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My Program (plus massage videos for those who are interested)


I thought I'd bring this over to here since I'm probably going to be at this for a while.

I'm a girl
20 years old
5'3" tall
Bust: 31 1/2, B cup
Waist: 28
Hips: 34
Weigh about 105-115lbs (don't have access to a scale atm)

My goal right now is to even out my breasts. Currently the left is 1/2" smaller than the other. After that I'll try to go for 1 or 2 cup sizes. I'm basically trying for what I can realistically achieve. On both sides of my family there have been big breasted women. I'm currently a 32 B (sort of, if you've read my stats). At the time I started growing breasts I didn't want them. Later on I read something about cancer occurring in young girls who developed too quickly. My mother also developed and died of cancer when I was 13. I'm thinking these things might've psychologically stunted my growth.

I get about 15 minutes of exercise each day biking places. My diet is pretty loose but I tend to avoid fatty, high sugar foods. I drink about 2 liters of water each day.

So far & Currently:

I started my program at the end of January. During I noticed slight tingling sensations and increased firmness but no actual growth. I took a break at the end of April and started back up at the beginning of June. The growth pains were more intense and my breasts were rather full. I'm uncertain but I'm thinking there was about 1/4 inch growth in my left breast. My period is around the corner so I'm experiencing the pains - but noticeable, increased firmness in my left breast! I'm also noticing some growth but I'm going to have to wait until after my period to determine if it's here to stay. My cycle ends at the end of this month, then another break.

My program:

3 Enhancement Blend Capsules from Greenbush (contains Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, & Wild Yam) 3 times a day. 575mg per capsule, 1725mg is 3 capsules, 5175mg per day.

1/2 - 1ml of the liquid enhancement extract twice a day along with Ginko Biloba in the Bustea at Greenbush.

I massage an oil blend of Vitamin E, Camelia Oil, Neem Oil, and Lavender Oil on using various massage techniques plus the 360 massage. When I do the 360 massage I wipe the oil off and use coco butter lotion mixed with the liquid extract.

Edit 8/17: I found the video I was looking for! It's the first link below. My first cycle didn't involve anything except the 360 massage. When I tried these techniques out in my second (current) cycle I noticed more fullness, and recently, firmness and possibly actual growth. I have pictures that I'll post later. I don't have a before shot but I do notice a difference.

Apologies if these videos have been posted before. I'm new if you didn't know ^^;.

I'm thinking of increasing the dosage but I've heard that can confuse the receptors. Would adding an omega-3 in my diet help? I'm considering flaxseed given the success others have had with it so far. I was considering it as an oil or a supplement. I was also considering adding ylang ylang into my oil blend (or starting a new blend of lavender, ylang ylang, and almond oil) as I've heard it helps in some way? Would anyone like to clarify that? I've heard it's a good aphrodisiac and can have pheromone-like qualities, but that's about it.

I measured a few days ago and I seemed to have grown 1/2-1/4in in my left breast. I also did some measuring around my hips and I've seemed to have grown 1 and 1/2 inches (going from 34in to 35 1/2in) which was REALLY unexpected though I recall reading here in the forums that it can happen. The cellulite down there also seems to be less so I'm guessing that has to do with the sponge I've been using in the shower (plus adding omega 3-6-9 recently?)

I'm considering trying maca but that may be far down the line. I'll have to do more research.

Update: I started using PC cream several days ago and just today got my period. About a week ago I started experiencing pain and swelling mostly in my left breast. My right was also slightly affected as well. I started massaging yesterday and have incorporated jiggling into my routine.

I'm starting with 3 pills a day and will go up from there at a later date. I've also added Omega 3-6-9 into my herbal routine. I'm also considering buying PM soap but I'm wary of how it'll react to my current routine. I'm in no hurry to get a hold of some right now though.

I'm looking to massage both of my breasts this time since they seem pretty even atm. Measuring yields weird results so I'm just going to go for growth in both at this point and see where that gets me.

I'm also considering some form of dry brushing for my breasts. Nothing too irritating, but I'm looking to see if it will get me anywhere.

That's about it. I'll take a photo sometime tomorrow for documentation.

Just brought myself a breast roller on ebay. I thought I'd post the listing since I've seen some people pay A LOT more than what I did, granted I'll probably get it sometime in the middle of next month (since it's in China and I'm in the USA), but I'm in no hurry here.

I've been trying to find a good vendor who markets papaya nearby yet I haven't come across anything good. Either too green, too bruised, or too expensive. I decided to opt out for milk and soy protein powder.{keyword}&gclid=CKHX6NHZ4bICFQSe4AodnXwAZw

I've been drinking a lot of this. Maybe about 4+ cups a day. I'm trying to cut back on how much I use since my pee is very yellow. I drink lots of water so it isn't the issue of being dehydrated, it's too many vitamins I'm assuming.

In lieu of the breast roller I have this scalp massager brush that I've been using to replace the 360 massage. So I just apply the batter and roll it in circles over my breasts for 360 rotations each, or until I feel a numb sensation.

