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taking PM the whole month?


What would happen if I took PM every day?

In the first or the two first months - nothing. But if you continue this you can become estrogen dominant with many side effects. And a messed up cycle. That's what other users experienced. Not me. I stopped it after one and a half months because of the loss of libido. But I seem to be the only one who suffered from the loss of libido because of PM.

I was really gun-ho and took a PM table at the wrong time (my period isn't due for another 10 or so days) and took another one the day after...
then I read about taking them on your cycle etc
today I have very dark blood/period, and period pains....

Do you think its my period just early or a side effect of what I have done??

This is all so new to me!!!

What will happen if you take PM every day? Honey, your period will go on a vacation! And if it comes back, it might not be too sure on when it's supposed to work!

Not only that, but you're seriously increasing the chances of gaining estrogen dominance which is not good. The only time I'd recommend taking PM every day is for members who are in menopause or take a birth control that completely stops ovulation.

If you're ovulating regularly, PM will most likely throw everything out of wack majorly if you're taking it everyday.

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