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From noogleberry to brava- also looking for large brava domes


(04-08-2013, 03:49)universallove Wrote:  update: i have been off brava for 4 day Sad welll my swelling has all gone down but you know what, my shape is still fuller then when i started which is kinda cool, so who knows maybe the month of wear did do something permanent already and was not a total waste.

oh, you lost all the swelling after 4days! did you have a measurable gain like 12hours after the session? how much did you gain and it was lost after 4 days?

and just ignore the posts about- it's only swelling, lasts 4hours, just a cup size,saggy skin, doesn't work..


hi rateset Smile yeah bummer ended up being 5 nights in total off brava, and it was going so well!! at leAst my skin got a chance to heal properly i guess.... well i measured today and actually im still up in measuremnts, im at 33 inches (started at 32.5)- and im not pre menstral or anything, im at luteal phase so its not just pre menstral swelling... and like i said my shape is fuller- so whether thats swelling that was still lasting or an actual growth who knows- probably swelling lasting through the 4 days i guess most likely- so i would think the months wear wasnt totally wasted if im starting up again while some swelling is still about... ill let you know how my swelling goes in the morning!!

i ended up doing a 12 hour session last night. swelling in the morning was average, 34.5 inches, but so far its maintaining nicely. but of course i am starting up again after 5 days off!! i need to find the time for a longer session! be great if i could do a few consecutive 15 hour sessions to make up for lost time. my skin is a hell of a lot more comfortable in these larger domes

update: 1.5 weeks after my 5 day break from brava, and its going great... lifes gotten in the way of my wear time, and although mostly ive been doing 12 hour sessions and a couple of 14 hour sessions, a couple of days ive managed only 10 hour sessions, and even a couple of sessions with only 9 hours wear... But my swelling has been great and today i kept alot more swelling than ever when it was time to put on domes again... I am coming up to my period now so i guess this may be a big factor.

I started my program nearly 7 weeks ago now... although having the 5 consecutive days off technically means my program is only at the week 2 stage (for every consecutive day of no wear you lose 1 week of progress- so the manual says)

update: skin suffering... rash and itching and red and bad.... i had to take three days off but not cause of the rash but cause i had to go away and share accomodation with zero privacy Sad ive ordered a another brava set off a member on here with domes in much better condition and i hope these domes are kinder to my skin. im thinking that probably torn rims let in more bacteria and also heavy piling is more irritating to the skin then a smoother surface.

well it looks like im adding more and more time to my program missing all these days!! you know i can see it might be a good choice for someone just to invest in a new brava and save themselves the trouble of finding new bits like larger domes when needed, instead of having to break the program and add so much more time. i find brava fine and fairly easy to wear, like ive said but the skin irritation is appauling to me... maybe i should try that cream others have suggested.. noone sells in it in australia though and its expensive when shipping is taken into account. might need to get it though, seeing others have said its the only thing thats worked.

ive been using aloe vera and paw paw ointment, also sorbelene cream. i think it helps a little but not majorly. im sure cortisone cream would work wonders as ive heard others say, but cortisone is a dangerous chemical to your health and affects your immune system in ways noone yet understands is what i hear.

well anyways, im selling these domes on ebay, and being clear in my listing that they have some damage.. the ebay seller i bought them off ended up giving me a 200 refund on them, but wouldnt accept a return, whch is better than nothing i guess. i paid 500 for them including postage, and yeah i doubt ill resell them for 300 to get back what i paid! I started an auction for them at 180. so if any one wants some large wide domes check them out. they do still hold a seal perfectly and without fail, but maybe you should only consider them if your skin isnt super sensitive like mine is.

ive decided im gonna keep all my spare parts including sport box, as ill have two of everything, besides domes, when i receive this new set...after seeing how hard it is to get second hand brava bits!!! dont wanna have to break my program again if any parts fail.

as for my actual progress, well im holding at 33.5 at the end of the day. actually i was holding at that even after my recent three day break. strange isnt it. i started at 32.5... my breasts ar definietly fuller and whether it a real change that will last or swelling- either is good, cause its maintaining all the time, and if its not growth yet, well its good to have lasting swelling as that leads to growth. i have no new stretch marks at all, and thats after more than 7 weeks of use here. thats a good sign nd makes me feel its probably true that lighter pressure over longer time periods is safer for stretchmarks than higher pressure for shorter periods, but you would assume it was that was i guess. my nipples dont seem to be growing ether- and with noogleberry i noticed nipple growth after just a week even!! my nipples look good actally, they are pinker, and their shape seems somehow more likeable to me. if it wasnt for this dam rash id be enjoying me 'new' chest alot right now

ive quit the prep wipes and started using 100% aloe vera as prep for the domes and i cant begin to describe the difference its made in my skin irritation- its amazing!!! I been doing it a few days now and the rash is quickly clearing with no new irritation. o what a relief. I even did 13 hour sessions two nights in a row and my skin is getting so much better. thank god for this forum and its tips!!

im still using paw paw ointment, aloe gel after removing the domes and massaging in pm cream a little after domes are off.... the massage of the pm cream brings my swelling down a bit- but to apply it requires massage- i try and do more rubbing then massage to get it absorbed- but i wonder if its better to just leave it totally out of my program instead- as massage is best avoided when your trying to maintain swelling... i guess i just noticed how much topical pm helped with swelling when i was using noogleberry so im reluctant to let it go. plus i like the temporary boost it gives while your using it.

anyways im super pleased with the effect of aloe over prep wipes, and its a big relief knowing i can continue the program without the crazy rashes, which were starting to get really bad!! swelling is good and is starting to get over 35 inches in the mornings )this morn i was 35.5 inches)- previously 35 inches was the maximum!!

this was interesting, and useful for keeping up my morale!! Info on the brava clinical trials (contrary to popular opinion- the studies measured participants 2 years after completing their brava program, and on average 95% of growth was maintained) theres some before and after pics here too

Pictures are great, but too good to be true, they all got 2-3 cup sizes more, well my experience till now is just a modest gainSmile nothing you could express in cup sizes and I have been doing it for 8weeks. Also the experiences of other members were modest gains in a long time, I don't remember reading someone had such gains..not even after a long time and on the brava system pages (not gallery) they say such a big result was in 5 weeks?!

i know amazing pics huh?? probably they were taken just after finishing the program, cause you do lose some in the first bit after stopping- and no doubt they were rare results that barely anyone gets, just the very lucky few!! but the studies they quoted did sumarise that- most women only gained about a cup size. I dont think the article said that the users only used brava for 5 weeks, it said it was miniumum of 10 weeks and up to 26 weeks.... well congrats on your 'modest' gain!! i dont know about you but im happy with a modest gain, especially if its permament!! For me, i think im almost done week 8 as well! but ive had breaks in my program Sad At the moment im now measuring at very close to 34 inches at the end of the night, which is pretty good i think! Theres alot more fullness and i love it. I started at 32.5 inches so i think im up more then a cup size- but of course its probably still just swelling. long time to go till my program ends... thank god my skins ok now. aloe has been my saviour.

It is important to note that the pictures in those links had fat redistributions to their breasts too and also wore the brava. That is not brava alone. They had boob jobs with fat from their butt. Please know this. You can see the same photos from the plastic surgeon where they came from originally:

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