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Hi everyone, lol i know what you mean i did think that carol could be a man aswell, i do encounter alot of men with the same way of thinking quite often and some thing i have never mentioned on here as it was not relevent is i have actually been beat up 3 times over the past 4 months, 2 times where just a few bumps and bruises but one time was pretty bad and i spent a night in hospital, and its kind of took its toll on me as i dont go out as much anymore and if im honest i am a little scared. I dont know why i have decided to mention it now as its got nothing to do with NBE lol but there you go. I always knew what i was doing would be hard but i would not change it for the world, i am becoming who i think i should have been and if people want to judge me on how i look then so be it, it just makes me sad Sad I just want to say thank you to everyone who has spoke up on this thread as you have all reminded me that the world is full with wonderful kind people and thats good to know lol god im at it again lolRolleyes I am really considering going red now lol hair colour that is lol i think i will start of with a semi colour and see how it looks, i did have a picture of my face up as my avatar but i took it down after about 40mins as i got paranoid for some reason so thats when Bella commented on going red so maybe ill put it up again sometime or if anyone wants to see me just ask and i will email you a pic, but only people that have been on the forum a while lol as last time i said that on the old forum i got tons of people who i had not even seen on the forum asking for pics lol. Anyway enough rambling, good luck everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Aww Cheryl that's terrible! People are so narrow minded! People like that aren't worth anything... I think it's terrible when people are made victims because they're different! I think you're doing so well considering everything you've been through! Well done you're an inspiration Smile x

I'm really sorry to hear that Cheryl, if anything it makes me even more upset about what happened here, since thi sis supposed to be the safe haven from what you experience day to day in the real world.

I know it seems crazy, but down the road when you are where you want to be, it will make you all the prouder to have gotten there to have survived this type of stuff and to have not let it deter you from your goals. As I like to say about what I went through growing up with abuse. "I walked through the fires of hell and came out the other side scar free. Heck yeah, I'm proud of myself!"

A lot of people don't get how impowering it can be to not only survive something but against all odds come out of it an even better you than before!

Thanks Alicia and Mel, i always knew when i decided to go ahead and live as a woman that i would come across people who for some reason hate me but like you say Mel and i agree, things like this make us stronger and i might not feel very strong at the moment but i know in the long run i will be a better person, i have changed so much over the last 14 months and i mean mentaley if thats how its spelt lol i feel happier and more content, so its been a very rewarding process for me and i still have along way to go. This forum does offer me alot of support and i am so grateful to everyone so thank youSmile
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear of the abuse you are suffering in your quest to be yourself. It bothers and angers me when I see or hear about injustice. I understand we Libra’s are like that. If not then it is just me. Big Grin In this day and age of multimedia proliferation. Where television and the Internet is practically everywhere. Even Libraries still offer a full range of books and magazines on a wide range of subjects and people. There are still people who do not try to understand
anything outside of there little world view. If you ,at least, don't understand it. Then be tolerant of others, or things you don't understand. Unfortunately, some people fear what they do not understand, and rather than try to understand they lash out. Dishing out
physical or verbal abuse is never ok, in any situation. Those that do, are the actual weak ones. You on the other hand are much stronger since you have a solid sense of who you are and what you want out of life. You care about others and try to understand them.
Gotta get back to work so I hope this came out right.
You keep on being strong in your belief in yourself.

Thanks Andy, i dont like to think about the bad things and i dont really talk about anything to anyone, and i am not sure why i said about my assaults, when i think about it or talk about it, it makes me feel like a victim and i am not a victim, there are alot of people in this world with alot bigger problems than me and i should be gratefull for what i have. I just believe that everyone no matter how hard they are on the outside still needs help or friendship and i dont understand everything that people do in this world but i will always treat people with respect and decency and with an open mind, but i guess im abit gullable and stupid to think everyone is the same. Anyway thank you, all your support is overwhelming and very appreciated.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

you have more support here than non suppporters and I am excited for you that you found happiness Smile

people who don't take the time to get to know those they judge and hate are not worth the time or stress. for every person that dislikes you three more are there who DO like you Smile

At least Majestic was honest enought to say what she thinks... maybe not clever.....

Yes-she was STUPIDLY honest about what she said. She doesn't have to agree,but she oozed pure hatred. Frankly,it's not any bit of her darn business. These are personal goals for every one here,and if a person is doing NBE,then they have a right to be here. We all deserve support. I know I get lazy with my program without this forum. Majestic has a right to her own opinions,but she could have come on here and introduced herself,and ask for a helping hand. Yes, Cheryl would have responded because that's how Cheryl is-reaches her hand out for support. Just because she is a born a male and has decided to live as a female does NOT make her any less human nor a freak. For Majestic to come on here and attack a member of this forum that has been around for a long time and has caused no harm to anyone is absolutely uncalled for. Plus,where we are a tight-knit community,and when someone comes on here with viscous words,we look out for one another. So,that won her no peers here. There have been others on here that disagree with what Cheryl is doing,but they were never so tactless as Majestic. All she has to do is get to know every one,then agree to disagree. She doesn't have to respond to Cheryl. I want Cheryl,Andy,and Wahaika all to stay. Wahaika is very,very smart about herbs and chemistry,and he obviously supports women getting bigger breasts the natural way,as his wife was very successful with NBE. Andy gave me a kick-butt response to my question of making my own PM cream. Cheryl has had hormone problems all her life,and she knows exactly the fluctuations of emotions that we go threw. Any way you look at it,she did grow some very big tatas with NBE. 38Ds to be exact. Why wouldn't any one want to hear what she has to say? I do. To NOT have these members here would be a disservice to everyone. As far as Majestic not being comfortable about posting her pics on here......well,she does not have to. Many members have chosen not to post,but that does not make them any less successful @ NBE nor any less of a member. Majestic-here is my piece of advice to you: if you must judge,then learn to judge a person's heart,not their decisions that they have made that you just do not agree with and/or understand. Negative attitude will stall and hinder your attempts at NBE. Open mindedness and positive attitude will make you successful @ NBE. You can swallow all the herbs and massage your breasts till they ache,but with your attitude they will be for nothing. I have met people from all over the globe with this forum,and it has made me a better person for it. You can go to other BE forums,but there are going to be males any where you go,but this is the best forum there is. This is a safe place to be and every one here should feel that way. Not just you. Get a better attitude and come back. I will about bet you won't have to worry about Cheryl and the others responding to you anyway. They don't want to make you feel uncomfortable,as you have made them

Wow, looks like someone has issues against gender identity and changing one's body out for their own happiness. Seriously, let people do what they want. It will make the world a better place if you didn't spit out such harsh and hateful things. You should be really ashamed of yourself for picking on the males here, especially Cheryl when she has helped out so many of us with our journeys. She doesn't judge use and she is an inspiration to all of us here.

This forum is for information, support and dreams of NBE. It's not gender specific, anyone can have these same dreams of NBE, and everyone is welcomed to this nice community. And no one should be judged on their decisions. No matter who or what they are.

On the side note; why would someone look at our pictures to get all hot and horny when they can easily access free porn websites online? I mean you can even go into yahoo pictures and type in sex. BOOM! there you go. Free naked girls.

I would just like to tell Cheryl, you are one of my main inspirations on here. Your like a role model to me in my quest for NBE and you are always so kind to everyone. I would love for you and any other male to stay who has such a kind heart as yours.

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