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How to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally

(22-01-2014, 21:34)nextfj Wrote:  Hello. Well I have been using this honey experiment, and I can clearly see a bit of difference, I will post up pictures every 2 weeks instead of weekly updates.

I do small batches.

1 Tsp pf raw honey and 2 Tsp of water if you think it is to thick just add an extra tsp of water. I am using organic raw honey so any of those you posted are good. "Organic,Raw is what you need" Also I add 1 tsp of organic lemon juice.

All mixed in a small spray bottle and I spray my eyes 4-5 times a day.

once when I wake up. then like around 4 hours after and so on.

Actually I did it some months ago. But something intervened and afterwards it was out of mind, I stopped keeping it up.
I used a Manuka honey/mgo 100, which I bought in a local kind of food store. What I clearly could see was that my eyelashes got longer. But to tell the truth I don't know if they still are that long, because I always had some longer eyelashes.. lol

Okay. Thanks. So what would you say to that 1:1 ratio? What means that?
I don't know what your reatio is exactly but 1 spoon of honey and 2 of water seem quiet easy to understand.. I will see how I'll do it.

I'm not sure if lemon juice adds something.. what's your bet? Does it sting less for example or brings faster results?

And I'm still not sure what honey to use.. it's because they ALL seem somehow good, so if they all are, what is the best? Damn it, I'm a Libra lol.

Green eyes are nice. Hazel something more realistic. But to be hones, I would die for true amber eyes. It is said to be the rarest eye color in the world. It's a common iris color in animals (specially wolfs, dogs and cats) and not so often found. They are found with certain frequency in Asia and Brazil (not because I am from there, I actually read it), maybe de US too, and I also have seen more then 20 people there whit such eyes. Here in Europe no one, but I guess I've seen one in Spain.
So I would ake everything, it takes time and effort for a change. Maybe I'll start the raw food diet, too. First I eat lots of vegetables and fruits since years, I don't eat meat too much (prefer fish) and like saldas, oils and so one.. people nowadays don't pay attantion to their food and what they actually eat. I want a healthier lifestyle (when I'm older I know I will thank myself for it).. that eye color change is not the principal reason but some good side effect.. haha But organic food is somehow expensive in Germany and I still live at home.

Here are some true amber eyes:

[Image: 6a00e54ef0dee788340112796695ce28a4-500wi]

[Image: Eye-Colors-Common-and-Uncommon-Types2.jpg]

[Image: 92c2a2a671981d766bdcf9ff3f8feeb4.jpg]

[Image: bright_amber_eyes_by_miss_whoa_back_off-d5h0bd8.jpg]

[Image: Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_305115.jpg]

[Image: amber_eyes_by_thesilverruby-d5xigah.jpg]

[Image: 145378-311x282-dark-brown-shadow-hazel-eyes.jpg]

Beautiful amber eye (link)

Strange.. I've posted a reply yesterday but it don't shows up.. anyway, thanks for your answer.

Actually I did this some months ago. I used Manuka honey (mg 100) which I bought in a local food/health store. But something intervened, I let it be and forgot to pay attention to it. So I stopped. What I could really could determine is that my eyeleashes grew longer. But today I don't know if they are that long, because they always had been pretty long.. lol
Also did the white of my eyeballs became whiter and I could also see some rings and spots.. to tell you the truth I don't can make sure if it stayed or always had been like that.. I just used if for a week and it's been more than half of a year now. Nowadays I'm accustomed and it's like I've had it since always.

So what is 1:1 ratio? 1 spoon honey and 1 of water? You put 1 honey and 2 water.. not very difficult to understand.. I'll see.
Still not sure what one to use, I'm a Libra lol. It's because everyone seem good so I wanna make sure to use the best one.

Green is nice. Hazel is more realistic. But to be honest, I would go crazy for true amber eyes. It's the most rare color in the world but found with more frequency (look, not commonly) in some Asian countries, Brazil (I've seen lots of people there) and I guess maybe US. In Europe I have never met one, just a girl in Spain. So I'll go (or hope) for this one. It's a common color in the eyes of cats, dogs and known as wolf eyes.

[Image: 92c2a2a671981d766bdcf9ff3f8feeb4.jpg][Image: bright_amber_eyes_by_miss_whoa_back_off-d5h0bd8.jpg]

[Image: amber_eyes_by_thesilverruby-d5xigah.jpg]


[Image: Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_305115.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_me6l3mtES61r54gi9o1_500.jpg]

[Image: 6a00e54ef0dee788340112796695ce28a4-500wi]

[Image: honey_eyes_by_zimswife-d2yen2v.jpg]

[Image: arctic-wolf-eyes-stormy-logan.jpg]

hello im a 13 year old boy i had dark brown eyes and started this for like a week back in 2013 but then my girlfriend has light eyes and she likes cool eyes so i still had my honey and water mixture in my drawer for like 7 months in that time i guess it had fermented and i started and like in the first five days i noticed 1 shade lighter change..i guess when the honey is fermented it works fasterTongueBig GrinBig GrinWink

also i was wondering if i put one drop of hydrogen peroxide in my honey water mixture would it further the process or damage my eyesWink

I've been reading a lot about this honey experiment so I have been using it for about a week now. I'm not sure if I have had any real color change but what I have noticed is black/brown specks in my eyes, just like @nextfjs eyes... like I am beginning to see the detail and pattern in my iris. (Although probably not as clear/visible in light and his are). Before my eyes just seem like a solid dull brown color so it is exciting to seem some detail of sorts in my eyes. Did anyone else experience that?

