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I'm Lost


Just want to share some feelings about my life and cry a little.
BUT ONE WARN, im religious, so i will talk about faith and religion too, if you dislike that you can read other post somewhere else. My opinions may offend someone, i hope i do not, but i will try to be the most sincere as possible, but please dot offend me.

Well, my first memory is about people telling that i was too much girlsh and that rooted on my head.
Through my infance i dont remember acting girly or nothing estrange, my mom said that i liked to play with her bras when was around 4, thats commom right?
On school, some boys abused of me, there was one day that around 4 boys was stopped on the way to go out the class, and i was passing, so they put their fingers in my ass, that made me crazy, so crazy that passed almost 20yrs and i still feel bad, later that another boy come to me and hit my balls, i started to cry and was going to fight them but the boys didnt let me to, saying i was too weak, the agressor said "i saw other boys playing with you, i thought i could too", think i really died that day.

After that i started to experience cross dressing and masturbating, i was 12.
But always felt like a worm, like my father used to call me, like a little plague, something that should die.

One cousin tried to rape me, but i wasnt understanding what he was doing and another cousin take him away from me. I only understand after 10 yrs.
One year later i changed of school and there was a gay professor of physics, and he had a crush on me. It was like a trap. My mom always said he was gay and it was for me to stay away from him, but, they put me on that school to play footbal and the gay was the coach, and my dream was to be a footbal player, just to show everybody that i could be someone. The rest i think you can imagine.

Always had social problems, always felt alone.
Things always is hard. Talk to people is hard.

I was falling, felt like my life was destroyed, so i wanted to destroy everything.
On that time i knew Kurt Cobain, and my dream turned to be a rock star and later suicide to make people suicide with me and leave a big scar on the world.
But i met a girl who really liked me. And she wanted to be my Courtney Love.

I had a long hair, but my mom used to hate my hair, one day i wished to cut the tips and asked for her, she cut all.

Time passed, i married, she saw that i liked to see porns and like to being girlish sometimes. But, there was much more problems, me and her were alones on a big city far away from our fathers. We broke and ended later. She said that i will die alone.

On later days, sometimes i can take my life focusing on work, but if i stop focusing i fall. I think that i always fall. I really dont like to know people, sometimes its like i dont know anybody and im alone.

Well, its some of the most hardcore of my past.
For me, all my problems are because of my past.
But, and now?

What means victory?
I feel really confused sometimes, when im near males, almost always, i feel nervous/afraid/unconfortable and when im near females i feel ashmed/pervert.
Almost always when people start to talk about past its sux.
When i decide to live as man, my life looks so sux like on black/white and its like i would really not have a life, i mean, use all my time to earn money to pay things for a wife who will always want more and offend me.
When i decide to live as female there are all the problems like who will stay at my side, what i will do to live, where i would find help...

But if i choose to be female, thinking, its more like that im letting all the people who made me suffer win, i feel too sad.

But if i like too much of boobs inst it because it makes me excited?
Sometimes i feel like i could have orgasmos only thinking about my breasts, it makes me feel ashamed. Isnt it a perversion? But girls are so sexy, all about them, their clothes, make-ups, their laughs, their kindness, their happyness, their passion, their friendship... I have nothing.

I had a dream with Jesus other day, he gave me a cricket to eat, when i eat i start to have a sex change, its was so real, i saw my breasts growing under my t-shirt and my penis disapearing, that made me so happy, so i found some lingeries, i was going to try them but i woke up.

Jesus said that we(his church) are his wife, but im not a woman, i really wish i was, but im not.
I know its just a way of talk, but i would like to be a real wife sometimes.

Its like, if someone treat you like a woman and you are a woman, its ok.
If some boy abuse of a girl, someone will fight him.

But what God think about it?
But who im I to want or understand God's will?

How a human can understand God if a human is not able to even understand another human?
Every live being is God's creatures, so why God make some suffer so much?

Well i didnt suffer too much, maybe im exaggerating, for sure there are people on conditions much more worse, but, im unhappy and depressive, maybe all my life i was that way and sometimes i feel like my life will end up that way.

