Hi! I'm Brittney and new to Breastnexus....here's my story...
My Story
Today I’m beginning another bout of NBE. I tried doing NBE all last year with success! The only problem was I was doing it for the wrong reasons. My boyfriend loves big breast, I understand this completely and never had a problem with my body or the pornography that he looked at. I am bisexual and enjoy breasts as well. Then, one day, there was a really flirtatious girl with huge boobs that started hanging around. She was really cool at first, but I started to realize that the “kindness” was only around when my boyfriend was around and directed towards him exclusively. Basically I got mad jealous and told him I was suspicious of her (especially when she advanced the verbal flirtation to physical). He made the mistake of saying, “What am I supposed to do lie and say I’m not attracted to her? Because I am.” (We are open about feeling of attraction towards others). He didn’t realize she was a mega slut until the three of us went on a hike and she shared the story that she drove multiple states to meet a guy from online recently (keep in mind she was in a relationship with a really sweet guy). “Why did you do that?” we asked…”Ehhh I fucked him…” I could choke this bitch. I still want to her boyfriend was super cool and had no clue what a slut she was, nobody did (except me). Jonny agreed she may be interested in him…(Duh, so much evidence)….she is interested in all penises…so we exiled her. My mind went on a rampage of body image issue, I tried NBE. This January I decided if I ever want to try NBE it would be for my own pleasure and not because of some evil harpy with big boobies. So I’m trying it again starting today. My goal isn’t to have as big of boobs as any particular person. I want to take care of my body and begin exercising and I want to feel like a “ten” on my own inner sexiness scale. I also am quitting my job in 14 days and begin going to school again to focus on art. I need to love my body and self again! Whether or not I reach my goal…I need to focus daily on loving myself everyday and trying to make me a better me.
Start Measurements:
Bust: 35”
Waist: 28”
Hips: 34”
Upper arms: 11”
Weight: 130lbs
How sexy I feel (1-10): 6
Goal Measurements:
Bust: 38”
Waist: 26”
Hips: 37”
Upper arms: 10”
Weight: 140lbs
How sexy I feel (1-10): 10
Beginning Regimen:
Two homemade herbal pills every morning, Vitamin E massage 100 Rotations, Papaya Juice or soymilk w/ breakfast, high healthy calorie intake during the day 2200, sit ups leg squats and light cardio, one bust boom at night, Vitamin E massage 100 rotations at night