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Siriporn Journey


I just ordered a set of PM pills from Siriporn. Will take somewhere between 2-5 days to deliver. I have been on Greenbush New Breast Enhancement Kit for 2 months. I know it is nothing near enough time to notice a difference, but I do not even feel one either. I feel no difference and that is after taking 4 pills three times a day, I am not willing to go any higher >:l I will be giving Pm a try, and hope for the best, and of course, will keep you updated Smile

I have noticed that it is recommended to take calcium while on PM for absorption purposes. Can one take Tums for this? It can be taken as a Calcium Supplement by chewing "2 tablets twice daily with a meal". Two tablets will give you 600 mg of Calcium. Does this sound acceptable for a PM program?

I want to find why they say take it with calcium. All the companies copy and paste the same statement about it. I can only find a study about it taken on monkies to help with bones.

Well, I did a little research considering the calcium helping in absortion, even asked one of the companies that stated to do that for breast enhancement purposes and still no answer Huh I will be drinking soy milk anyway for health purposes Wink
So the following will be my program for the following 12 days (since I just finished my period 3 days ago):

Jan 5, 2012

Overbust:79.5 cm
Bust:86.5 cm

Will be taking ONE 100mg Siriporn PM for the following 12 days, counting today as Day 1.
Along with Pm, I will be taking one Flaxseed Oil capsule (1,000 mg) and one Evening Primrose Oil (1,000 mg)(these will be taken continuously for I love them and don't see the need for breaks Tongue)
I am planning on continuing my Greenbush New Blend Enhancement during the days off of PM, but not sure yet; will let you know if I do Smile

Yes, keep us posted on your journey. I just started taking the siriporn pills too. I have been using their breast lotion for a month already while waiting for my period to start.

I have just finished 6 months of various herbs and when I measured myself yesterday I had gained an inch from my start 6 months ago. Because my period just started last night I'm hoping that I won't be losing the gain. I will let you know in a couple of days.

I'm quite excited!

Aww, I hope you do not lose anything. An inch is a lot of growth. Have you seen any results from using the Siriporn breast Lotion?

I do not know if this means anything, but I have been experiencing an abnormal ache. Since day one on my Siriporn, I have experienced pain somewhere deep inside my breasts. It feels almost as if I have air but in my breasts. Similar to when one has air in the stomach and when inhaling the ache slightly increases. It is a bit similar to the production of milk except that it is deeper, but still located on the breasts. I take the pill in the morning before breakfast with a cup of soy milk and get the ache about 4 to 5 hours later.

Prior to starting the siriporn lotion, I had only seen 1/2 inch growth in the last 6 months of using BA pills & cream along with fenugeek,sp, wy and fennel.

For the last month I've only used the siriporn lotion and the other 1/2 inch growth had to be from that alone. Crazy as it sounds, but why not from a topical? You figure they give estrogen and nicotine patches, not to mention pain meds through patches that get absorbed through the skin.


Hi sunnydayz, good to hear of your results Smile but are you talking about the ro-bust lotion? and did it mess up your cycle at all?

Hi BChallenge, yes, I am talking about the ro-bust lotion. I am 44 yrs old and going through peri-menopause so I can't say that it messed up my period because it's been messed up for the past two years. Half the year I'm regular and the other half I might get it every other month or not for a few months at a time.

The first month I was using the ro-bust lotion my period was a week late. The month prior to that, I was two weeks late.

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