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Does more protein shakes equal more growth??


Does more protein shakes equal more growth??
March 25 2009 at 2:57 PM Anonymous (no login)


I am wondering if anyone knows if I take more protein shakes with BO if I will see more growth?

I am going to pu this theory to the test and see what I come up with.

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(Login Boo_Boo_Bear)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Does more protein shakes equal more growth?? March 25 2009, 7:15 PM

It will only help you up to a point. Your body needs X amount of protein to allow for growth (varies per person). Anything above and beyond that will be either stored as fat or excreted via the urine, depending primarily on your overall calorie intake. So yes, if you're not getting enough, then increasing your intake will encourage growth. If you're already getting enough, it will not give you any advantage.

(no login) Re: Does more protein shakes equal more growth?? March 25 2009, 8:48 PM

I know that the body can only absorb 25 grams or so at a time so I would be taking like 20 grams at a time maybe 3 times a day, spread out. Plus I am trying to maintain a high protein, lower carb diet.

The reason I ask is because when I was taking more protein I was growing faster. Now I am not home as much anymore so I can only take 1 protein shake a day. I work alot from home but sometimes I am in the office, on those days I seem to not grow. When I am home and I have taken my protein shakes then I feel like I have grown. After being home for a couple of days I measure and I actually do show some growth on the measuring tape.

So if I get what your saying, I can increase my protein shakes to a point but above that point it will not be doing anything?

I don't think that one protein shake a day is alot it maybe 20 grams of protein actually its less, maybe 10 grams so I think that if I did up it to 60 grams of protein from protein shake I would see much better results, especially because its BO.

Are you on BO? If so how long and how much gain have you seen? How much protein shake do you drink?

Bountiful WITHOUT the Protein Shakes
May 26 2007 at 3:00 PM C4ME (Login C4ME)


Has anyone been using BB without taking the protein shakes??? And have you seen any growth by doing that?? I've been slacking off on the shakes....I know that's bad, but I have some pain and tingles.

Author Reply

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Bountiful WITHOUT the Protein Shakes May 27 2007, 12:00 PM

hello. I don't thik that anyone here has taken BO or BB without the shakes..unless they have a really high protein diet.If not it is better to take the shakes since it helps with growth.BB also mentioned that when women didn't growth,after adding the shakes to their routine they started to grow..So good luck!!

Lost Sheep
(Login C4ME) Re: Bountiful WITHOUT the Protein Shakes May 28 2007, 4:36 AM

Thanks Sandy....I will try to be good with the shakes, althouigh I heard about a person that has been able to grow with just the pills alone, so who I said, regardless with the pills alone I do have pains in my breasts so that should be a good sign.

Good Luck to you!

(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi C4ME May 28 2007, 9:16 PM

I started out taking protein shakes but stopped after a few months because my body just reacts badly to them. I'm lactose intolerant and it runs through me and made me gain weight. I do drink some lactose free milk and try to eat a high protein diet. You can still grow without the protein drinks. I did. I still feel tingles without it also. You can read more on my program page. Good luck! Smile

(Login fawnmarie) Re: Bountiful WITHOUT the Protein Shakes June 1 2007, 12:42 AM

Try adding eggs to your diet - PERFECT protein. It's also best if you DO the shakes, to take sugarfree powder. Too much sugar can suppress growth hormone production.

If you are eating a good size protein portion at every meal: ie. 2 eggs, 6-8 oz at both lunch and dinner, you should be getting enough.

You can also snack on cheese, hard boiled eggs and nuts for extra protein.

To keep from gaining excess weight, cut the sugar and reduce the amount of starches you eat to compensate. (only ONE piece of toast at breakie, etc.)


(Login C4ME) Thanks! June 8 2007, 1:46 AM

Thanks Girls!

Wonderbride I'm also lactose intolearant and the shakes make my stomach hurt too, even though I was making the shakes with water. I drink them every once and awhile.

Fawn....thanks for the food list, I will keep those foods in mind.....I must say, I am seeing results so far with bb....

Good Boobie Luck to all!!

Kitty Charlette
(Login KittyCharlette)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Bountiful WITHOUT the Protein Shakes June 11 2007, 3:22 AM

to those who are lactose intolerant: i am also lactose intolerant and i take my protein with lactose free milk and i found a lactose free protein powder called muscle milk. i found it at meijer (i dont know if any of you have a meijer in your town. its just like a walmart). anyhow, it is very gentle on my stomach.
also i have read that alot of women dont like to take the drinks because they are "chalky". try warming your milk in the microwave before mixing it. chocolate is best for this and it tastes just like hot chocolate. and because it is warm it will digest and enter your system much quicker than cold.
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