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PM and Damiana


Does anyone if it's ok to take damiana while on PM? I just bought one of those memory supplements because my final exams are almost here. So this supplement has royal jelly, ginseng extract 150mg, damiana extract 100mg, ginkgo biloba extract 120mg and lecithin.

Thank you Smile

It's something for increasing sex drive so I assume that it will counteract PM. Everything what increases sex drive works against female hormones. Damiana, ginkgo biloba too. I was reading a lot about this since PM destroyed my libido and I know that unfortunately everything what makes bigger breasts lowers libido. So, hard decision... Big boobs or good sex... I also read that statistically the women with small or no boobs have a much higher sex drive than women with bigger boobs. My experience also. The bigger my boobs became the lower my sex drive.

Hi Adrianna and Portia,

Damiana is a strong phyto-progestin, so it can be cycled in the luteal phase with PM in the follicular phase. Ginkgo biloba is an anti-androgen.

(29-05-2012, 17:15)Portia74 Wrote:  It's something for increasing sex drive so I assume that it will counteract PM. Everything what increases sex drive works against female hormones. Damiana, ginkgo biloba too. I was reading a lot about this since PM destroyed my libido and I know that unfortunately everything what makes bigger breasts lowers libido. So, hard decision... Big boobs or good sex... I also read that statistically the women with small or no boobs have a much higher sex drive than women with bigger boobs. My experience also. The bigger my boobs became the lower my sex drive.

haha soooo not true!!! i have 32es(taking pm)and im a nympho gotta have at least my 5 a dayWink. i dont think your meant to take pm with other herbs although if its for your exams i would chance it the amounts are probably not high enough to interfere with pm because when people are on herbal programs they'll take at least 1500mg normally more of each herb you could also take it at a different time in the day as well..
But you should go for it if its for exams.

Hi Adrianna23!

I thought I should add that I think Ginko Biloba is a super supplement for memory. I've been taking it all semester, at a pretty low dose (can't remember at the moment), and then bought a new brand thinking it was the same dosage, and continued at my normal 2 pills a day. That week after shifting brands I noticed I was able to remember the names of people that I haven't thought of in aaaaages, and all sorts of wierd things like the exact day of the week and the date of a concert I went to months ago.
I then checked the bottle and turns out the dose was a lot higher than my previous bottle, so i definitely know ginko biloba works like that without any placebo effects.
I noticed it works really good for long term memory, but not sure about short term memory which is maybe more useful in your case. Anyways, it's worth a try.

Just be mindful of the type you get, like if it's extract or dried herb, because there should be a significant difference in dosage between those. I've only taken dried herb in capsules, but my first bottle was a ridiculous low dose (like 120 mg-ish), and my new I take about 800mg. Dried herb seems much more effective at higher than just 120mg.

And if Isabelle is right, then it can work as your anti-androgen too! I don't think I noticed any significant effects in that way, but it might affect you differently.

Good luck!!

Thank you everyone! Smile
So I should probably buy just ginko biloba right gilly? dierd herbs in capsule minimum dose of 800mg right?
Thanks again!

Yeah, that's what I would suggest. You can also do extract, but it will obviously be more potent and so you would need less mg. But if you do buy dried herb, yeah, around 800 mg is when I felt it. I use "oregon's wild harvest", and the recommended dosage is 3 capsules which is about 1200 mg really, but I only take 2.

good luck on your finals!

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