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2 Questions about NBE in general


I am a 41 year old woman currently taking PM. I have 2 issues that I am trying to resolve now that I started a daily NBE regimen. Do any of the methods help with slight sagging? Also, if I am dieting at the same time will it sabotage the growth I have so far?

I am overweight and the PM started making me eat normally. No clue why, unless it removed the negative snacking hormones. My weight is beginning to drop. When I am at my lowest weight I measure about 32/34 A that doesn't even quite fill the cup. When my weight ballooned to over 200 pounds that cup size went to a B, but nothing bigger. My breasts are awkward looking, they're ugly and and they're droopy. Being so big I should have nice huge gorgeous breasts, but I don't. When I gain weight they barely budge an inch. My breasts look not so feminine to me. The PM (taking 1 month) seems to be slowly changing that. I can see a slight change, but not enough to notice a change in my bra size. It just fills in completely now. I am wondering if they will perk up? Or will they just fill out and continue to hang low. They aren't too terribly droopy and the nipples don't point down, but the nipples are close to the bottom now. They point upwards, but they hang very low. You can tell from the side the the nipples point upwards, but facing the breasts head-on they appear to look saggier from front view. They also face a little towards my armpits but not as bad as when I was an A cup. My nipples aren't well formed nipples, either. They are kind of all 1 piece without the nice eraser shape like most women get.

PM seemed the most economical for my budget right now & I was even considering BO or other supplements. I live with roommates, so it would be a little complicated if I tried any suction devices. I am trying to avoid that if at all possible unless its something where no one would know with my walking around with it on.

Anyway, does anyone have any experience with NBE reversing some mild drooping and does the weight loss mean my breast growth with be halted/reversed?


Maybe nicely huge but certainly not gorgeous breasts you are entitled when over your genetically determined BMI. Usually atrophy of the breasts in some form happen when you are over weight.

So don't feel so bummed out because the big mammary fairy skipped you. You will need much longer than a month on PM and you can help with droopiness by pumping and other herbs along with PM but you will have to do some research on what will be best for your problems. I'd focus on dropping the weight first and expect to be even more droopier but its short term when you do lose the weight.

You can fix this. I have experienced weight gain with BO but I think its healthy. For you, you have adress why you gained weight in the first place and start from there. If PM is for you, great, but make sure you also find out why your breasts never developed. I know my reasons and took my hormone tests to confirm. I had sudden droopiness and low energy.

This is the first time on NBE that I am having real results.

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