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Lab tests after a year on NBE


Hello girls! I´ve have been on nbe for over a year now. After a break I decide to ran some lab tests
Here are the results:

follicular phase´s results (day 3) :

Estradiol : 50 pg/ml
normal range (21 a 151)

Progesterone : my result 1.1 ng/ml
normal range (0.4 -2.0)

Testosterone : 0.5 ng /ml
Normal range (0.09 - 1.09)

Bioavailable Testosterone : 0.09 ng/ml
Normal range (0.09- 0.12)

Delta4 androstenedione: 3.20 ng/ml
normal range ( 0.30- 3.30)

Dhea: 242.7 ug/dl
Normal range: 60.0 / 550.0

T4L : 1.17 ng/dl
normal range: ( 0.7 – 1.48)

Any opinion or suggestion ?


I´ve have been on PM for 9 months and I´ve have been drinking spearmint tea for 4 months.
( I took a 20 day break before the test ).

Try adding just a little bit of chinese skullcap. One capsule of Swanson's brand morning and night.

For a day 3 result I'm actually not that worried, your E would generally still be low on day three and doesn't actually start to rise significantly until day 5 at least. It tends to peak around days 12-14.

Your P might be just a little high for that point in your cycle, but there isn't much we can do about that.

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