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DreamingBIG's program


I just read RC is an antiprogestrone. It increases estrogen but lowers progestrone. Should I cycle it? And what are some ways I could increase progestrone during during my luteal phase without herbs? I heard vitC increases it but then I read it takes 6 months:/

One week update
I measured several hours after taking my herbs to give time for swelling to go down a bit and Ive been losing weight. I think it's b/c I've been snacking throughout the day instead of having 3 large meals. And I never posted how much of everything I'm taking..
1....540mg SP
1....375mg RC
1....610mg FG
Afternoon (8 hours later):
1....540mg SP
1....375mg RC
1....610mg FG
Evening(8 hours later):
2....540mg SP
2....375mg RC
2....610mg FG

I was taking 1 capsule 3x a day but recently increased to 4, taking an extra one at night. I ran out of collagen yesterday and probably won't purchase anymore until I move in about 3 weeks.

I also take fish oil and calcium with vitD on and off but recently tried taking it more regularly and I also added magnesium for bone health. I've noticed though I get more aches after I take my vitamins. I might add a multivitamin in the near future and see if that helps at all.


The dips in my hips have been filling outSmile it's no where near fully filled in but it looks so much better. I've been out a town so I haven't done my exercises in about 3 days but I started braking open a FO capsule to mix in my oils(only 1 capsule mixed in olive oil and canola oil doesn't smell too bad) and that seems to be speeding up my results.

I also started a squat challenge. I've thought about starting one for awhile and after seeing some awesome before and afters I've decided to start one. I might add epo to help slim down my waist while keeping my butt and breasts.

I am now swelling up to 34.75". Sometimes when I massage with my booby batter I can get up to 35"Wink

Day 16
Bust is now measuring 35" consistantly. My hip dents are also noticeably fuller. I'm probably going to fit in an extra massage setion for my smaller breast. As I've grown the asymmetry as become more noticeable. I'll probably use muscle rub on it.
I think that the calcium and magnesium has also played a role. I noticed when I take them I get a lot more growing pains. I've read they caused breast growth but with nothing to back it up on the sites I read it from(at least as to why calcium did), I kinda just blew it off but it seems to be true. If I take one of them I notice a bit more going on and when I take both I notice alot more pain and swelling

I'm on my period and stopped all herbs. The only change in my pd was that it was 2 days early. I'm still massaging and using my booby batter. I haven't measured but the girls still look really full and round.

My hips are looking great. I had to stop exercising cause of my pd. Very very painful and I sometimes become anemicSad (which is normal for me) and basically have just been lying in bed and popping pills. This has also forced me to only apply my mixture once a day.

I've began trying to increase my lip size naturally. I bought a lip gloss that is known for permanently increasing their size and I know a woman that had amazing results using it along with taking HA capsules. I'll probably get some this weekend.
I used the lip gloss last night and my lips today are sooooo soft and plump. Love itSmile

Hi DreamingBig You have an interesting thread Smile I also just started hula hooping with a weighted hoop. Only second day today tho. I think its about 5 pounds but im not sure. I can let you guys know if it works Smile

I was wondering what kind of lip gloss it is that you where talking about? I would love to try something for bigger lips!

Thanks and best of luck on your progress Smile

Hey gordysbabe! Thanks and please do!
It's called citylips original formula from It's said to use peptides and collagen for permanent growth overtime. It's $32 so it's pretty pricy for a lipgloss but so far I really like it. I sometimes have a bad reaction to lip plumpers like blisters or the area around my mouth swells but I don't react to this one and it doesn't burn like other plumpers. It does tingle though.

There is also an advance formula which I tried years ago when it first came out. It gave me amazing tempary plumping but I didn't get any permanent growth. I later looked for other reveiws and a lot of other people said the same thing but the original formula did give them permanent results (the before and after pics on the site are from the original formula too).

I have been using it since Monday as instructed (apply once before bed) and my lips are sooooo soft and only slightly fuller but it stays full all day. I hope to add HA this weekend to get even better results.

I officiaLly suck at measuring! Lol. I keep measuring anywhere between 34-35" so instead I'm just going to report back with a description of how my breasts are fitting in my current bra (not comfortable with posting pics:/).

So I went to VS yesterday to use my coupons and I am now a 32C! (b4 was 32B) My boobs still look the same size from the front thoughSad from the side I can tell they stick out more but from the front with a bra on I loom like a B and without a bra I look like an A!!! Ugh my boobs suck.... I'm thinking of shooting for 32DD. That way w/o a bra I will look like a C and with I will look like a D which for a 32 band size isn't that big or small. Also my booty is measuring 40.5 again! I think I'm going to start working on getting more of a shelf than actually increasing size for now. My lips have also grown a bitSmileMostly my top lip which I'm guessing is bc it's thinner... I haven't added HA yet. Walmart in my town doesn't carry it! So next week when I go grocery shopping I'll go to the other walmart. There both like 3 miles away from me so no big deal.

I tried OSB's method for 2 days. I was having more aches in my smaller breast and they were starting to even out! Sadly it was just too inconvenient for me so I went back to taking capsules today and my smaller breast shrunk back down and my larger one is getting all the aches again:/ for those that don't know all u do is put your herbs in a coffe machine and drink it every 6 hours.

(13-08-2013, 19:11)DreamingBIG Wrote:  I officiaLly suck at measuring! Lol. I keep measuring anywhere between 34-35" so instead I'm just going to report back with a description of how my breasts are fitting in my current bra (not comfortable with posting pics:/).

So I went to VS yesterday to use my coupons and I am now a 32C! (b4 was 32B) My boobs still look the same size from the front thoughSad from the side I can tell they stick out more but from the front with a bra on I loom like a B and without a bra I look like an A!!! Ugh my boobs suck.... I'm thinking of shooting for 32DD. That way w/o a bra I will look like a C and with I will look like a D which for a 32 band size isn't that big or small. Also my booty is measuring 40.5 again! I think I'm going to start working on getting more of a shelf than actually increasing size for now. My lips have also grown a bitSmileMostly my top lip which I'm guessing is bc it's thinner... I haven't added HA yet. Walmart in my town doesn't carry it! So next week when I go grocery shopping I'll go to the other walmart. There both like 3 miles away from me so no big deal.

I tried OSB's method for 2 days. I was having more aches in my smaller breast and they were starting to even out! Sadly it was just too inconvenient for me so I went back to taking capsules today and my smaller breast shrunk back down and my larger one is getting all the aches again:/ for those that don't know all u do is put your herbs in a coffe machine and drink it every 6 hours.

I'm the same way with a bra I look like a nice C and fill a small C cup and without just a plain B Sad I think I will have to get at least a E size before Im satisfied with how they look braless!

congrats on your lip growth! I really want to try that product but don't have the money for it right now. But someday Smile

My hoolahooping is not as consistent as I would want it to be. More focused on growing my boobies for now. have been trying to hoolahoop everyday but missed a few here and there. So far I havnt noticed any drastic results just that my waist seems to have a little more of a curve to it which I really like. Probably not much for other people to notice but I can see it and I like it Smile

congrats on your progress and keep up the good work!
Cheers gbabe


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