24-01-2014, 00:13
(22-01-2014, 21:34)nextfj Wrote: Hello. Well I have been using this honey experiment, and I can clearly see a bit of difference, I will post up pictures every 2 weeks instead of weekly updates.
I do small batches.
1 Tsp pf raw honey and 2 Tsp of water if you think it is to thick just add an extra tsp of water. I am using organic raw honey so any of those you posted are good. "Organic,Raw is what you need" Also I add 1 tsp of organic lemon juice.
All mixed in a small spray bottle and I spray my eyes 4-5 times a day.
once when I wake up. then like around 4 hours after and so on.
Actually I did it some months ago. But something intervened and afterwards it was out of mind, I stopped keeping it up.
I used a Manuka honey/mgo 100, which I bought in a local kind of food store. What I clearly could see was that my eyelashes got longer. But to tell the truth I don't know if they still are that long, because I always had some longer eyelashes.. lol
Okay. Thanks. So what would you say to that 1:1 ratio? What means that?
I don't know what your reatio is exactly but 1 spoon of honey and 2 of water seem quiet easy to understand.. I will see how I'll do it.
I'm not sure if lemon juice adds something.. what's your bet? Does it sting less for example or brings faster results?
And I'm still not sure what honey to use.. it's because they ALL seem somehow good, so if they all are, what is the best? Damn it, I'm a Libra lol.
Green eyes are nice. Hazel something more realistic. But to be hones, I would die for true amber eyes. It is said to be the rarest eye color in the world. It's a common iris color in animals (specially wolfs, dogs and cats) and not so often found. They are found with certain frequency in Asia and Brazil (not because I am from there, I actually read it), maybe de US too, and I also have seen more then 20 people there whit such eyes. Here in Europe no one, but I guess I've seen one in Spain.
So I would ake everything, it takes time and effort for a change. Maybe I'll start the raw food diet, too. First I eat lots of vegetables and fruits since years, I don't eat meat too much (prefer fish) and like saldas, oils and so one.. people nowadays don't pay attantion to their food and what they actually eat. I want a healthier lifestyle (when I'm older I know I will thank myself for it).. that eye color change is not the principal reason but some good side effect.. haha But organic food is somehow expensive in Germany and I still live at home.
Here are some true amber eyes:
![[Image: Eye-Colors-Common-and-Uncommon-Types2.jpg]](http://petchonka.com/latest/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Eye-Colors-Common-and-Uncommon-Types2.jpg)
![[Image: 92c2a2a671981d766bdcf9ff3f8feeb4.jpg]](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/92/c2/a2/92c2a2a671981d766bdcf9ff3f8feeb4.jpg)
![[Image: bright_amber_eyes_by_miss_whoa_back_off-d5h0bd8.jpg]](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/279/f/5/bright_amber_eyes_by_miss_whoa_back_off-d5h0bd8.jpg)
![[Image: Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_305115.jpg]](http://images.dpchallenge.com/images_portfolio/35000-39999/37961/800/Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_305115.jpg)
![[Image: amber_eyes_by_thesilverruby-d5xigah.jpg]](http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2013/068/f/5/amber_eyes_by_thesilverruby-d5xigah.jpg)
![[Image: 145378-311x282-dark-brown-shadow-hazel-eyes.jpg]](http://cf.ltkcdn.net/makeup/images/std/145378-311x282-dark-brown-shadow-hazel-eyes.jpg)
Beautiful amber eye (link)