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Being lonely After NBE ?


Hi Everyone

This is a bit of a strange one and not completely NBE related but more a shout for help Sad

Many of you know the journey i have been on and if you dont just look at my previous posts, its all there. After doing all i have and becoming a woman i find myself lonely Sad i gave up a lot to do what i did and lost a lot of people on the way. I have moved house a couple of times to get away from abuse and so on and i have suffered from depression and anxiety on and off since.

I now find myself in a lonely situation and even though my work keeps me busy i have no social life hardly, and very few people i can call a friend Sad

So i guess i am writing this hoping that some of you out there might want to just chat sometimes and maybe get to know me and vice versa, it may sound a little sad but loneliness is a hard thing to cope with. So please feel free to inbox me if you want or maybe some of you feel the same way ?

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Cheryl, I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. Not so much about the transition, that's still on the back burner, but, I've been lonely nearly my entire life! Growing up, most of my "friends" were just fair weather friends, and that can be put in the most literal of ways, because just before I turned 15, we got a pool in the yard and all the kids I'd hang out with were very friendly during the summer, but, when the pool was closed and snow on the ground, I was their number one snowball target! As soon as the pool opened again, they were my "bet friends" again!! In school, I was the kick-around boy.
When I was in the band in the `80's, I was the Peter Tork of the band. I had a lot of the great ideas, but nobody would listen to them until it was too late.
I've only ever had 3 "girlfriends", if you want to call them that. Sally got my cherry then told me she was just using me to make another guy jealous, the next year Carol & I (my best friend) had a fling, but I didn't know that it was because she was on the verge of having a another nervous breakdown. We're still best friends today, but she has NO recollection of us being lovers or having sex. I still haven't even told her about it! 8 years later I met Anu and we were VERY much an item for 10 years, until she started cheating on me and the se stopped after only 4 years together. 10 years and 2 months ago, I met an incredibly wonderful girl and she & I have been best friends ever since, but, I almost NEVER get to see her because she's VERY private, however, we can talk about ANYTHING together online. Even though we're VERY close, it's still like being very much alone anyway because I hardly ever get to talk to her and RARELY ever get to see her! For most of the past 8 years, her new hubby, whom I STILL have never met, has forced her to stop talking to me and nearly every friend she's ever had, including as lot of her own family!! Now that she's divorcing him, we can be best friends again, but, two jobs, two kids and a new boyfriend and dealing with her ex (a MAJOR asshole!!!!) keep her so busy, I hardly get to talk to her anymore.
And it seems like every time I make a new friend, I lose them or they get taken away from me before our friendship has had a chance to become something. For instance, I was helping a guy, Joe Kelly, run sound at a local venue and he & I became pretty close in those few months. He was helping another local muso to build a recording studio and said that, once it's done, he wants me to work there with him!! One of my dream jobs!! Well, a few weeks later, he was murdered!! Another new friend died of an accidental overdose which I'm SURE was caused by HER asshole of a hubby!!
Anyway, if you want to chat, I'm here. :-)

I'm so sorry your lonely, I hate to be alone so much when I moved country I was so lonely for me the worst feeling but your a beautiful woman you won't be lonely long.
Your so inspiring.


I am sorry to hear that you feel this way. You are so inspiring. Tell ya the truth, at first I was surprised that any1 wants to be a woman (my next incarnation I got to be a male please). We are too emotional & fragile while men mostly train not to... My boytoy bf keeps saying I am too super sensitive but I dont think I am Huh We women love attention Big Grin

Anyway, after I lost my late parents several years, I have a ton of time on my hands (I had thyroid and normally just need to sleep just 5 hrs a day). I then remember my late Mom used to say, the reason she liked gardening cuz plants, flowers dont know how to talk back and back-stabbing you (so true)....

Since then I've been gardening quite a lot. I grow all kinds of exotic plants, fruit trees in my yard, sell it in craigslist or local farmer places. I have several other hobbies (besides growing my boobies **wink**). I currently try to build hydroponic ladder shelf system (saw them on ebay) and think I can make for a lot cheaper in prices after finished building couple raise planters with attached caster wheels... My next project is building some solar pannels...

I think, keeping busy you will not feel lonely or depending on other genders or the likes... Human being behaviors are indeed an interesting subject to dissect.

Take care,


Hi Cheryl,

I was so sad to hear that you are feeling lonely. Your story and transformation have been such an inspiration to me as I have been feeling lonely and isolated for a very long time myself. Finally finding this site filled with people in the same situation and facing the same problems that I have been struggling with has given me hope that maybe someday there will be the love and acceptance that have so far been denied to me.

I would love have chats with you and to be considered your friend. I'm sure that we would be able to help each other to overcome our problems in order to live the happy lives we both deserve. :-)

So sorry to hear your predicament . Lonelyness can be devastating . Having friends helps . Because of my business which ties me down 7 day week and very little spare time i have close friends who you can count on one hand . I have made many friends in chatrooms and even after leaving the room we still keep in touch via facebook / emails / phone . Try joining activity / social clubs .

I would be quite happy to converse with you .

Loving yourself is the secret to inner peace and happiness

Being lonely is like a strange discipline that drives you but it also make you think and open up new wounds .But the light that shines in are heart makes us one. Friendship is the driving light the shines upon us all. Everybody has pain how you redirect it is what's important. Everybody has the discipline that is driving them that is why we come together here Smile welcome to the family I'm new also .

(20-11-2013, 03:54)looking555 Wrote:  Being lonely is like a strange discipline that drives you but it also make you think and open up new wounds .But the light that shines in are heart makes us one. Friendship is the driving light the shines upon us all. Everybody has pain how you redirect it is what's important. Everybody has the discipline that is driving them that is why we come together here Smile welcome to the family I'm new also .

So rightly said . All members here have a goal of incresing feminine attributes .ales and females . Along the journey if we become friend than better for it . At lest here we pretend not and neither hide . No pretentions . Just who and what we are .


Same situation here. It's so terrible to be lonely Sad

Lili you should not feel alone especially on forum here as we have somethings in common . If you wish to speak / chat i am sure many including me would be quite pleased to Smile)

Life is too short to be wasted

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