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what size is this breast?


I want to know what size are these breast? could someone guess?

[Inappropriate link removed]

thank you.

Uh, huge and fake?

You can't tell bra size just by looking at someone. Because breasts carry all different shapes and sizes that make them appear smaller or larger than they usually are (fake ones like this will protrude outwards more because there is less breast on the sides to make them wider). Mine are a 32DD 1/2, but because of the shape, I still look like maybe a 32D.

I'm guessing you just want to spam, as your username is just "someone" and this is your only contribution to the forums.

If large breasts like these are natural, generally, the areolas would be stretched and lightened far more than these in the photo.

I think normally breast bra size would be 34 C. 34C is a natural looking size. It is good for you.

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