Sometimes all i wished was a can of sorrow to deposit all my concerns...
But someone to try to console me would be very nice.

If you read all, thank you very much! I love you and God bless you.
And i will like to read what you think.
Sorry for my bad english.

Quote:How can a human understand God if a human is not able to even understand another human?

That's a really beautiful thing to say, I think. It's very poetic.

I just want to tell you a couple of things. First of all, don't downplay what you went through in your past. Yes, other people may have suffered more, but that doesn't mean you are exaggereating. You feel the way you feel, its as simple as that. You have every right to feel the way you do. If you feel depressed, or happy or gay or female, that how you feel and you don't have to apologize for that!

Also, you're not a pervert. I personally don't believe that there is such a thing as a "pervert." The truth is that we can't really control what makes us feel good and sexy. It just happens in our body. I think everything is ok between consenting adults. Whatever you like is fine, its perfect in fact.

It sounds like you want and need someone to share your sexuality and your feelings with. I know that you've been hurt by other people, but if you can find a friend and a lover who accepts you (and you can!!!) then I think you will understand that there is no "pervert" in you, just a very unique person.

You have met a lot of hurtful, immoral people, but don't let them convince you that all people are this way! And suicide or hurting yourself is just helping those mean people. Find love and forgiveness - that's how you prove all those people wrong!

Why did God make so much suffering for some people? Because God is understanding, and forgiving. God has given you the opportunity to be like God. Shy

Thank you very much for your reply jsbelle, those are sweet words.

Its strange, there are moments that i desire so much to feel sexy, but, im always voiding that, on reality i feel like i behave like a robo, always taking care of my behaves to not show any sexy movement, i avoid that ever when someone can see, but its so sad, its like and will never be able to act like i wish. The feeling that showing all this off should make pleople around me get crazy...

Its like if i start to behave more female girls would say things like "behave like you used to behave", "dont change", "you wanst that way", "thats not you", and boys i prefer to not give examples, but what they could say isnt the worst, what about what they can do? All the shi* that i had to hear when i was young and all that i passed, i dont want the lack of respect again, never.


Wow. It sounds like you have been through a lot. I think you have some very deep pain and emotional scars that need to be healed. I think it is wonderful that you shared your feelings in such an open and honest way. I will pray for you. (((Hug)))

(16-03-2013, 21:58)SexySweeper Wrote:  Wow. It sounds like you have been through a lot.

Not a lot, but it makes me feel sad sometimes.

(16-03-2013, 21:58)SexySweeper Wrote:  I think you have some very deep pain and emotional scars that need to be healed.
I have some past marks, but i have faith in God to help with my healing.

(16-03-2013, 21:58)SexySweeper Wrote:  I think it is wonderful that you shared your feelings in such an open and honest way. I will pray for you. (((Hug)))

Thank you very much for your consideration and appreciation. I will remember of you on my prayers too.

[quote='vitoria2013' pid='70796' dateline='1363455955'

Its like if i start to behave more female girls would say things like "behave like you used to behave", "dont change", "you wanst that way", "thats not you", and boys i prefer to not give examples, but what they could say isnt the worst, what about what they can do? All the shi* that i had to hear when i was young and all that i passed, i dont want the lack of respect again, never.


Its hard to really know what to say because you are totally right. If you express who you are, your sexuality, etc, then you will probably have to see how judgmental and mean people can be. But I what I really hope I can tell you, and make you believe, is that you can find people that will love, accept, and appreciate who you are. It won't be most people but there are always some. I don't know if its worth it to you to give up the respect of most people for the real respect of just a few people....but it is possible to find love for who you are.

