lately, so it might not even be because of the hormones. I have also not experienced any relief from either my pmdd or endometriosis yet, although hopefully that starts to change this cycle since I'm noticing other positive changes like ovulating sooner. It does not work overnight. From what I hear most people start to notice positive results around the 3 month mark.

My Program
- Natures Way Vitex 400mg 3x a day
-The Vitamin Shoppe Mexican Wild Yam 500mg 3x a day.
Note: I know it says 3x a day, but I actually take it twice a day because I'm lazy lol. I take 1 of each when I first get up, and then I take 2 of each between 3pm-6pm, although usually closer to 3pm. So, in total I am taking 1,500 mg of Wild Yam a day and 1,200 mg of Vitex a day. At first I was taking a break during my periods, but I am no longer doing that. I might go back to breaking for my period at some point although I'm not sure. That's all I do. I don't massage because I can't keep up with it although I originally started this program by trying to take Vitex internally, and massage Wildyam onto my breasts, although I never could keep up with this, so after 2 weeks I decided to just switch to taking it internally.

Do I suggest this to anyone else?
If you are estrogen dominant then this might be the program for you. I can't say how other people will react, but I know that I've experienced success on this. It all has to do with your hormone levels. My biggest piece of advice is to figure out what is going on with your hormone levels, and then pick a program that is suited for that. My progesterone was just high enough for me to ovulate, but not even high enough for me to implant an embryo properly. My estrogen dominance has literally been taking over my life, so it was pretty obvious to me that something had to be done and since I heard really good things about Vitex and Wildyam I decided to give them a try.

Well, thank you for reading all of that. I know that was a lot to read, but I talk a lot and I didn't want to leave anything out. I will keep everyone informed on what is going on. Hopefully it starts to help the endometriosis and pmdd soon so I can stay on it and not need a hysterectomySmile Prayers this way please.

I am glad this is working for you. I was diagnosed with PCOS and I am using Wild Yam and progesterone cream and seeing results. Happy growing to us both!

Thank you Smile Happy growing!

Day 24 and still no sign of pmdd. I'm loving these medicines. I don't feel weepy anymore either. My fiance was going through stress and it's gone now so I think it just had to do with that. Happy Smile

Hi there.
I wonder if you are aware that vitex improves fertility and is one of those female herbs that can tone, heal, and promote changes the down-theres of us ladies. More estrogen definitely equals more crying and possibly other things. Watch out, girl! Big Grin Good luck and stay healthy dear!

Very well written

People do you see what she has done.

She looked into all the methods for breast growth, deciding on the one that she felt was right for her.
Monitored her progress, looking for any and all signs of breast growth and all other physical and mental changes while taking the drug.
she reported not only those things that were positive, but also things that were negative.

I find her to be highly Credible and would now believe - anything that she was to say!

she did better than any doctor or researcher could have done!
She created a paper which detailed all her findings.
Which she presented to us , so that we could benefit from her experiance.

Hopefully she will give us followup reports!

Nicely done!


I can not believe anything that is written about these plants as it all comes from advertisers, which only lie and distort the facts to sell a product that usually don't work but always have very bad toxins
which hurt the body.

I can only believe testimony from people who i judge to be Credible- like this wonderful woman who i find to be amazingly bright, and mentally well balanced.
And what i see and hear with my own eyes and ears.
If it sounds to good to be true- then it isn't true.


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