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Summerglow's beginning of NBE


Congrats on your growth!!! 36' it´s really good! They´re growing fast Cool
After my swelling days I spend a week noticing nothing.

It seems that my growth occurs more concentrated on the follicular phase.

What is your fenugreek daily dosage?]


Right now I'm taking a break from everything. I was only taking one Fenugreek a day and I noticed a difference. I think I may be a person who is sensitive to medications, supplements, etc.. so I can dose lower.

I wonder why this forum isn't filled with more women? Do women not know about NBE and rush out to get breast implants? I know so many friends that are unhappy with breast size. I just heard a friend say she's going to get implants and she's never heard of NBE. I told her she could try some supplements and she looked at me like I was crazy. We need to get the word out to our friends!

(06-10-2013, 02:10)Summerglow Wrote:  Right now I'm taking a break from everything. I was only taking one Fenugreek a day and I noticed a difference. I think I may be a person who is sensitive to medications, supplements, etc.. so I can dose lower.

I wonder why this forum isn't filled with more women? Do women not know about NBE and rush out to get breast implants? I know so many friends that are unhappy with breast size. I just heard a friend say she's going to get implants and she's never heard of NBE. I told her she could try some supplements and she looked at me like I was crazy. We need to get the word out to our friends!

Yes, a lot of girls gave never heard of it before, but I also wonder if they would follow through with it even if they did know about it. So many people lack patience these days and just want a "quick fix. "

Yes that's probably true.

(06-10-2013, 06:01)Summerglow Wrote:  Yes that's probably true.

The American Medical Industry (aka Big Pharma AND cosmetic surgeons BOTH) have also done a very very good job brain washing people into thinking only their very expensive solutions can work. When I DO try to talk about it, people act as though I'm crazy for thinking it works. Won't they be in for a surprise eventually.

I've actually noticed since making slight changes to my diet in preparation for starting working out soon that my development has begun accelerating a bit, and I'm also strongly considering making a few more tweaks to my dosing schedule which I believe should help accelerate it even more... So perhaps by next bathing suit season I'll actually have something to show off in a bikini! Wink Tongue

But yeah. I think the main reason more girls don't try NBE is because they don't even THINK about using herbs for ANYTHING. Let alone consider it could help grow bigger boobs. Girls who grew up actually knowing about the benefits of herbs for other uses are more likely to consider looking into it, finding this forum, and getting on track, eventually.

And even those girls, a lot of them fall away because of what timarie said. They want a quick fix, which many herbs ARE because there's been far more substantial research done and they are treating far simpler problems without nearly the same complexity as the endocrine system.

However, NBE is about treating the endocrine system, which is waaaaaay more complex than almost any other human bodily system despite actually being one of the smallest of them all. The largest of course is the integumentary system: hair, skin, nails, eyes, etc. Which while also quite complex is not NEARLY even half as complex as the endocrine! The only system more complex is the cardiovascular.

The funny thing is that women will smear stuff all over their face for wrinkles or look what they pump into their bodies in order to loose weight but doesn't anyone google cream for boob enlargement or maybe do a search? I think sometimes it is as simple as a healthy diet to see some improvement.


(06-10-2013, 20:30)Summerglow Wrote:  The funny thing is that women will smear stuff all over their face for wrinkles or look what they pump into their bodies in order to loose weight but doesn't anyone google cream for boob enlargement or maybe do a search? I think sometimes it is as simple as a healthy diet to see some improvement.
You are exposed to anti aging products every day- tv, posters,magazines..everywhere, you don't need to look for these information,it is served to you, its impossible not to see it, but information about NBE you would really have to search for. I also didn't know about NBE till recently, I think many more women would try if they knew about it. Yes there are many who would be skeptic or impatient, but there would be quite a few more if the information would be more extensively spread. But I think that will not happen, because the science and doctors are very skeptic and actually against it-don't think its good for your health and also claim that it cannot work. These products are never allowed by FDA and many are forbidden in some countries, actually its sort of grey market, very untrusted,not quite forbidden, but also not really allowed.

That's true. I do non-traditional medicine when I can and believe in the power of healing foods and herbs so that's probably why I even knew to look for something like this.

Measured today and 36.25 Smile This is the end of my cycle but still larger than ever. I think it's cool how your body can continue to change even after stopping herbs/supplements/massaging. Taking breaks must be useful.

I weighed in at 132 this morning so I've put on some weight.
My new measurements are: 36 - 28 - 40

As you can see, I put weight on the bottom half more. I love the shape of my butt now but the backs of my legs are getting cellulite Sad Does anyone know what to do for that?
Also, I've gained weight on my belly. Such a shame to gain weight there and so little on the breast.
I have got to get rid of the belly. I want to know how I can keep the larger butt, what breasts I have gained and get in shape/lose belly fat, if possible.


(26-10-2013, 21:25)Summerglow Wrote:  I weighed in at 132 this morning so I've put on some weight.
My new measurements are: 36 - 28 - 40

As you can see, I put weight on the bottom half more. I love the shape of my butt now but the backs of my legs are getting cellulite Sad Does anyone know what to do for that?
Also, I've gained weight on my belly. Such a shame to gain weight there and so little on the breast.
I have got to get rid of the belly. I want to know how I can keep the larger butt, what breasts I have gained and get in shape/lose belly fat, if possible.

As for getting rid of cellulite on the back of your legs, I find the best remedy for that is weight lifting. I have always had a lot of fat on my legs (that's where it all goes--yup.) and always had cellulite on my legs until I started lifting weights. Most weight-lifting lower body compound workouts work the hamstrings (the muscle on the back of your upper legs), so squats and lunges should help you. If you want to target the muscle specifically in isolation, you can do an exercise called "leg curls" or also known as "hamstring curls." Deadlifts also work the hamstrings really well (especially "clean deadlifts").

Which did you gain first: the butt or the belly? Or did you gain them at the same time?

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