I've also added the marmet massage into my routine. I don't know if there's any benefit but I figure what the hell since it's the center of the breast and it's not getting much attention.

I've also been doing something Louloute mentioned with her prior experience to NBE at a beauty spa. She mentioned that two women massaged her breasts with swift motions to the center of her chest. I decided to incorporate this only with the difference I'm doing it myself and am focusing on one breast at a time. My breasts look rounder after this is done. Besides which, it just feels really nice.

This is my 3rd week and I've started experiencing some of the growing pains directly after I incorporated the milk, soy protein, the massager brush, and the marmet massage. I don't know if there's a connection but I guess I must be doing something right.


Congrats' on your progress, so are you doing 360 Chi massage rotation and other massage as in the Video above? And you are not taking herbs now? Is this still give you growing?

Have a good day

I'm on my 3rd cycle right now and have experiencd swelling and soreness in my breasts. I don't know if there's been any growth yet since I'm waiting for my period to measure, but if I'm getting some feeling in my breasts I figure I'm on the right track.

I stopped doing the 360 massages because I replaced them by massaging in circles with a massage brush. It looks something like this only it's circular and can fit into the palm of my hand. I just apply the boobie batter I make and massage in the same directions as the 360 massage.

I do this along with the two massage videos plus some other videos which I'll get around to posting when I find them. I've just basically been looking around for different massages so that I have a selection. The 360 massage can be monotonous at times so I find a variety always helps. The Lymphatic massage worked really well for me.

I also got a [url=]breast roller[url] which has been working well for me. I mainly use it when I'm watching TV, about a total of 40 minutes (20 minutes each breast, 10 minutes top and bottom of the breast).

Sound like a lot of work to do...I hope you will grow fast. Keep update.
I will try your massage program soon

It is at times. I mainly do what I can manage which is primarily the lymphatic massage and the breast roller. Here's my current routine right now. You don't have to read it all, I just thought I'd get it down since I've been adding/changing some things.


Herbs, vitamins, diet, etc.:

- During days 21-27 I use Progesterone Cream USP twice a day on my inner wrists. I'm careful not to use too much.

- 3 Enhancement Blend Capsules from Greenbush (contains Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, & Wild Yam) 3 times a day.

- 1 Evening Primrose Oil capsule from Greenbush 3 times a day

- 1 Omega 3-6-9 twice a day

- Alive! Whole Food Energizer Ultra Shake (vitamins, minerals protein) 1 spoonful twice a day with either milk, carrot or green juice.

- Occasionally I'll take Ginko Biloba and the Enhancement Blend extracts along with the Bustea (all from Greenbush).

- I try to drink 2 liters of water a day. I try to avoid fatty foods and snacks. My diet is essentially: brown rice, chicken, sweet potatoes, broccoli, yellow or white corn chips, humus (white bean or normal), sharp cheddar cheese, clam chowder, fish (mostly tuna). This isn't strict, occasionally I'll have ice cream, pizza hut, or a good dollop of butter on something. I pretty much eat in moderation.

Batters/oils I use to massage:

- I just take 1 enhancement blend capsule and several squirts of the extract and mix it with cocoa butter lotion in a small 8oz bottle. I learned in a thread that cocoa butter is good for growth and keeping it (as is vitamin E oil, which I also use. I'm uncertain if it has to be pure or generic. I've been using a generic brand.

- My oil blend is: sweet almond oil, vitamin E oil, neem oil, and lavender oil. Almond oil dilutes it, vitamin E oil is good for keeping growth. The neem and lavender oil were used for bugs, but the neem helps to fight acne and lavender acts as a substitute for estrogen. So there we go.

Massage routines:

I massage once or twice a day and change up my routine on occasion. The first two massages are the ones I mainly use. I do them about 10-20 times depending on if I plan on using my massage brush or breast roller (I mainly use the breast roller). I like to have a large selection of massages for when I'm feeling antsy and need something to do, which happens on occasion.

Lymphatic massage[x]
Misc/freeform [x]
Deer massage [x] [x]
Jiggling (two fingers pressing on the inside or outside of the breast to move them from side to side rapidly. Sometimes angling from the bottom)
Marmet massage
360 massage

When I use the breast roller: I generally follow the image instructions. I massage upwards at the top of the breast. After that I massage from the bottom of the breast up to the top in a curved motion. Each massage is done for 10 minutes (making it 20 minutes for each breast).

When I use the wooden massage brush (mine is round and can fit into my hand): I generally started using this to replace the 360 massage so I normally use it with the boobie batter. I just massage in a circle as you would with the 360 massage for either 360 rotations or ten minutes.

I've decided to follow Emily Loretta's example and incorporate the Rock Melon and Boobster subliminal into my routine. I used them in my last cycle but not as frequently because it was tedious to lie down and listen to them. But since she's gotten results from them by listening to them while doing something, I thought I'd give it another go.

I started yesterday and have listened to them today a few times. I'm starting to feel sharp pains in my breasts. Huzzah!

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