Have you found a good religious community? Its sad that most people who say they love God, are the most cruel and judgmental! I know that many Christians are not very understanding of people who are different, but there are some! If you are looking for a spiritual group that you can talk to and be honest with, I would try to find a "Society of Friends" group - also called the "Quakers." The Quakers that I have met are simply the most kind and understanding people I've ever known. Hope that helps.

i just read all your post...and i think that you're a very strong person! you've been through a lot and you still go on...i'm sorry that you're unhappy, but dont let yourself down...and i know that i dont really know you, but i feel that you're a wonderful person. male or female, doesnt really matter to are a wonderful creature just the way you are. i'm sorry but english isnt my first language so its very difficult for me to express my feelings this way...i'm sorry

vitoria2013 , You are an amazing person. My heart goes out to you. It is crying for you, for the pain you have and are experiencing in your life. But I love that you are a godly person. And you know about Jesus... Did you know that if you ask him, he will set you free from all of this. Remember when Jesus was being beaten, tortured, spit on, nails and thorns piercing through his skin. He did all of that for us. He loves you so much, he died for you. I have also met Jesus in a dream when I was only 5 yrs old. I let a baby sitters son have his way with me and grew up ashamed at myself. But one day I realized I didn't have to feel this way anymore. I forgave him for what he did. Jesus took my pain all away and now I pray for this man. We will always have to fight the battle of satan telling us we are not worthy as human beings because he hates us so much. Ask God to help you with your identity. He will lead you if you will ask. I will pray for you too. Remember God choose you to be here on this earth for a reason. He did not want you to suffer. Sometimes I feel like God lets us go through the suffering to make us a better person so we know how to help someone else. In the end we will be with him in heaven. We only have a short window on this earth. Seek out God. He is listening. He has spoke to me twice out of no where. About things I have cried and prayed for in the past. I didn't feel his presence when I was praying, it didn't feel like he was listening. But months down the road, his voice entered my head and confirmed what I had been praying about. So you know he is always omnipresent. He hears you. Now ask and trust him to guide you. He made you male. Satan is the one trying to sway your gender. Cast satan out into the desert in the name of Jesus. It will be a constant battle, day after day. He will come back at you with more of his army. Put on Gods armor, fight the battle. I believe in you, you can do this. I am a prayer worrier. I will pray for you my dear friend.

p.s. I was just telling God this morning that I do love myself the way that I am, with small boobs and all but I wanted more. Not just for me but for my hubby. I asked him to be with me on this journey. As I just felt like I was falling away from what he wants me to do for him I came across your story. See God puts certain people in each others lives for a reason. Even if it is on a forum and i've never met you, I feel for you the way Jesus does.

tinytots, thank you so much for responding to vitoria2013. I too am a christian and didnt have the words to say to him and honestly was scared to write the words I was thiking out of fear of how people would respond. vitoria2013 I believe and know everything tinytots is saying to be true. Jesus loves you! rebuke satan in Jesus' name. Feeling the way you have in he past and still are today, are lies of the evil one. I will be praying for you.

I am also extremely spiritual. I am of Mormon upbringing with Native American blood running in my veins.

Something you ought seriously consider doing is taking a bit of a spirit journey deep into your own soul. Though I don't think it's really all that necessary for you.

You aren't doing nearly so well at hiding from yourself as I had done from a very young age until just 2 years ago.

Because I hid so well I never went through most of the things you've been through, though I still had severe depression and never felt as though I "fit" anywhere. It wasn't even that I was just unique, it felt like I was completely alone in the way I felt and thought and acted.

I preferred female company, however. I was able to relax more and just enjoy their company. Amongst males I was constantly on guard though I never really understood why.

Anyway... What I'm saying is... Girl. You're a woman too. Just like me. There are parts of being women that we'll never experience, and it's a true shame, I'd give ANYTHING to be able to be a genetic woman.

So yes. Seek God. Talk to him completely and honestly. Seek out the depths of your own soul and realize. You are a woman.

Letting "them" win is staying the way things are now. That's what all your abusers have aimed to do in their torture of you, keep you in "your place". They could feel the femaleness in your soul but refused to accept it because of the maleness of your shell.

I honestly don't know which of us had it the "better" in our pasts... I hardly have any memories of my young life at all, and what I have is hazy and foggy. You may have had to suffer immeasurably, but you do have memories... Though most of them may be more painful than any of mine.

Do this first, then come back to us and we can help you start the rest of your journey.

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