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I'm still rather flabbergasted that your ego is so large that you would come into an existing forum and demand it be changed to suit you. It was meant to be this way or there would not be a mens NBE section on it. WOW, WOW WOW, I'm just blown away by your narcissistic type thinking.

I'm done here, please keep the ugliness that seems to rule your heart, mind and mouth to yourself. This isn't the place for it.

I am lost for words i really am. I have nothing to say to you Majestic. I only hope it is you that is the minorety as there is enough hurt and pain in this world without people like you adding to itSad

After reading the second post that Majestic put in, I had to respond one more time. I doubt this person is who they claim to be. I've been a member of quite a few forums, and this is typical. You get a new person who comes in...stirring the pot...attacking one or two ppl...and it's just a game to them. Happens all the time. The best thing we can do is just not respond to them, or give them what they want....attention.

Fabulous pic Cheryl...if you're not a redhead, you need to be. Hard to tell the color in the pic...but with your creamy skin tone...oooh.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies. It's sunny and time for drama or silly ppl wanting attention.

Hi bellalily, thanks hun i have thought about going red lol but i dont know, and as far as mejestic goes i will totally ignore her from now on.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

It's funny bella, earlier this afternoon, I was reading this thread and thought to myself. God she sounds Soooooo male. And not just any type of male. I'm talking chest thumping, homophobic, insecurities bring out the worst in them male. LOL, it did have me wondering then if this woman couldn't possibly be who she claimed and at one point I was thinking she sounded like she's the one with a set of balls as she kept wanting to say.classy. What you said makes good sense. It's really a shame though regardless of what the case may be.

As for cheryl's hair. OOOOO red. Do it, Do it! I use to love going red for some fun. I've been thinking about doing a little grey damage control lately and doing a cinnamon wash from redken, it's a matter for finding the time and the energy. lol.

Hope you do it and can't wait to see the end results. One word of warnng from somone that has made the mistake before. LOL, it's better to er on the side of less time, than more when you put the color on. It's always tempting to go a little longer for fear of it not being as dark as you want, but sometimes that one extra minute can be a disaster. Have fun!

You know, I was thinking the same, that Majestic is a guy!
Some homophobic fascist **** who thinks "having balls" is a compliment - which is quite ironic, considering that in some countries a man having "big balls" is an insult.

Anyway, best not to dwell on this anymore.

Just wanted to add that I used to dye my hair red when I was in my teens and I used to apply a small amount on one string of hair, take the time, and then wash it out. If the color was right I would leave it in for that amount of time in all my hair.
well take care everyone and good luck!

this forum is not descriminatory. there are many men who are going through a sexual change because they are women in male bodies or for other reasons that they don't need to divulge to you.

you don't need to like or accept it but you Do need to treat them with respect, if you cannot do that then please go somewhere else, the rest of us have no problem with the males who come here for help, and in fact i find that if they DO have success they are inspirational to say the least, please keep your negative comments and predjudices to yourself or leave and don't come back. That type of behavior is not tollerated in this forum.

Cheryl definitely go red! I had red hair a while back but unfortunately my hair doesn't like to hold dye and always ends up back it's natural dark brown colour within a few weeks lol! xx

omg, you're absolutely right, Carol. Narrow-minded was not even close. Ignorant, intolerant and hateful would certainly be more accurate.

Whether she's a fake or not I cannot tell. But I can tell what kind of person she must be from her posts. Her statements contradict each other more than once. So either she is a fake or she's a self-absorbed hypocrite who's trying to manipulate.

I could go into more detail as to why her posts are contradictory but that's cerntainly not worth the effort. To ignore her is probably best.

Okay,okay already! I know there have been tons of posts,and here is my 2 cents. It is very possible that Carol is a guy. She is definitely obnoxious..... Maybe a redneck-and I am in Tennessee! Cheryl-you know that I love you and consider you a friend. Carol is minority. Carol- cheryl first exchanged pics with us on the old forum because she did not want to offend anybody,but she did not want to go through this journey alone. I wanted to see Cheryl's progress. Several members encouraged her to post them. There is a male section to this forum,by the way. I was having stretch mark issues and Cheryl offered me help,along with others,and they went away. Cheryl knows what I look like,as we have exchanged pics. Cheryl is a wonderful person. You have no idea what she goes through. You may not care,but I do. This world is a better place with Cheryl. I just learned Andy was bio-male. So what? He just gave me awesome advice on booby batter. Wahaika is very knowledgeable,as his wife had success with NBE. If you don't like it-get out! It won't revolve around you. This is Eve's place. You judge a book by it's cover and you are missing out. It's none of your business anyway. Sweep off your own doorstep. If Eve has no problem with this,no one else should. I have a husband as well. If you want to be nice,we will forgive you,but don't come back with that attitude. I think you are just jealous of Cheryl's huge boobs. Tough!

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