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From noogleberry to brava- also looking for large brava domes


And in case any one wonders how I measure- I measure across the nipples but under the projecting part of the nipple ( wat is it called??!) that part of my nipples is a bit long on my breasts so I measure just beneath it, on the areola. If my nipples are a bit swollen I compress them a bit under the tape to get a more accurate measurement... My nipples haven't been swelling as much as they were though and with the swelling regress of this morning it just got me thinking- wat if my sport box is giving out a bit? I'm waiting on a whole new/ second set I bought off eBay from a forum member so will get a new sport box to try thenj- but it's late in arriving which has me worried... I hope it didn't somehow get lost in the mail!!! I contacted the seller two days ago- no reply Sad

How's the swelling now? I read somewhere in the instructions that I have posted online, that if in the morning (when you put the domes off) your breast is a little swollen, it could be that the filters are to be changed (if the filters do not work well, not even the sports-box work). Have you tried to change them?

Wow thanks so much cingo! That may well be it! I do change the filters everyday, but not twice in a session and ive been doing long sessions ( I think ur sposed to change them 10 hours into a session) plus ive been sweating so much they are probably all clogged... I rinsed them all a few weeks ago- must be time they were all rinsed again. Hopefully this solves it. I'm concerned as the Brava I bought of eBay from a forum member still has not arrived and it's been three weeks!! She will not answer my emails. I paid 700 aud, very concerned

well i washed all my filters in warm water and sucked through them with my mouth- not sure if this is how your meant to clean them??? but they are all drying now so tonight im going without filters and just using brava tanias panty liner trick... this will show for sure if the reduced swelling is to do with clogged filters or if its the sport box!! the suction definately feels a little stronger without the filter. definately something up with the suction power as when i took the domes off this morning my swelling was obviously not at its fullest, and the session was 13 hours long!! my nipples werent even puffy at all! hmmm shame to waste a few days at least with having sub standard swelling as i have been Sad hmmm there certainly have been a few set backs on this program of mine unfortunately... i will need to have two days of no brava in two weeks as well!! once again going away were ill be sharing accomodation with zero privacy. apparantly 2 consecutive days off like that adds 10 days to your program (previously i thought it would add two weeks, well at least its a bit less than that)

I'm really sorry that the new system that you bought has not arrived yet! But you'll see that it comes, do not lose hope! I'm always afraid to buy used, becouse it is risky ...
In the instruction manual it says only this about the filters:
"Rotate 7 filters on daily basis, marking with the days of the week (Mon, Tues.etc.), Each filter to allow 7 days to dry prior to next use. Then repeat use of These filters weekly, leaving remaining 3 new filters for back ups. It is recommended to purchase new filters after about 7-8 weeks of wear for optimal care system. If extended hours are worn, out filter change after 10 hrs to manage the excessive condensation after the 10th hour of wear reduces fluid entry into the Smart / Sport Box. "
Keep us updated!


i wore the system 12 hours again last night- this tiime without a filter, just using panty liners inside domes- and the pressure felt a fair amount stronger- but still when i removed domes in the morning my swelling wasnt great- it looked like the swelling im used to when the domes have already been off an hour or so- nipples not really swollen at all, and breasts not rock hard as they usually are- and swell size not nearly as big!!! so looks like its an issue with the sport box after all which sucks!!! i just really hope my new set arrives soon- yep buying new would make thiings easier alright. The seller of the set i recently bought still hasnt replied, and i contacted her both through her email and also through ebay.... i guess she might be away or something... shes been an ebay member for a few years and she has good feedback there... she lives in germany., i guess shes most likely trustworthy, i am just concerned there was an issue with the postal service, i didnt request postal insurance or anything, perhaps i should have??? not sure how it works with postage of such expensive items, are they automatically ensured? and with ebay- if you dont receive an item you bought is the seller completely absolved of responsibility cause its a postal issue?? anyways, it has only been 3 weeks i guess (i bought it august 21st) - well a little more then three weeks ago, it could certainly still arrive- fingers crossed.... its just that the estimated arrival time was 7 days ago...

o and even with my substandard swelling, i had someone tell me (for the first time in my life by the way) that i had big breasts! yes i am wearing a push up bra and low cut top, but still, noone has EVER told me i had big breasts, no mattter what i have worn, it is certainly an odd and unfamiliar feeling but i cant say im averse to it!! I spose a C cup is kinda big, breast size wise, especially when your thin, and when they are all pressed up in a push up bra

it's nice to receive compliments about her big breasts! I've never had this feeling in my life. I'm so jealous! Tongue

Typically ebay offers insurance for purchases made on the site (if you go to read on the ebay site, you should find everything written about this). But, if you have found the seller on ebay and then decided to send in an independent way from ebay, I do not know ... It depends on the shipping method you have chosen! Sometimes the warranty is included, sometimes not. Obviously, when the shipment is insured, the shipping cost is much higher!
But a week of delay is normal Wink

I hope so much that it will soon come to you! Fingers crossed for you!

My BRAVA should arrive tomorrow, I can not wait to get started!


yes was just fantastic to recieve such a comment- it was from someone i work with- we havent been working together for long, and its just gone from winter to spring so i guess she never saw me before in anything other than a big jumper! and yes it was just a few hours after having taken domes off so i stilll had a good amount of swelling there!!

My swelling was back to normal this morning (35 inches) after i put a bit of extra suction in by sucking in through the tube before sleep. but funny thing is by the end of the night it was even smaller than what it was the other nights when i had smaller swelling in the morning! it was a little below 85 cm which is the smallest ive seen it in a looooong time!! perhaps those consecutive days of smaller swelling set me back a bit!! Sad

Yes, unfortunately if the pump did not work well, they are lost days! You will have to recover it at the end: (This is the bad thing Brava: You can not miss days. Now you try to continue to suck the air as you can, to not miss any more days!

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