Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon



Hi, I'm also thinking of trying the Greenbush 90 days supply; of course i know i'll need to keep at this for at least 6 months-1 year to see anything.

I'm confused about the powder... it says for tea and massage? messaging with dry powder?? i don't see anything about cream.

I am only using Fenugreek extract and massaging it in twice a day. I also do 20 wall pushups a day. I have already grown a cup! Its only been 1 month. Maybe you could try that. I just mix 2 droppers of the extract with 2 parts lotion and massage it in thats all. The extract is much faster because it absorbs straight into the blood stream. Good Luck!

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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