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First date?


Hi everyone, i am very nervous as i have my first date with a man tonight lol. I have never been with a man and i am so scared, i do know him fairly well and he knows all about me. Does anyone have any advice lol i am so worried that i will make a fool of myself and i am still unsure if i like men in that way, but i do find him attractive kind off, and i feel it is time to explore this as i really miss being with someone. I dont know why im saying this on here, maybe its because i think of alot of people on here as friends, as you have all supported me and helped me so much, im just so nervous, i even have the shakes today and i dont even know what to wear as we are only going for a drink, should i go casual or more formal i just dont know lol. Any tips would be great and thanks everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Hi Cheryl sweetie. Now-take a deep breath and exhale. First,as to what to wear-if u know where u r going-dress for it. If u do not know where,go for dressy casual. That never fails. You know-a nice dressy top (I know u have some killer tops lol),dark wash jeans. Never fails in any scenario. Ok-just be your self because you are awesome. Take time to just get to know each other. Odds are is he is very nervous too. He obviously likes u for u. At worst,he will prolly make a good friend as he knows about you. He is accepting you for you. And that is very good. Just enjoy the company and do not stress yourself out. Then- Private message me and let me know how it went. You posted in the right place,so don't worry about that. You came to a safe place. LolHeart:angel:

Hi Mel, im so nervous lol thanks for the tips hun and i will let you know how it goes i have just got to be careful not to drink to much lol else i might make a fool of myself lol i am going casual, some nice jeans and a top, and i will just see how it goes. Thanks Mel speak to you soon hun.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Congrats. on moving forward Cheryl i your journey. Don't worry about posting here. If anyone doesn’t like it they don't have to respond and can move on. We do support you here. As a bio-male there is not a lot for me to say on topic. I would suggest that you ask one of your
sisters or mother for advice. From a male perspective I would say that you need to dress comfortably. You will be in a new situation. While you will be worried about how you look and act. He will be too by the way. You don't need the added distraction of uncomfortable clothes. I am not saying don't dress for success but be relaxed as much is as possible. I would say casual, though the ladies on this forum might
disagree and please do so if I am wrong. That your gentleman caller wants to date is a good sign. And don't worry about looking foolish. What you think of as something "stupid or embarrassing that I did" he will probably find cute or endearing. If not, then it was not meant to be, but try to have a good time anyway.. Ok folks, I am going to get in even
deeper on this one. Even if it turns out that you two are not ,romantically inclined, perhaps you can just be friends. It is nice to have someone you like to go out with. From time to time to talk and hang out.


sooo, how did it go Smile Smile
hope it went really really well an u had a sweell time
what did you wear in the end???

Okay, I don´t know if this is related to this thread but I´ve found it very useful to read books like "The Rules" or Mimi Tanner´s "Calling Men" (an e-book, I can send it to anyone who is interested) regarding those situations of first dates and when you´re just getting to know a man. They may seem old fashioned at first but they do make a lot of sense, and looking back on my relationships I can now understand why some of them went smoother than others - mostly when I was instinctively behaving as described in those books. I shared them with my girlfriends and they were all "Aaaah... of course... why didn´t I think of that?"
hope that helps for future dates...

I'm not sure how I missed this thread a couple of weeks ago, but I'm dying know how it went as well.

Hugs, Mel

Hi everyone, the date went quite well thanks for asking, i was nervous but i got through it ok, i seen the guy a couple more times but it ended up not going to well and he was abit of a sleeze ball and kind of used me, which was very upsetting at the time but you live and learn lol, but atleast it confirmed that i do like men, very much lol. It is strange how my feelings have changed and i still look back sometimes and think when did all this happen lol the thought of finding a man attractive would have felt very alien to me a year or so ago yet it feels so natural now like this is how i have always felt lol i dont really know how it has happened lol. I still look at women and think they are beautiful or they have a nice body and things like that but i dont feel as attracted to them anymore in a sexual way which i find strange but again normal. When i was a straight male i could go in a changing room with other men and feel nothing yet if i was with a naked women i would feel attracted to them and excited lol but looking at a woman now does nothing so i am still unsure if i am attracted to women or not lol all very strange lol. Anyway thanks for the interest everyone.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

sorry to hear it didn't work out , htne again if he wsa a sleee ball then its good Smile,
brilliant to hear yourgetting on ok with everything thats goin on Big Grin
best of british to you Big Grin

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