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anyone can help me?


i'am 17 years old this year.and i have a very small boobs can anyone out there tell me how to make my boobs grow big

Here is what I'm going to tell you. At seventeen I would not feel comfortable at all telling you to take anything that might effect your hormones, BUT there is something out there I feel very comfortable telling you to try that will get you where you want naturally and not give you side effects you might not want and besides that in the long run it will be cheaper for you to do than herbs or BO would be. I'm going to suggest a noogleberry breast pump. They do work. The do cause growth and I think it might be just the thing for you. In fact I wish I had known about them when I was 17!

You're looking at about 59 dollars to get a noogleberry. You can go read their forum and success stories at

You have to be a member to see the before and after pictures though, but membership is free.
If you would like a very imformative video that explains how and why breast pumps work to grow breast larger, you can go into the pumps section of this forum and there is an older post there that I posted with a youtube video in it that is very very helpful in understanding.

I wish you much luck with your journey if you decide to try it.


I agree with itsjust4fun. I definitely would not take herbs at your age. I started taking herbal NBE after I turned 18 that was when I first started any NBE. And I had no idea there were any other options at the time. But a pump can be used before 18 and Bovine Ovary can. If you look on the Bountiful Breast or Ultra Breast website you will see both products were first made for teenagers! For girls going through puberty but not developing correctly. You just should have your period for I believe 2 years before taking the products. But both say they are safe for girls under 18 as long as they've had their period for that amount of time. Also massaging would be good for you, but not massaging with an herbal cream, only massaging with regular lotion or oil. You can also do breast exercises, you can always look them up on youtube, or get a breast exercise device, I personally use easy curves for that. Now an exercise device won't increase size, but will keep them firm. Hope all this helps, and good luck! Just make sure you do all your research and reading before jumping into something. Know what you will have to commit to, etc.

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