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weird pm side effect


Hi all,

I have been lurking for awhile, and finally decided to join after having a problem with pm. I started pm on day two of my cycle this month. The first day or so was fine. I felt great. I actually felt energetic, and alot of mental clarity. Then about 5 days in, I started getting really bad backaches a few hours after taking it. They would last all day. They were really bad in my lower back, I couldn't get comfortable it even made it hard to sleep. Taking pain relievers helped somewhat but it wouldn't completely go away. I wound up stopping the pm at day 9. I was too uncomfortable.

I tried searching about this but no results showed up. I was just wondering if anyone had heard of this?

There was a similar problem discussed in the Breast Growth for Biological Males section. You might want to try there as it could lead to help with your problems. Maybe not?


Hi SL,

Thanks, I found that thread you suggested . His back pain was in the same spot as mine. It was not as severe as his though. However, it was getting worse each day I took the pm. As soon as I stopped pm, no more backache.

The only change in my routine was the pm. I had not done any new exercise or strenuous physical activity. I also think it must have had something to do with the pm as the backaches seemed to be worse with each day I took the pm, and stopped when the pm stopped.

I don't know if this is relevant, but I did get backaches during my period when I was a teen. (I am in my late 30s now)

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