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Does anyone know what herbs are SAFE to take with (PM) Pueraria Mirifica??


I have a TON of supplements but want to make sure they are safe to take together.
From what I have read: I should only take Pueraria Mirifica for 15 days starting on the 1st day of my period.
But when should I take additional supplements?
Huh Iā€™m confused

Should I:
a) take supplements when taking PM
b) take supplements when NOT taking PM
c) take supplements supplements all month long

Below are the supplements I plan to take in my program. ( I just don't when when to take them)

Alfalfa - 500 mg
Barley - 1000 mg
Borage - 1000 mg
Fennel - 480 mg
Fenugreek - 2440 mg
Flaxseed - 1000 mg
Hops - 1860 mg
Wild Oats - 500 mg
Saw Palmeto - 2160 mg
Soy - 160 mg
Wild Yam - 1000 mg

Are there any that someone thinks I should NOT take together???
Does anyone have any advice as to how often I should take the additional supplements?
THANK YOU for taking the time to read my post!!!Smile


You don't want to take any other supplement while taking PM. If you're cycling, some girls take Wild Yam and/or Fenugreek during the 15 days off. Honestly, since you already have all of these planned out, I wouldn't set out on PM just yet. Build your herb program and see what results you get, and then adjust from there. Overloading your body won't make you grow any faster!

Good luck. Cool

THANKS Run.Rabbit - when you say "cycling" does that mean alternating the herbs and the PM?
So on the days I take PM I shouldn't take anything else? But once I stop PM for the month I can take the rest?

Otherwise you think I should just take the herbs and not take the PM at all...? If so, do see anything I will take that would work against each other?

Sorry about all the questions, I've got all my pills divided up for the day and am about to go to work debating if I should start or not.

If you've already got all those pills then I wouldn't bother with PM for now. It's look like you've got a pretty good stock, but I don't know much about mixing herbs. I suggest that you look through Eve M's program page, it looks like you could build a program based around hers and she's the creator of this forum!

That's it then!! I'm sticking with the herbs and see where I go from there!
Big Grin

Wow, I had no idea she as the creator of the forum!!
Nice!! I'll definitely check her out!
How have you been going on your program? Are you having good results?


Its not a safety issue..........its a common sense issue. Why do you want
to waste your money on these weak estrogenic herbs.........when the net effect is diluting the pueraria mirifica......the one that is the most potent.
incidentally the miroestrol stays in your system about 30 days.


Sorry jennifer5519pm, terms like "estrogenic" "miroestrol" are like french to me. Huh
I have no clue what they mean. As much as I try an get it, the past week on this forum has had my head spinning.
After I bought all the pills I really was concerned about safety.... even above effectiveness. I just wanted to make sure I won't hurt myself, that's all.

I've been doing NBE for a little over a year and I used Zoft gum for 4 months, BO for a month and have now been on PM for 7 months. So far, I've grown an inch on the measuring tape but my boobs are way fuller and I fill out a 32B really nicely, which I didn't even come close to before. Since you've bought all your herbs, I'd suggest you to try and base your program around Eve's and stay on it for at least six months. There have been a number of girl's around here who have had nice growth from a basic herbal program.

Congrats! I just started but I'm sooooooo excited!
I'll make sure to keep you posted!Big Grin

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