Sometimes I swear my eyes have this red brown undertone, and in the sun they can have a coppery undertone... but I'm not sure if it is just me. Also, I feel like when I apply the drops the *seem* lighter by the end of the day but when I wake up in the morning it *seems* like they revert back to their dark color... but when I start applying the drops they seem to slowly but surely get the copper undertone back. Has anyone else noticed this?

(26-01-2014, 11:31)00september Wrote:  I've been reading a lot about this honey experiment so I have been using it for about a week now. I'm not sure if I have had any real color change but what I have noticed is black/brown specks in my eyes, just like @nextfjs eyes... like I am beginning to see the detail and pattern in my iris. (Although probably not as clear/visible in light and his are). Before my eyes just seem like a solid dull brown color so it is exciting to seem some detail of sorts in my eyes. Did anyone else experience that?

Sometimes I swear my eyes have this red brown undertone, and in the sun they can have a coppery undertone... but I'm not sure if it is just me. Also, I feel like when I apply the drops the *seem* lighter by the end of the day but when I wake up in the morning it *seems* like they revert back to their dark color... but when I start applying the drops they seem to slowly but surely get the copper undertone back. Has anyone else noticed this?

Sometimes the color of the honey over the eyes cast a golden hue. So that's prob what you are seeing. I think that's why many claim to see "results" in 3 days, lol.

BTW, for those of you that may not know, the ambery orange hues are not healthy and are a sign of toxins, according to iridology. But if you like them, I suppose eating more junk can contribute.

@ a_lister, the raw foodism is going great, Im lifting a lot of toxins. You should check out my thread on it.


(26-01-2014, 17:21)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(26-01-2014, 11:31)00september Wrote:  I've been reading a lot about this honey experiment so I have been using it for about a week now. I'm not sure if I have had any real color change but what I have noticed is black/brown specks in my eyes, just like @nextfjs eyes... like I am beginning to see the detail and pattern in my iris. (Although probably not as clear/visible in light and his are). Before my eyes just seem like a solid dull brown color so it is exciting to seem some detail of sorts in my eyes. Did anyone else experience that?

Sometimes I swear my eyes have this red brown undertone, and in the sun they can have a coppery undertone... but I'm not sure if it is just me. Also, I feel like when I apply the drops the *seem* lighter by the end of the day but when I wake up in the morning it *seems* like they revert back to their dark color... but when I start applying the drops they seem to slowly but surely get the copper undertone back. Has anyone else noticed this?

Sometimes the color of the honey over the eyes cast a golden hue. So that's prob what you are seeing. I think that's why many claim to see "results" in 3 days, lol.

BTW, for those of you that may not know, the ambery orange hues are not healthy and are a sign of toxins, according to iridology. But if you like them, I suppose eating more junk can contribute.

@ a_lister, the raw foodism is going great, Im lifting a lot of toxins. You should check out my thread on it.

@tibetan113 That totally makes sense now that you mention it. But now I sorta feel like a sucker... and I'm slightly discouraged. Alas, the show must go on.

Hello everyone im doing the eye lightning right now and I have noticed some difference it's taking some time but it's working im doing honey and msm from isis.
I have attached some before and after photos obviously the darker is before.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(05-01-2014, 00:10)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(04-01-2014, 20:52)Anon123 Wrote:  I've been eating around 70% raw for about 2-3 weeks now and my eyes have become about lighter. And I can definitely see a little green ring when the sun shines in my eyes. Some of the yellow/brown parts of my iris has been going away, but when I have a cooked meal my eyes become about darker again Sad

Anyone know how long it takes (or how long it has taken for some users here?) for the eyes to lighten to a green hazel colour or even blue/green if I can.

I'm def no expert but from what I have researched, it will take years depending on how bad it is and how well you heal. It can take months to years. Just like honey, it may take years , people think it wont take that long but for most, if it works for them, it will. You might as well go the health route.

Good luck!

Well I seem to be gaining more yellow/greeny rings around my iris. I have 2-3 rings now maybe even 4. But yeah overall my eyes are in a pretty bad shape :s i think it will take longer to lighten them until I get them sorted...Sad

(28-01-2014, 22:40)Anon123 Wrote:  
(05-01-2014, 00:10)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(04-01-2014, 20:52)Anon123 Wrote:  I've been eating around 70% raw for about 2-3 weeks now and my eyes have become about lighter. And I can definitely see a little green ring when the sun shines in my eyes. Some of the yellow/brown parts of my iris has been going away, but when I have a cooked meal my eyes become about darker again Sad

Anyone know how long it takes (or how long it has taken for some users here?) for the eyes to lighten to a green hazel colour or even blue/green if I can.

I'm def no expert but from what I have researched, it will take years depending on how bad it is and how well you heal. It can take months to years. Just like honey, it may take years , people think it wont take that long but for most, if it works for them, it will. You might as well go the health route.

Good luck!

Well I seem to be gaining more yellow/greeny rings around my iris. I have 2-3 now. But yeah overall my eyes are in pretty bad shape :s i think it will take longer until I get them sorted...Sad

Wow, I cant believe how many of you posting your eye pics actually, Indeed have a blue iris underneath all those toxins!

So if some claim to see fast results from honey, its prob due to the cleansing of the lense, revealing the green n blue tones!

The toxins block light and if you have toxins over your lack there of of melanin iris, you can start seeing it more clearly with eyewashes, honey, lemon.

So honey indeed has cleansing properties for the sclera, (notice how some of you have whiter "whites") and actual iris.

So your color has always been there (those that notice specks of green/blue and more gold) its just more visible now.


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